Common Gecko - Origin, characteristics, habitat and diet with PHOTOS

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Common Gecko - Origin, characteristics, habitat and diet with PHOTOS
Common Gecko - Origin, characteristics, habitat and diet with PHOTOS

The Gecko (Tarentola mauritanica) is a reptile belonging to the family of geconids (Gekkonidae) popularly known as "geckos". They are present in the Iberian Peninsula, Italy and many other countries. Due to its curious morphology, some people wonder, is the gecko poisonous? The truth is that no, it is a completely harmless animal. In the following tab on our site we will show you everything you need to know about the Grey gecko, its origin, characteristics and habitat, among other things. Keep reading, you will be surprised to know more about this little reptile!

Origin of the Gecko

The Gecko is native to the Western Mediterranean, although it is currently scattered around the world, mainly due to commercial activities, which they have moved it to places as far away and exotic as Africa or America. Also through human mediation it reached the Balearic Islands and the Azores. But in addition, the common gecko has been able to adapt wonderfully to new climatological and geographical conditions, due to its morphological characteristics.

Specifically, the variety present in the Iberian Peninsula and the Balearic Islands is called Tarentola mauritanica mauritanica. Although there are three different genetic lineages in these places, they all fall within the same subspecies. In Spain, the largest populations are recorded in the center, east and south of the peninsula, despite the fact that geckos can be found practically in any geographical point of the peninsula. In the Canary Islands we find 4 species of endemic gecko, and coexistence with the common gecko can be dangerous, although exhaustive studies have not yet been carried out in this regard.

Characteristics of the Gecko

Some of the characteristics of the Gecko are the following:

  • The gecko is a small reptile: it usually measures between 80 mm and 90 mm in length, reaching up to 190 mm if you take into account the tail, which is particularly long.
  • Your tail is Extremely long: Usually represents around 44% and 51% of the total length in newborns, as well as 50% and up to 56.5% of the total length in adults.
  • The gecko has the tail, the body and the head " flattened": that is, they are "flattened" dorsoventrally. This makes it easy for them to sneak around and access intricate nooks and crannies that are difficult for other animals to enter.
  • It can regenerate its tail, after falling for some reason: it appears without bumps or bumps, looking smooth and soft to the touch.
  • The gecko has 12 adhesive subdigital gills: its legs end in five laterally widened fingers where these gills are located. These allow them to climb even the flattest and most slippery surfaces, such as glass or metal.
  • Only geckos females have nails on all five toes: males only have them on the third and fourth.
  • Features polygon-shaped scales: they are found on the head, which is broad and triangular.
  • He has a marked neck: which is on his neck.
  • It has large and prominent eyes with vertical pupils and marked nostrils.
  • The common geckos can be grayish to brownish in color: being able to present a high variability that ranges from almost white gray to one so dark it looks black. The ventral area usually has a much lighter tone than the rest of the body. A particularity in terms of color is that this changes from day to night, being darker during the day to better tolerate the incidence of sunlight.

Habitat of the Gecko

Despite being distributed in a wide variety of geographical areas, the gecko prefers temperate or tropical climates, as it does not tolerate the excessive cold, which is why it is normally found in places below 600 meters, although populations have been found that settle in places higher than 2.350 meters above sea level, as is the case of Sierra Nevada, in Granada.

The geckos don't need much to live, just to have shelter available in logs, rocks or buildings, such as houses and walls. They are usually seen in scrub areas, but not so much in forests or areas of cultivation and plantations. It is common to see them even in large cities, since they easily find places to shelter.

Reproduction of the Gecko

How do geckos reproduce? The reproductive cycle of the Gecko begins in January, when the males begin to feel stimulated to look for a mate to procreate with. But it is in spring when copulation takes place, specifically in the southern part of the Iberian Peninsula, it happens between March and July A curiosity about the reproduction of the salamanquesa is that, during this process the male bites the female in the belly

Up to 6 or 7 clutches can be produced, from 1 or 2 gecko eggs, which usually measure around 10x12 millimeters, by the same female in the same breeding season. Eight cases have been recorded in which several clutches of different females are concentrated in the same space, gathering more than 50 eggs.

Normally spawning takes place in a sheltered place, such as holes in the trunks or in cracks in the walls buried in the ground. The female incubates the gecko eggs between 45 and 70 days, depending on the temperature incubation time, being less in case of favorable weather. When the young are born they measure between 40-58 mm in total length.

Feeding of the Gecko

Galat geckos are mainly insectivorous animals, although in times of famine and resource scarcity they may even practice cannibalism, eating specimens of smaller gecko. The most consumed insects are flies and mosquitoes, moths, spiders, butterflies or crickets, depending on the types of invertebrates that are most abundant in the area in question.

Being nocturnal animals, their activity peak is reached at nightfall, when they eat these insects. Although it is not common to have a gecko as a pet, if we decide to have one at home, we should provide it with a terrarium that meets the basic needs of space and hygiene, as well as basing its diet on insects such as flies, crickets and others.

Discover other nocturnal animals in this article on our site that we recommend.

How long does a gecko live?

If you're wondering how long geckos live, the answer is truly surprising. Going into details, the life expectancy of the Gecko is approximately between 6 and 12 years, a truly extraordinary figure given its pace and standard of living.

Photos of Geckos
