Alligator turtle: characteristics and photos

Alligator turtle: characteristics and photos
Alligator turtle: characteristics and photos
Alligator turtle
Alligator turtle

Without a doubt there are many ways to enjoy animals, and why not observing one of nature's fiercest animals. Yes, the Alligator Tortoise is also known as Alligator Tortoise because of its scaly skin, similar to that of a crocodile, and its powerful bite. With more and more followers like us, this turtle is one of the most curious and fierce specimens on planet earth.


The alligator turtle comes from the USA, lives in the Mississippi and is known for being one of the largest water turtles in the zone. We can also find it in the Suwanee rivers or tributaries of Texas and Florida. These are the areas that have the best conditions for the development of our exotic friend.

It reaches sexual maturity between 11 or 13 years in both sexes, and practically does not present sexual diformism. At the time of reproduction, it builds a nest in the sand or mixes it with peat and litter both at the edge of the water and on dry land. Lays eggs only once a year and usually between 10 and 50 eggs appear that will take between 100 and even 140 days of incubation to hatch. As a curiosity, we will add that depending on the incubation temperature, which may be high, it will result in the birth of females and, if it is lower, males.

They can have a very long life, thus reaching 70 years in captivity, something that does not happen in all species, although it does their development is different, they are usually smaller.

Daily coexistence between males and females is impossible, since a lot of aggressiveness is generated between them. On the other hand, although coexistence between females is not common, it can happen if both are well fed.

It has been present on earth for more than 10 million years, for this reason the alligator turtle is a real dinosaur. It is currently in a state of threat due to poaching by humans and the destruction of its habitat.

Physical appearance

Tortoises are generally slow, peaceful, and hide in their shells in fear of becoming prey. The Alligator tortoise, belonging to the Chelydridae family, although it is not an aggressive tortoise, stands out for the ferocity of its much more powerful bite than in other species.

There are three different species, according to a recent study by National Geographic, and they can live for nearly a century.

It is one of the largest freshwater turtles in the world, reaching an impressive size of up to 80 kilos in 75 centimeters of length approx. Measures that leave no one indifferent. The heaviest specimen reached 110 kilos in weight, which is an outrage. Its two limits stand out, the large, wide head, robust and imposing and at the end of its body we find a tail that can be as long as its entire body together and even more.

The strong point of this turtle's physiognomy is its vermiform tongue, bright red, similar to the shape of worms and used as bait for the ability to attract fish. Its brown, gray and generally dark colors make it easier for it to blend in with the environment and more easily catch its prey.

Why is the alligator turtle so imposing?

It is not only its physical appearance or its great qualities as a predator, the alligator turtle has a fearsome physiognomy. Its shell is covered with three ridges with different beaks, its face is full of spikes and with its mouth it could rip off a human hand without any problem.


Alligator turtles are distant relatives of common snapping turtles, although the former are less aggressive than the latter. Despite the fierce appearance of the alligator turtle, the truth is that it possesses a well-studied technique and does not rush to attack with agitation, rather it waits with its mouth open to have the opportunity to correctly catch its prey so that it cannot run away.

She has certain customs that characterize her day to day, they are quite methodical turtles. For example, does not usually move on land, it lives almost all the time in the water moving along the bottom, where it is easier to find food. It usually remains still, hidden among rocks, plants and shadows in order to catch unsuspecting prey that approach without knowing that they will serve as a link in the food chain of this exotic animal.


At the beginning of its life, the alligator turtle is carnivorous and over the years it becomes omnivorous, thus accepting new foods.

In the wild it feeds on fish, amphibians, snakes, crustaceans and even carrion. On the other hand, in captivity it accepts any type of meat such as rodents, beef, chicken and pork. She is predatory.


Fans of exotic pets have large aquariums with this wonderful species, even so, both because of its threat status in the wild and because of the risks it poses, it is not recommended their holding in captivity.

It is a turtle that should only be possessed by experts and it should never be taken from its natural environment, as it is protected in many areas and parks such as in Venezuela.

Needs plenty of space, both in water and on land, due to the large size they can reach as adults. They are calm and live happily in environments where they find dense vegetation, rocks and live prey. You must have at least one meter deep aquarium to house this powerful species.

The temperature of the terrarium should be around 22ºC and 29ºC approximately, so while in summer you can enjoy living in a large pond, in winter we must place it inside the house with the corresponding heater to maintain the temperature.

As we said before this turtle, even as a defense mechanism, can be really aggressive so you should be very careful and consult him to an expert if what you want is to acquire one.

Alligator Turtle Photos
