Liver failure in dogs - Symptoms and treatment

Liver failure in dogs - Symptoms and treatment
Liver failure in dogs - Symptoms and treatment
Liver Failure in Dogs - Symptoms and Treatment
Liver Failure in Dogs - Symptoms and Treatment

The liver is a very important organ, as it is involved in vital functions such as the elimination of waste products, detoxification of blood or enzyme production. In this article on our site, we are going to talk about the consequences that cause pathologies that affect its functioning, which causes liver failure in dogs, in this case.

Below we will see what are the symptoms of liver failure in dogs, its causesand which will be the most suitable treatment to apply. Keep reading!

What is liver failure?

When we talk about hepatic insufficiency we refer to the inability of the liver to correctly carry out its functions. This insufficiency has different causes and can be acute, when it is a punctual failure, or chronic, in cases where the insufficiency is maintained over time.

The liver begins to swell and its cells begin to die, which alters their conformation, causing hardening or cirrhosis, which will be irreversible. Therefore, liver damage in dogs alters the functions of the liver and has repercussions throughout the body, which will manifest itself through more or less intense clinical signs, depending on the severity.

Causes of liver failure in dogs

Liver failure can be due to different causes. We review the main ones in dogs:

  • Poisoning due to insecticides, lead, drugs such as paracetamol, etc.
  • Hepatitis.
  • Leptospirosis.
  • Filariasis.
  • Cushing's syndrome.
  • Diabetes.
  • Tumors Primary or result of metastases. Liver problems in older dogs may be more related to this factor.
  • Gallstones.
  • Pancreatitis.
  • Shunt, which are defective veins, outside or inside the liver, that prevent blood from reaching it correctly, which affects the elimination of toxins, causing hepatic encephalopathy. Shunts can be congenital, if they are from birth, or acquired, for example, they can occur in a liver affected by cirrhosis.

Symptoms of liver failure in dogs

One problem to bear in mind when detecting this disease is that its first clinical signs are non-specific. This means that they can appear in many other diseases, which tends to delay diagnosis.

The liver is capable of compensating its functions until the damage it suffers is so extensive that it is impossible. About 80% of liver cells have to die for this to happen. It is at this moment when the organ begins to fail, appearing the clinical signs, among which we highlight the following, which are a reason for consultation with the veterinarian:

  • Loss or decreased appetite.
  • Slimming.
  • Vomiting Chronic and intermittent.
  • Diarrhea, in a smaller percentage of cases, also chronic and intermittent.
  • Increased water intake (polydipsia).
  • Increased urine output.

When liver failure progresses, specific clinical signs indicative of this he alth problem will appear. They are as follows:

  • Jaundice: This is the name given to the yellowish coloration of the mucous membranes. It is due to the accumulation of bile in the body that occurs when the liver fails. For this same reason, urine will appear a dark brown, tea-like color.
  • Hepatic encephalopathy: is inflammation of the brain that occurs as a result of the accumulation of toxins in the blood, such as ammonia, since the liver cannot eliminate them correctly. This encephalopathy causes intermittent incoordination, disorientation, weakness, behavioral changes, hypersalivation, or stupor. The most severe dogs can go into seizures and even coma.
  • Ascites: is the accumulation of fluids in the abdomen. It occurs because there is a decrease in serum proteins and an increase in the tension in the veins that carry blood to the liver.
  • Hemorrhages: When liver failure progresses, the dog may hemorrhage spontaneously. Mostly, they occur in the stomach, intestine, and urinary system. This makes it possible for us to discover blood in the stool, vomit or urine. In addition, it is possible to detect bruises in different parts of the body and red spots on the gums.
  • Edemas: Due to the decrease in serum proteins and incorrect nutrition, fluids can also accumulate in the extremities.

Diagnosis of liver failure in dogs

Given that liver problems in dogs can be due to different causes, it is important that the veterinarian diagnose which one is affecting our dog in order to start the appropriate treatment. To get a diagnosis you can do different tests, such as blood tests, ultrasounds,CAT or biopsies

Treatment for liver failure in dogs

Is there a cure for liver failure in dogs? The truth is that it depends entirely on the cause that originates it and the state of the disease when it is detected. Therefore, once the veterinarian has reached a diagnosis, he will prescribe the treatment our dog needs based on the cause that has originated liver failure. For example, when an infection is diagnosed, pharmacological treatment is used. Medications for liver failure in dogs may be prescribed to improve coagulation (the liver is involved in the synthesis of coagulation factors), prevent seizures, or prevent ulcer formation. On the other hand, if there is an obstruction or tumor, the most indicated option is usually surgical intervention, the same as in the case of shunt. Dogs with hepatic encephalopathy will need treatment to control it.

In addition, dogs with liver failure must be fed a specific diet, specially formulated to protect liver function, with the objective of minimizing the effort that the organ has to make and the clinical signs that may derive from its malfunction.

To do this, we can opt for a homemade diet designed by a veterinarian specialized in nutrition or choose a feed specifically formulated to promote liver function, such asI think NFNatcane Special Care Hepatic This feed is created with 100% natural ingredients and chosen to benefit the liver. In this way, it has a lower protein percentage than usual, since, when liver or kidney failure occurs, the protein that is ingested must be controlled. Likewise, it is a feed low in sodium, calcium and phosphorus, minerals that must also be reduced in case of liver failure, and, on the contrary, it is high in potassium. Finally, it highlights its contribution of probiotics and prebiotics to favor the digestive system, as well as chondroprotectors.

The success of the treatment, as well as the prognosis, will depend on the damage to the liver.
