Soft diet for cats with diarrhea

Table of contents:

Soft diet for cats with diarrhea
Soft diet for cats with diarrhea
Soft diet for cats with diarrhea
Soft diet for cats with diarrhea

Cats are wild animals that can adapt to domestic life without any problem. However, despite their innate strength, they are susceptible to certain he alth problems and it is not difficult for these animals to manifest digestive disorders

As owners we must be informed about the pathologies that can most frequently affect our feline, since in this way we will know how to act appropriately to preserve its he alth and well-being. Therefore, in this article on our site we talk about the soft diet for cats with diarrhea

Symptoms of diarrhea in cats

The main symptoms that warn us that our cat is suffering from diarrhea are mainly more frequent stools with a more liquid consistency. However, other symptoms may also appear, especially in chronic situations:

  • Flatulence
  • Presence of blood in the stool
  • Dehydration
  • Lethargy
  • Signs of pain when having a bowel movement
  • Vomiting
  • Fever
  • Decreased appetite
  • Weight decreased
  • Urgency to defecate
Soft diet for cats with diarrhea - Symptoms of diarrhea in cats
Soft diet for cats with diarrhea - Symptoms of diarrhea in cats

Causes of diarrhea in cats

Diarrhea in cats can be caused by various disorders:

  • Dairy or certain food intolerance
  • Food poisoning
  • Ingestion of hairballs
  • Diet changes
  • Bacterial or viral infection
  • Allergic reaction
  • Intestinal parasites
  • Inflammatory bowel disease
  • Renal disease
  • Liver disease
  • Tumors in the digestive tract
  • Hyperthyroidism
  • Colitis
  • Medicines

Due to the multiple causes of diarrhea in cats, if it lasts for more than a day it will be essential that you go to the vet, because although it is true that dietary treatment through soft food is essential, sometimes it must also be accompanied by pharmacological treatment.

Soft diet for cats with diarrhea

In the soft diet for cats with diarrhea we will basically use two foods:

  • Pollo: must be well boiled and free of skin, bones and fat. It will provide the necessary proteins.
  • Rice: In addition to providing easily usable energy, boiled rice will absorb water in the digestive tract and increase stool consistency, for this reason it is of great importance that our cat eats it, even if it is not one of the foods that it likes the most.

The hydration will also be essential to maintain an adequate level of electrolytes in our cat's body. For this we will use water and drinks isotonic.

Before starting the soft diet we can let our cat fast for 24 hours, giving him only liquids. The soft diet should be maintained for a minimum of three days.

Soft diet for cats with diarrhea - Soft diet for cats with diarrhea
Soft diet for cats with diarrhea - Soft diet for cats with diarrhea

The transition to the standard diet

After the three days of bland diet to combat diarrhoea, we can start to gradually mix the boiled chicken with rice together with the feed, having previously made a review about what type of balanced food we are giving our cat, since poor quality food can cause diarrhea.

It is recommended that you ask your veterinarian for advice about probiotics for cats, since they will restore our pet's intestinal flora and prevent a new episode of diarrhea.
