Genet: characteristics and photos

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Genet: characteristics and photos
Genet: characteristics and photos

The genet or genetta genetta in Europe is a feral animal that inhabits the entire Iberian Peninsula and the southern half of France. There is a theory that the genets that populate our lands come from Africa, and were introduced by the Saracens in the 8th century, as domestic animals. Another (more modern) theory states that the Romans kept genets in their homes to keep them free of mice.

The Roman genets came from Egypt although Constantinople also had domesticated genets. They are extremely predatory animals, great hunters of rats, mice and snakes.


Wild genets originally have two origins: Africa and Asia. From there they have colonized other places, basically due to the intervention of man.

It was common for the presence of genets on Phoenician ships and ships from later culturesObviously, due to the success in antiquity and some documents that prove it, the genet can be tamed; however, it can hardly be considered a regular pet if one is adopted.

Physical appearance

The genet, Genetta Genetta, is similar in size to a cat, but slimmer and longer. Its weight ranges between 1, 2 - 2, 5 kg. It has a conical head with developed eyes and large erect ears. Its predatory activity is carried out eminently at night. The tail is as long as, or longer than, the body and is used as a rocker to balance itself during jumps when hunting.

His fur is grayish-yellow and mottled with chocolate or black spots. These spots are narrow and elongated, providing excellent camouflage for the predator.


The genet is of nocturnal habits. It is arboreal, that is, it lives in trees, where it rests. Its predatory activity takes place mainly on the ground.

Its diet is based on rodents, insects, lizards and possibly birds. It also consumes fruits of the forest: blackberries, blueberries, wild apples, figs, berries, etc. Obviously, if you want to adopt as a pet, its diet must be adjusted, following the guidelines dictated by the veterinarian as well as the advice indicated.


The genet has a rough character. Perhaps for this reason it has been displaced by the cat. The genet is easy to bite and incompatible with closed places such as a floor. Therefore, if you do not have a garden, it is not advisable to adopt a genet.

Perhaps the harsh character of the genet, the mongoose and other viverrids is due to the fact that they are currently the most ancient mammals on the planet.


The domestic genet should not be considered a traditional pet. It should be considered as a symbiotic animal, that is, it is capable of associating and living with humans to keep its farm free of rodents, in exchange for a certain degree guaranteed extra food and comfortable shelter.

However, don't even think about squeezing them if you don't want the genet to clearly show you who's boss in that society, by means of a painful bite. The average lifespan of a wild genet is 10 years. A domesticated one can reach 20 years.

Gineta's photos
