Positive habits and routines for the dog

Positive habits and routines for the dog
Positive habits and routines for the dog
Positive dog habits and routines
Positive dog habits and routines

Much has been written about the positive habits and routines of people, but what about the routines of our animals? Ever since we domesticated wild dogs and cats, have we ever wondered? Are the routines they develop adequate for living in society?

Through this article on our site we want to tell you about the positive habits and routines for the dog that should live in a humane society. We will inform you of everything you need to know to help you and to make your day to day more complete:

Specific hours

Follow specific times when going for walks, putting out food or when going out to play, it will be essential for our dog to show stable behavior and calm Instinctively, dogs know what time they have to eat and when they should ask their owners to go for a walk. Fulfilling their basic needs in an orderly way will help you organize your life and that of your best friend.

Positive habits and routines for the dog - Specific schedules
Positive habits and routines for the dog - Specific schedules

Canine skills, training and mental stimulation

Teaching our dog the basic training commands will be essential for his safetyand for a better communicationwith him. However, once learned, many owners stop working with their dogs. This is a serious error.

It is very important to point out that providing our dog with mental stimulation is essential for him to be happy and his brain to be constantly stimulated. We can use intelligence toys (of the board type) or the kong, but the truth is that it is also important to work on the different canine skills, better known as tricks. A dog that works daily with his sitter will be much happierand will be able to relate much more positively with him

Positive habits and routines for the dog - Canine skills, training and mental stimulation
Positive habits and routines for the dog - Canine skills, training and mental stimulation

Daily Socializing

Follow a proper socialization routine with other dogs and people is essential. From his ancestors, the dog retains its social nature that is based on the hierarchy among the members of a pack. All groups, human or animal family, count as a herd. We know that what they learn in the puppy's socialization stage makes them better adapt to different changes in environment and thus learn to tolerate their secondary role in front of their human leader. All dogs should be able to interact daily with other individuals, regardless of their species. Dogs that have not been properly socialized can suffer from behavioral problems in their adult stage such as fear, reactivity or introversion.

Be careful if your dog…

The animals adopted in their adult stage usually have a defined personality in front of other animals and/or people, it will fall on their new caregiver the readaptation to the social environment in which he lives. A dog's habit of getting along with people and animals will open doors to almost any home and a long and happy life. Whenever it is not possible to carry out a normal life, remember that you can go to a specialist.

Even if your dog is not adopted, a bad experience or poor socialization can make him an aggressive or reactive dog with other dogs and / or people or environment. This type of behavior generates tension in the family and makes daily socialization difficult, since we cannot take them anywhere, it limits their freedoms and can lead to frustration on the part of the owners. We must work intensely on this point.

Positive habits and routines for the dog - Daily socialization
Positive habits and routines for the dog - Daily socialization

Game time

All dogs should be able to enjoy at least 15 to 30 minutes a day of free fun such as playing to ball with him in a pipi-can. This habit is essential to help them release stress and positively enrich their daily lives.

However, dogs must learn to differentiate what is play and what is not. Virtually all dogs destroy something of value to their owners at some point in their lives, especially as puppies. We must not let this be habitual behavior. They must learn to recognize their toys and those that never were, nor will be.

To eradicate this habit it is essential to understand why it does it: if it is because we leave it alone 12 hours a day, it can do it to get our attention. Some dogs prefer to be scolded than ignored. It can also happen if you don't have enough toys.

Ideally, dogs should enjoy an active form of play outside (ball, fresbee, running) and inside the house they can play with the different teethers and stuffed animals. Reinforcing them positively when they use them will be essential so that they understand that they must use these instruments and not our shoes.

Positive Habits and Routines for the Dog - Playtime
Positive Habits and Routines for the Dog - Playtime

Accepting moments of solitude

When it comes to puppies, accepting moments of solitude as positive habits and routines for the dog is often more difficult. Before arriving with us, the puppy was separated from his mother and siblings and, although we know that it is complicated for us and for him, the little one must learn to be aloneand overcome the famous separation anxiety. To do this, we will start by leaving him only small periods of time and in this way, we will strengthen his confidence and emotional tranquility

Of course, no dog should be condemned to loneliness, let's remember that they are social animals that live in packs, so company is necessary. If they are aware that they will only be alone for a period of time, (never exceed 8 hours alone) the response to this habit will never be negative. In the long run, they will come to distract themselves, either playing, sleeping or looking out a window, with the sufficient reassurance that we will return and not that they were abandoned.

However, if we leave our dog alone for too long, some behavioral problems may appear, such as destruction, howling or escapism. They can also appear if we do not correctly meet the basic needs of our partner.

Positive habits and routines for the dog - Accept moments of solitude
Positive habits and routines for the dog - Accept moments of solitude

Walks adapted to his rhythm

Within the positive habits and routines for the dog we also find the moment of the walk. As you may know, dogs need to go outside to relieve themselves, but also to continue interacting with other dogs and people. It is a fundamental part of their day to day and essential for them to have a happy life.

Also, during the walk the dogs relax by sniffing objects, urine and plants of all kinds. Allowing this behavior is very important, yes, as long as our dog has up-to-date vaccinations. Otherwise, he may be susceptible to illness

Don't forget to adapt the pace of the walk: elderly dogs, puppies, short-legged dogs and those who are sick will need a calm and relaxed walk, as will molossoid breeds (pug, boxer, dogue de Bordeaux or boston terrier among others). On the other hand, those of the terrier or greyhound type will enjoy a more active walk combined with physical exercise.
