How to drive away snakes and snakes?
How to drive away snakes and snakes?

In the animal kingdom we can find some groups of animals that generate fascination and attraction for certain people, while in others they can cause fear and rejection due to their dangerousness, as is the case of snakes and snakes.

In various regions of the world, deaths from snakebites have become a public he alth problem, so the Prevention is extremely important when inhabiting areas where they are present. For all these reasons, on our site we want to offer you information through this article on how to drive away snakes and serpents, in order to avoid possible accidents that can affect both people as well as domestic animals, even preventing these same snakes from being constantly killed for fear of them.

How do I know if there are snakes in my house?

Due to the population growth of human beings, many cities have spread to spaces close to forests or ecosystems in which snakes live, so they will not always be found exclusively in rural areas or development for agriculture, but in some cities they can also be found, with the possibility that they even enter houses.

It is not easy to know if there is a snake in our house, since it is not so easy to identify its trail. However, there are some indicators that can guide us in this regard:

  • Remains of its skin: one way to tell is when we find remains of its skin, which maintains the animal's shape for a long time. time you have made your moult.
  • Footprints or traces of the animal: since they are one of the animals that crawl, another possibility to know if there are snakes in the house is trying to identify the presence of footprints or traces that they can leave in the surroundings, such as gardens or patios, since when they pass through sandy soil or on the ground they leave characteristic and visible marks of their body.
  • Sounds or hisses: we must also be attentive to certain noises that are particular to some snakes, such as the hiss or the sound produced by the vibration of their tails, an example that we can see in the genus Crotalus, commonly known as rattlesnakes.
  • Wounds in our pets: the appearance of unusual wounds and without apparent justification in our pets may be an indication of the possible presence of snakes in our houses. Of course, if we suspect that our pet has been bitten by a snake, it is important to take it to the vet urgently, since we do not know if a poisonous snake could have hurt it. For more information, you can consult this other article on What to do if a snake bites my dog?
  • Periodic check: Finally, one of the surest ways to find out if there are snakes in homes is to periodically carry out a thorough search through through cleaning and organizing the space we inhabit, especially if we live in areas prone to the presence of these animals.

If at any time you discover any of these animals in your home, you may find it useful to read this other article on our site about the Difference between a snake and a snake.

How to drive away snakes and snakes? - How do I know if there are snakes in my house?
How to drive away snakes and snakes? - How do I know if there are snakes in my house?

How to keep snakes away?

Preventive measures are essential when we cohabit in certain regions with snakes, so putting certain strategies into practice can be useful to avoid accidents with them or, at least, a moment of alarm. Let's learn some recommendations on how to keep snakes away from our homes:

  • Control their prey: a first step to take into account is to keep certain animals under control such as rodents, amphibians, invertebrates and even other reptiles, since snakes are active hunters of live prey, and are attracted to this type of animal. For more information, you can consult this other article on Feeding snakes.
  • Avoid accumulating objects: an important aspect to consider is the order around the house, so you should avoid having accumulation of objects that can be used as shelter for snakes and do not allow us to easily see them.
  • Prune the garden or patio: another way to keep them away is to prevent them from finding shelter in soil covered with excessive vegetation, since this it gives them the possibility to hide, preventing their visibility. Therefore, permanent pruning of gardens and patios is recommended.
  • Frighten it away with pressurized water: if we come across a snake directly, we can scare it away by spraying it with water with a certain pressure using a hose, or also try to remove it with extreme caution with the use of a stick long enough to force it to leave the place.
  • Catch it with a mesh: Another way to keep a snake away is to trap it carefully in a mesh and then release it in an area away from our home. To do this, you can help yourself with a very long stick or rod. However, if you do not know the species of the snake, that is, if you do not know if it may be poisonous or not, it is best to call a professional directly.
  • Milk with s alt, a dangerous combination: the use of milk with s alt for snakes is usually recommended as a repellent in case of encountering with one of them. However, this will only have a certain effect if it is applied directly to the eyes, irritating them, but it will not be a really effective measure and can be dangerous, since proximity to these animals must be avoided, especially if we do not know if they are poisonous, because we run the risk of being bitten.
  • Keep the doors and windows closed: It would also be important to take into account some actions to keep these animals away from our homes. An example of this is keeping doors and windows closed or using barriers such as meshes that prevent access to them.
  • Spread ammonia or sulfur: in some cases it is recommended to use certain chemical agents, such as sulfur or ammonia, to repel this type of animals, but since they are harmful, it is preferable to spread these substances around the house and not directly on the animal. In addition, it is important to handle them with care, as they can also have harmful effects on people.

Anti-snake plants, do they exist?

It is common to read that certain plants can be natural repellents for snakes, however, they are not always completely effective, since will depend on the species of snakeand how irritating the smell of the plant can be to scare away these animals.

On the other hand, some studies have reported that, contrary to what was believed, the use of garlic to ward off snakes does not It is usually very effective, specifically in the case of viperids or vipers, which are quite poisonous. However, other zootechnical reports indicate that for some species of snakes, camphor plants do act as natural repellents, so the coordinated planting of it can be useful.

In any case, if you tend to have snakes or snakes in your home, it is best to go to a professional to help you identify the species and tell you the best measures to take.

How to drive away snakes and snakes? - How to keep snakes or snakes away?
How to drive away snakes and snakes? - How to keep snakes or snakes away?

What to do if I find a snake at home? Tips

In the event of encountering one of these animals in our home, we recommend the following:

  • Contact professionals: it is best to contact firefighters or an institution dedicated to the capture and proper protection of these animals.
  • Don't grab it with your hands: first of all, avoid grabbing these animals directly with your hands, since when they feel threatened they can attack causing lethal bites if poisonous.
  • Learn about the species in your area: If we live in a region where snakes and snakes live, it is important to document what species live in the area, in order to know its characteristics and level of danger.
  • Don't kill her: despite the fear that these animals may generate, you must avoid killing them indiscriminately. Instead, if you want, you can catch it and drop it in another area.

Snakes and snakes are within the group of animals that are usually victims of hunting by humans due to the fear they have of them, since some species can actually be lethal to people. However, it is important to keep in mind that they have the same value as any other form of life and, in addition, play a fundamental role in ecosystems as biological controllers, as well as in the food webs of the species.
