Ivermectin for Dogs - Injectable Dosage and Uses

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Ivermectin for Dogs - Injectable Dosage and Uses
Ivermectin for Dogs - Injectable Dosage and Uses
Ivermectin for Dogs - Dosage and Uses
Ivermectin for Dogs - Dosage and Uses

Ivermectin is a well-known drug that has been used for years to treat various pathological processes. In this article on our site we will explain what is ivermectin for dogs, its dosage and uses In addition, we will also provide information on the precautions that must be taken into account when of administering it and its limitations, since we currently have other more effective and safer drugs.

As always, only the veterinary professional is authorized to prescribe ivermectin in the appropriate cases and doses. Consult a specialist before administering this drug to your dog.

What is ivermectin?

When we talk about ivermectin for dogs, we really refer to an active antiparasitic substance that acts against internal and external parasites This substance is used in both dogs and cats, horses and even cattle. In addition, it is also part of human medicine.

The great efficacy and price of ivermectin, which is low cost and very easy to purchase, have made it a well-known antiparasitic among the population and veterinarians. Its operation is based on penetrating and preventing the functioning of the parasitic organism In this way, it paralyzes it and causes its death

Ivermectin is a drug that has been used successfully for several decades. The extension of its use means that resistance is reported, this means that there are populations in which its efficacy decreases, as has happened with dirofilaria D.immitis or heartworm.

What is ivermectin good for in dogs?

The uses of ivermectin for dogs are multiple and diverse against several well-knownparasites. This drug, which was first used in large animals and was soon extended to companion animals, is active against different parasites. Therefore, if we ask ourselves what parasites ivermectin kills in dogs, we can say that:

  • External parasites: such as ticks, although it is not very effective on dogs, recommending one of the many antiparasitic products available on the market for them.
  • Internal parasites: such as nematodes, among which are intestinal worms such as Toxocara, eye worms such as Thelazia or cardiopulmonary worms such as heartworms, although in this case their use is preventive, and there are better drugs for the treatment.
  • It is also active against the mites responsible for both sarcoptic and demodectic mange, although ivermectin has not been registered for this use in farm animals. company.

The doses of ivermectin for dogs are administered orally or by subcutaneous injection, which act on the nervous and muscular systems of these parasites, immobilizing them and causing death.

Ivermectin for dogs - Dosage and uses - What is ivermectin for in dogs?
Ivermectin for dogs - Dosage and uses - What is ivermectin for in dogs?

Ivermectin dosage for dogs

The dose of ivermectin for dogs can be administered in different ways. We can find ivermectin in doses injectables or in doses oral and subcutaneous Like the vast majority of drugs, doses of ivermectin in dogs should be given depending on weight and problem

  • In case it is to prevent heartworm: 6 micrograms per kilo.
  • In the case of sarcoptic mange: 300 micrograms per kilo of the dog's weight.
  • In the case of demodectic mange: 400 to 600 micrograms per kilo of weight.

From our site we want to remind you that before giving any dose to your dog, you must previously consult the opinion of your trusted veterinarian.

Ivermectin overdose for dogs

We must know that its safety margin is narrow Thus, a high dose can be toxicfor our dog, that is why it is so important that we only administer it following the prescription of our veterinarian, since he must adjust the dose depending on the characteristics of the dog and the parasite on which he wants to act.

Ivermectin poisoning produces the following clinical signs:

  • Pupil dilation
  • Incoordination
  • Blindness
  • Hypersalivation
  • Seizures
  • Vomiting
  • Eat

Obviously any of these signs will require urgent veterinary attention to avoid irreversible damage and even death. In general, the dog will be admitted to begin fluid therapy and intravenous medication. Therefore, we must take extreme precautions, especially if our dog belongs to a breed that is especially sensitive to ivermectin, as we will explain in the next section.

Ivermectin Side Effects for Dogs

Ivermectin for dogs, like any administered drug, can have negative side effects including the following:

  • Vomiting and Nausea
  • Diarrhea
  • Drowsiness
  • Constipation
  • Anorexy
  • Tremors
  • Fever
  • Itches
Ivermectin For Dogs - Dosage And Uses - Side Effects Of Ivermectin For Dogs
Ivermectin For Dogs - Dosage And Uses - Side Effects Of Ivermectin For Dogs

Ivermectin contraindications for dogs

Sometimes ivermectin for dogs is prohibited because it manages to affect the dog's brain due to a genetic modification in the MDR-1 gene that occurs in some races and that, consequently, makes them especially sensitive to this drug.

These dogs can die if treated with ivermectin. The breeds that present this intolerance, since the mutation of the gene has not been confirmed in all, are the following:

  • Long-haired Collie
  • Border collie
  • Shepherd or Bobtail
  • Australian Shepherd
  • Afghan Greyhound

It must be taken into account that the crossbreeds of these breeds can also present this sensitivity so, when in doubt, we should not administer ivermectin to these animals. On the other hand, some of the contraindications of ivermectin for dogs in general are:

  • Dogs under 3 months.
  • Dogs of small breeds: be careful, as the wrong dose could poison him.
  • Bitches that are pregnant or pregnant.
  • Dogs elders.
  • Dogs sick, immunocompromised or malnourished.
