My dog is jealous of the baby, what do I do?

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My dog is jealous of the baby, what do I do?
My dog is jealous of the baby, what do I do?
My dog is jealous of the baby, what do I do?
My dog is jealous of the baby, what do I do?

When we bring a dog home it is as if we had a child, we want to give it all the love and attention possible so that it grows up he althy and happy. All those years our energy goes practically to the dog.

But what happens when a new member joins the family? say a baby? What happens is that everything can change in a matter of days and if we do not handle it in the right way, it can lead to the relationship with our pet as well as his relationship with this new baby becoming somewhat complicated.

If you are one of the mothers who is going through this situation and you wonder: My dog is jealous of the baby, what do I do? I We invite you to read this new article where we will talk to you about the subject and we will guide you on the path towards harmony between your dog and your baby and with the whole family.

Uh oh… Someone new has arrived

Imagine that you are a dog and that all your dad's love is for you. Suddenly a cute and cuddly baby, but loud and demanding, comes home to grab all the attention of the family. Your world is falling apart.

Dogs in the face of this new dynamic may feel jealous because they feel displaced within the new family life, and because they are creatures so sensitive, they perceive as if there was no longer a place for them in the heart of the home. In addition to jealousy, it could generate resentment, fear, depression in the dog and physical manifestations such as certain adverse reactions with the baby.

The truth is that it's not the baby's fault, much less the dog's. And many times neither from the parents, this is an automatic and unconscious dynamic that is developed in the family nucleus but that is important to stop in time and avoid the disconnection between the dog and the baby. The most important thing here is to give everyone their space and their time, involve the dog in the new family dynamics and try to make the whole process as natural as possible.

My dog is jealous of the baby, what do I do? - Oh oh… Someone new has arrived!
My dog is jealous of the baby, what do I do? - Oh oh… Someone new has arrived!

Before the baby arrives

Most dogs accept the arrival of a new baby at home, and more, if the dog has been very loved before. However, there is one or the other who tends to have a worse character or adaptation difficulties and who might not take the situation so lightly. In order not to cross the limits of jealousy and inappropriate behavior, as the popular phrase says, "it is better to be safe than sorry" and prepare your dog for the arrival of the baby.

First you have to know canine psychology and understand that dogs are territorial animals, therefore, not only is the house their territory, but you are too. So it's normal for your dog to be a little jealous of your baby because he's been a little off his own turf. Their routines will change (something they don't like very much) they will no longer be able to sleep in certain places nor will they enjoy your full attention, and since dogs are also very intelligent animals, they will detect that it is due to the presence of that other new "child".

You must prepare the ground before the change of routine:

  • Dogs are stressed by changes If you're thinking of moving furniture or remodeling a space, do it well in advance of the arrival of the baby, in this way, the dog will gradually get used to it and will not directly relate it to the baby.
  • Don't completely isolate your pet from the baby's room, let him sniff it and see what's new. By the time the child arrives, the dog will not be so anxious and curious to snoop around in a space already known to him.
  • Spend time with other kids When you're with your dog, be fair and divide your attention equally. Let the dog see that it is totally normal to share you with other people. He will also give you the opportunity to see how he reacts to chaos like this and correct any negative behavior in time.
My dog is jealous of the baby, what do I do? - Before the arrival of the baby
My dog is jealous of the baby, what do I do? - Before the arrival of the baby

However, he is still jealous

In most cases, dogs continue to have jealous attitudes because they feel more and more alienated from your heart. Solid change will be based on a few things like:

  • The first thing is to analyze what behaviors the dog is having with the baby and see if they could become aggressive. If they get older, visit a canine behavior specialist or ethologist.
  • Review your behavior: try to spend more quality time with him, pamper him, respect (as much as you can) his space, its dynamics and its time. Don't ignore it while you meet the baby. It is normal for everything to change, however, try not to make the changes so abrupt. Above all things, remember that your dog is still part of the family.
  • Toys! This is key Baby's toys should be kept separate from your pet's toys. If your dog tries to grab a toy that doesn't belong to her, take it away from her (properly but not aggressively) and direct her attention to a toy that does belong to her. If your dog naturally plays with his toys, reward him. The same thing happens if the baby is the one looking for the dog toy. Think you now have two children.
My dog is jealous of the baby, what do I do? -However, he is still jealous
My dog is jealous of the baby, what do I do? -However, he is still jealous

Some things to consider

  • Rub a little coconut or almond oil on your dog's toys and stuffed animals, he will associate the smell with his belongings
  • Let the dog smell and see the baby. Again, don't isolate your dog from the child.
  • Keep your dog he althy and clean, this will give you more confidence when your baby is around him.
  • Never scold or aggressively push your dog away when he approaches the baby curiously.
  • It is preferable that you don't leave them alone, no matter how good they are at some point, both the dog and the baby, they can be unpredictable.
  • Set aside some time each day to be alone with your dog.
  • Do fun activities with the dog and the baby at the same time. Promotes interaction and affection between them.
