Benefits of having a dog for children

Benefits of having a dog for children
Benefits of having a dog for children
Benefits of having a dog for children
Benefits of having a dog for children

Pets, especially dogs, are a fundamental and integral part of human life. Many people intuit it, but they don't know exactly what the innumerable benefits of having a dog are until they experience it.

Today, parents adopt dogs to accompany their children or to have a guard dog at home. However, they are doing more than that, they are giving their children a tutor in the school of life. If you have children and are interested in knowing what are the benefits of having a dog for children, continue reading this article on our site and you will see that you will be surprised.

Promotes a sense of responsibility

Although, honestly speaking, we know that the dog is cared for and maintained almost 100% by the parents, while the child enjoys all the bonanzas, having a dog for a child implies many things unconsciously.

First of all, it fosters a certain sense of responsibility, which, if handled well, could greatly benefit the child. Children love to imitate their parents and older siblings, so seeing them in their caregiving roles feeding, bathing, and walking the dog will make them want to do the same. They will see themselves as other parents of the pet and the need to care for and protect another being will flourish In the same way, by fulfilling all these tasks you will also be developing in inside the positive feelings of usefulness, cleanliness and motivation.

Benefits of having a dog for children - Promotes a sense of responsibility
Benefits of having a dog for children - Promotes a sense of responsibility

Increases self-esteem

Psychological well-being is a very important benefit of having a dog for children. The increased levels of self-esteem are impressive and this has been revealed in reputable scientific studies over many years. Without a doubt, the relationship that is built between a child and her pet can become so close that makes the child feel like a very loved personand valued. A dog's affection is one of the most unconditional.

At the same time it strengthens both personality and self-esteem that teaches the little one to know how to be alone, to take care of and respect himself and to feel satisfaction in small details and gifts, such as bringing the ball or a simple and tender approach.

Benefits of having a dog for children - Increases self-esteem
Benefits of having a dog for children - Increases self-esteem

Helps maintain good he alth

Although not directly attributed, the benefits of having a dog for children are also reflected in he alth, in fact, they are very significant. Dog/child interaction reduces stress and depression The simple act of hugging or petting the dog regulates blood pressure and heart rate. At the same time, it reduces psychosomatic conditions caused by strong emotions, such as: anxiety, aggressiveness, headaches or abdominal pain, skin problems and alterations in the eating rhythm. Likewise, it helps regulate the child's appetite.

It is important to mention that having a dog keeps children away from a sedentary lifestyle and childhood obesity (the main driver of other diseases). Playing and running with a dog from top to bottom makes the little ones constantly active, maintaining their physical and emotional well-being.

Benefits of having a dog for children - Helps to have good he alth
Benefits of having a dog for children - Helps to have good he alth

Improve social skills

A dog is a faithful companion, a friend for life. This is how children see it and those perceptions are developed while being in the company of a pet and are then translated to other people. Having a dog promotes companionship and friendship, helping the child to adapt to living with other people, especially family and other children.

Social skills and communication grow, the dog is the perfect link between the child's inner world and the outer world, and makes the whole process of interaction and expression easier. For this reason, dog therapies for autistic children achieve excellent results. On the other hand, it also helps stimulate psychomotor development through constant laughter, chases and games.

Benefits of having a dog for children - Improves social skills
Benefits of having a dog for children - Improves social skills

The circle of love

Observing interactions between dogs and children is a beautiful thing. A dog makes empathy and love develop in the heart of the child. The feelings that are generated are as innocent as they are powerful and important.

Having a dog speaks to and teaches children about love without prejudice and conditions. Over time, it becomes more important and natural to play and pet the dog than to engage in other idle activities or negative tendencies. The intimacy that is created gives the child a sense of security when the elders are not present, the dog is like a protective shield.

As you can see, the benefits of having a dog for children go beyond fun. In the animal they manage to find a life partner, a friend and even a brother. Of course, when considering the decision to adopt a dog, it is essential to know all the care it will need, since we will have to spend time and money to keep it he althy and happy.
