LEGHORN Hen - Characteristics, feeding, care and curiosities (with PHOTOS)

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LEGHORN Hen - Characteristics, feeding, care and curiosities (with PHOTOS)
LEGHORN Hen - Characteristics, feeding, care and curiosities (with PHOTOS)
Leghorn hen
Leghorn hen

The domestication of animals is a process that dates back thousands of years, so it has accompanied the history of mankind. When the various ancient human groups began to move from one place to another, in many cases they brought with them different species of animals, so the introduction of species in different regions is also a historical fact. Birds have been part of the dynamics of people and chickens are not excluded from this process. But, did you know that there are different breeds, each with its peculiarities? One of them is the leghorn, which we will talk about in this article.

Next, on our site we tell you about the characteristics of the leghorn hen and we also tell you about itsnatural habitat , its food and much more. Keep reading to discover all its curiosities.

Origin of the leghorn hen

The Italian name for the leghorn chicken breed is "livorno" or "livornese", although it is also called chicken or Italian henIt is associated with the Tuscan port from which the birds from which the breed originated in North America were shipped. This event occurred in 1828, and around the year 1870 specimens of the leghorn hen were brought back to Europe, specifically to England. From there, they later re-entered Italy. However, these already corresponded with the new race that originated.

Over time, new crosses were made until the currently observed characters were obtained. However, it is reported that in England individuals with the original characteristics can still be observed when they returned from the United States. As of 1874 it was already recognized by associations dedicated to establishing standards for this type of pet.

Characteristics of the leghorn hen

Now that we know its origin, let's talk about the characteristics of the leghorn hen. These characteristics that make it such a peculiar hen are the following:

  • It is a slender bird with an elegant appearance and a harmonious shape from the point of view of its proportions.
  • There is sexual dimorphism between the males and females of the species: the weight of the rooster is around 2.4 and 2.7 kg, while that of the hen ranges from 2-2.3 kg approximately.
  • It has a relatively long trunk and with broad shoulders, but it tapers towards the tail.
  • It is fast growing.
  • It has a medium and somewhat elongated head, the crest is simple, although very well developed, being straight on the rooster. The coloration of the crest is red in this breed. Also, the crest has regularly formed teeth with a wide base. All these teeth have the same height and width, except the first one.
  • It has a slightly curved yellow beak, although in certain varieties it may have a black tip.
  • His eyes are big, with red or orange irises.
  • The lobe is well formed and, in the case of the female, it is slightly bent.
  • The beards are red with an oval shape.
  • The face is also red, smooth and clear.
  • The neck is medium, upright and has a layer of feathers that reaches the shoulders.
  • While in the rooster the back is slightly inclined, in the hen it remains practically horizontal.
  • The chest is prominent. In females, the abdominal area is more developed and is more protruding towards the back.
  • It has a harmonious tail with upright plumage.
  • It has wide, long, vigorous wings that are close to the body.
  • The legs are medium, yellow, without feathers and have four toes.
  • Depending on the region and the associations of certain countries, some or other varieties are recognized.

Leghorn hen colors

The typical coloration is totally white, both for the female and for the male, but they have produced other varieties, such as: black, fawn, gold, blue and tricolor, among others. For this reason, although the white leghorn is the most common, it is possible to find the golden, black and even silver leghorn.

What are leghorn eggs like?

Leghorn eggs are white or darker and weigh about 65 g, although this characteristic depends on the variety of the race.

Habitat of the leghorn hen

Domesticated hens live in the spaces that are conditioned for them, and these must respond to good conditions in all senses. The leghorn hen, as we have seen, lives in different countries, with different conditions, thanks to the wide introduction that has been made of the breed, so adapts to different types of climate and vegetation, except those that are too wet. Of course, a chicken, or any other animal, should never be confined to a cage or to a very small space. In the case of caring for one or several specimens of these hens, the best environment is the one that allows them to be in semi-freedom, so that they can enjoy enough land in the open air to carry out their daily tasks in total freedom. If you do not have enough territory, it is not advisable to take care of animals with these characteristics.

Leghorn Character

It is described as a breed with an active and lively temperament In addition to being a beautiful and good-looking hen, it is characterized by be very good at foraging, so it is very curious and likes to move through open spaces. It does not usually like to be around people, so it is not recommended as a pet. She tends to be somewhat noisy due to her cheerful temperament and, given the opportunity, can fly up to certain trees

Despite their ability to lay eggs, females do not tend to lay eggs constantly like other breeds.

Leghorn hen care and feeding

It is an animal that, like all animals, requires adequate nutrition to stay in good he alth, as well as the correct hygiene, temperature and humidity conditions, since this last aspect can affect them, so it is necessary that they be in a dry space In this sense, the constant cleaning of the place where they sleep and spend time must be done on a regular basis. Another important factor to consider is enough space to move around. As we said, they need natural land to live happily.

For more details about feeding, don't miss this other article: "What do chickens eat?".

Leghorn He alth

It is considered a bird in general he althy, vigorous and strong Surely, its very active and foraging nature contributes to this, since it does not There is no doubt that the consumption of certain natural foods provide good nutrients that help in the he alth of the animal. However, if you are not offered adequate conditions such as those mentioned above, your he alth will deteriorate.

Curiosities of the leghorn hen

Due to the various crossings that have been made, eventually we speak of three main types:

  • English: that have a larger size and size.
  • Americano: in which mainly distinguishes the male with an intense and beautiful plumage.
  • European: which, although similar in size to the English, has a peculiar elongated shape and the rooster has a striking tail.

Crosses were also made to generate a dwarf variety, which has the typical white color of the breed. This dwarf leghorn has the same traits that characterize this hen, only the size and weight are smaller.

Photos of Leghorn Hen
