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Postures of a happy dog
Postures of a happy dog

Any guardian wants the maximum happiness of his dog. But how do you know if your dog is happy? In addition to move without stopping the tail, furry ones have other ways of transmitting their emotions, such as through postures. Of course, it is important to clarify that happiness is not only reflected with the ecstasy of the moment, but also with calm and well-being.

In this article on our site, we'll show you some postures of a happy dog so you can get to know your partner a little better of life.

Game Invitation

Rarely can one be so sure that a dog is happy as when she watches him play. The behavior of the game presents different postures, one of the most representative being the posture of invitation to the game The dog raises the back of its body, while lowering the front, stares at the other dog or its handler and makes quick little movements until the other starts playing too, running or chasing a ball, for example.

In case your dog is a puppy, here is an article on How to play with a puppy.

Postures of a happy dog - Invitation to the game
Postures of a happy dog - Invitation to the game

He leans on you

Has your dog ever leaned on you? This is a clear indication that your dog loves you and likes to be by your side, or in other words: your dog is happy with you.

However, besides being one of the classic postures of a happy dog, leaning on you can have many more meanings. If you want to know more, we encourage you to read this other article on Why does my dog lean on me?

Postures of a happy dog - He leans on you
Postures of a happy dog - He leans on you

Rolls in the grass

Another posture of almost absolute happiness is when the dog lies on his belly on the grass or sand and begins to rub his back almost frantically. This helps him to cool off in hot weather and to draw the attention of his tutor However, this behavior may be due to other causes, so we encourage you to read this other article on Why does my dog roll around in the grass?

Postures of a happy dog - Wallows in the grass
Postures of a happy dog - Wallows in the grass

Your dog lies on its side

Although at first glance this may not seem like a posture that shows that a dog is happy, but that it is calm and relaxed, nothing further of reality. This is a classic pose that demonstrates the well-being the dog is going through. Also, did you know that your dog's sleeping postures can reveal a lot about his mood? Here we leave you another article from our site on What do dog sleeping positions mean?

Postures of a happy dog - Your dog lies on its side
Postures of a happy dog - Your dog lies on its side

Excitement to go for a walk

If you live with dogs, surely you have experienced how, at the moment of preparing your dog to go for a walk, this cannot contain his anxiety about the imminent walkThere is no doubt that at that moment the dog is happy and it shows through his anxious behavior.

It is very important to walk your dogs every day, at least 3 times a day, as this will provide the mental stimulation and daily exercise you need. If not, these could be the Consequences of not walking the dog.

Postures of a happy dog - Excitement to go for a walk
Postures of a happy dog - Excitement to go for a walk

Lying on your back

When a dog sleeps in this position, it means that he is very comfortable with his environment, so you can rest unconcernedly exposing the most vulnerable parts of him. Similarly, puppies demonstrate their good emotional state when they adopt the posture of sleeping on their backs near their mother and siblings. Undoubtedly, this posture can only be exhibited when the state of well-being and tranquility of the dog is optimal.

Postures of a happy dog - Lying on his back
Postures of a happy dog - Lying on his back

Your dog smiles

Although the definition of posture refers more to a certain body position, the facial gestures could also be included as part of the behavioral repertoire displayed by dogs to show their different moods, in this case well-being or happiness

Many dog lovers will have met a dog that “smiles” It is a very common gesture in dogs of certain breeds, such as Dobermans, because this behavior has a strong genetic basis. Normally, the dog that presents this characteristic does so in the context of happiness or well-being, such as when her guardian returns home or some individual with whom she has a good emotional bond, that is,

We will be able to recognize this expression when we see that our furry's eyes are wide open and round, his ears erect, not tilted forward or backward and his mouth slightly open without showing his teeth. This facial expression is often accompanied by a nervous wag of the tail and a relaxed body posture.

Postures of a happy dog - Your dog smiles
Postures of a happy dog - Your dog smiles

he Lies with you

Another position of a happy dog is when it lies down next to its guardian, usually in a prone position with its head on its front legs, observing what is happening around it, although it can also lie down and lick its guardian's hands or face as a show of affection and happiness Many times, when this happens, the dog also tends to follow its handler everywhere, as we explained in this other article on Why does my dog follow me everywhere?

Postures of a happy dog - Lies down with you
Postures of a happy dog - Lies down with you

Stops in the middle of the game

When a dog is running with some other dog and chasing each other, at one point, your dog stops and stares at nothing, panting, with a mixture of excitement, tiredness and joy There is no doubt that at that precise moment your furry is going through one of the best and most anticipated moments of your day. The importance of the interaction of a dog with a congener is not only necessary and beneficial for its socialization, but it also generates one of the moments of greatest well-being and happiness. For more information, you can consult this other article on The socialization of the dog.

Happy dog poses - Stops in the middle of play
Happy dog poses - Stops in the middle of play

Looking stance during game

Whoever has been lucky enough to be able to observe the stalking posture of many dogs during play, especially when they play with other furry ones, you will have noticed that if there are bushes or places to take cover, one of the dogs escapes from the other and, at a given moment, "hides" and adopts a stalking posture and, as his pursuer passes, he launches after him andchange the roles of pursuer and pursued This is, without a doubt, another position of a happy dog.

Postures of a happy dog - Stalking posture during play
Postures of a happy dog - Stalking posture during play

Upright posture

There are other postures that demonstrate a state of internal well-being in our dog. They are not displayed when resting or playing, but at any other time. These postures also serve the purpose of being able to know the positive emotional state that the animal is experiencing. A dog that stays sitting next to his handlerwhile he is chatting quietly with another person, for example, is also an indicator of a good time the dog is having going.

Now that you know what the postures of a happy dog are, you may be interested in reading this other article on How to make your dog happy?