Why does my cat eat dirt? - Causes, symptoms and treatment

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Why does my cat eat dirt? - Causes, symptoms and treatment
Why does my cat eat dirt? - Causes, symptoms and treatment
Why does my cat eat dirt?
Why does my cat eat dirt?

Cats stand out for having a very selective palate, since their diet is part of the routine they stick to as a way of preserving their well-being. For this reason, guardians are often alarmed when they perceive alterations in the feeding habits of their felines. In this sense, something that is not so frequent but that is very strange for guardians, is to observe that their cats eat dirt, or eventually the sand from their own litter box.

If you're wondering why does my cat eat dirt, in this article on our site we'll talk about the main causes that can cause your cat ingests sand or dirt. Likewise, we will explain what to do to avoid this behavior problem, which can also lead to a very serious he alth problem

My cat eats dirt, is it normal?

If your cat eats dirt, you should not make the mistake of considering this behavior as normal, acceptable or harmless. In fact, this anomalous behavior tells us that your well-being is compromised and, furthermore, that he alth problems may occur if we don't act quickly.

By ingesting soil your cat can come into contact with toxic substances, parasites, excrement, bacteria … Thus, the soil can become a perfect means of contagion for many common diseases in cats. In addition, the consumption of elements and foreign bodies can irritate and inflame the gastrointestinal mucosa, which can cause a gastritis picture And in the event that the feline also ingests stones or sharp objects next to the ground, it may suffer a intestinal perforation, which can cause internal bleeding and even lead to the death of the animal.

However, why does a cat eat the litter box? Or the land of our garden? There is no single reason that explains this behavior in cats. A cat that eats dirt can do so for different reasons and, to identify it, you will need to pay special attention to its routine, nutrition, he alth status and behavior on a day-to-day basis.

Considering all the possible risks of ingesting soil for the he alth of your feline, we recommend you go to the vet if you have seen it carry out this conduct or you suspect that it may be doing it in your absence. Likewise, we will review below the possible causes why cats eat dirt:

5 reasons cats eat dirt

Although there are many other causes that can cause the appearance of this behavior, below we will mention the five main causes that can answer your question about "why does my cat eat dirt":

  1. Pica syndrome: this he alth problem is characterized by the fact that the individual begins to eat non-edible food with no nutritional value. It is more common in dogs than in cats. The cat can start consuming plastics, wood, stones or, as in this case, sand.
  2. Stress, boredom or anxiety: cats need to have their body and mind well stimulated to maintain a balanced behavior. If your feline doesn't have an enriched environment, doesn't get enough exercise, and doesn't find ways to express his intelligence and curiosity, he'll probably end up developing symptoms of stress or boredom. So, the habit of eating dirt can be a behavior change caused by accumulated tension.
  3. Demand for attention: although they are usually characterized as having a more independent character, cats also experience a bond of Affection with their guardians and their company is essential to provide them with a he althy and happy life. If you have been very busy and have not dedicated a special time to play with your cat, it may adopt certain unusual behaviors to get your attention, such as swallowing dirt or other strange elements.
  4. Intestinal parasites: Certain animals in the wild have been shown to consume grass and other foods to purge themselves when they are infested with parasites. intestinal parasites. Thus, it will be essential to visit the veterinarian to rule out this cause.
  5. Discovery in puppies: to finish, it is important to point out that in the puppy stage cats will experiment with all kinds of objects, surfaces and materials. It is totally normal and acceptable, a behavior that we should not repress as long as it is manifested in a timely manner.
Why does my cat eat dirt? - 5 reasons why cats eat dirt
Why does my cat eat dirt? - 5 reasons why cats eat dirt

Symptoms that my cat is eating dirt

Many guardians only realize that their cat eats dirt or stones when cleaning his litter box, since his body is not able to fully digest these types of elements and they musteliminate them through the feces Therefore, the presence of residues or foreign elements in the cat's feces is one of the first and most common symptoms of possible alterations in its eating habits.

But in the event that the feline consumes a large amount of soil, or ingests stones or foreign bodies, it may present the following symptom:

  • Recurring retching and vomiting.
  • Constipation or difficulty passing stools (the accumulation of dirt, sand or stones can create an obstruction in the intestinal tract, preventing the cat from defecating normally).
  • Presence of blood in the stool (it can derive from obstructions or the consumption of stones and sharp objects).
  • Symptoms common to gastritis in cats, such as vomiting, loss of appetite and weight, diarrhoea, dehydration, lethargy, excessive drooling, etc.
  • Weakness and loss of interest in your daily activities.

My cat eats dirt, what should I do?

Although cats can occasionally carry out this behavior, eating dirt is not something positive for the feline body. On the one hand, it is important to consider that the consumption of contaminated soil can cause the appearance of severe diseases in cats. Also, let's not forget that this behavior can be a symptom of unbalanced nutrition, he alth and behavioral problems.

If you notice that your cat eats dirt, it is essential that you go to your veterinarianto check his he alth status. After ruling out possible pathological causes, it will be important to pay special attention to your cat's diet, environment and routine to combat and prevent the development of this behavior.

In this sense, we advise you to follow the following guidelines to prevent your cat from eating dirt, sand or other foreign bodies that affect its he alth:

  • Food: you must provide a complete and balanced diet to your cat, according to the nutritional requirements of the species and the variations of each stage vital. You can opt for commercial food, such as feed, or homemade recipes. If you have doubts, consult with the specialist.
  • Wellness: it will be essential to enrich the environment so that your feline finds positive ways to burn off his energy, exercise, stimulate his mind and have fun, even when you're not home.
  • Play and socialization: it will be essential to set aside certain minutes each day to share exclusively with your cat, taking the opportunity to propose intelligence games and activities funny that allow him to express his instincts and senses. We will also offer caresses, massages, brushing… Whatever you like the most!
  • Hygiene: maintain optimum hygiene at home, and especially in the feline's litter box, avoiding the accumulation of dirt, dead hair, stools and possibly pathogenic microorganisms, will be essential. Remember that cats are very clean animals!
  • Preventive medicine: Finally, it will also be essential to carry out veterinary visits every 6 or 12 months that allow us to detect he alth problems in an prompt. Likewise, we will always respect your vaccination schedule and regular deworming.
