ADOLONTA FOR DOGS - Dosage and Side Effects

ADOLONTA FOR DOGS - Dosage and Side Effects
ADOLONTA FOR DOGS - Dosage and Side Effects
Adolonta for Dogs - Dosage and Side Effects
Adolonta for Dogs - Dosage and Side Effects

Adolonta is a human medicine drug that is composed of tramadol. Therefore, being specific for humans, it is recommended that, instead of Adolonta for dogs, they be administered a tramadol formulated especially for this species.

In any case, as we explain in this article on our site about Adolonta for dogs, dosage and side effects, dosage and Dosage of this drug, like any other, can only be prescribed by the veterinarian. Medicating on our own can result in serious poisoning.

What is the Adolonta?

Adolonta is composed of tramadol hydrochloride, so it is included in the pharmacotherapeutic group of other opioids. It is a centrally acting synthetic opiate analgesic and also has an antitussive effect. It has the advantage that it does not have a respiratory depressant effect and affects gastrointestinal motility and the cardiovascular system less.

Adolonta is rapidly absorbed into the body and eliminated via the kidneys. Adolonta for dogs would be Tralieve, which is tramadol for veterinary use.

Adolonta for dogs - Dosage and side effects - What is Adolonta?
Adolonta for dogs - Dosage and side effects - What is Adolonta?

What is Adolonta for dogs used for?

Adolonta is a human medicine drug used for the relief of moderate or severe pain in adults and children from three years of age. Therefore, is not a veterinary product Whenever there is a drug specifically formulated for dogs, it should be resorted to first and not drugs intended for humans. In this case, Tralieve, as we have said, is the tramadol-based drug registered exclusively for use in veterinary medicine and that comes in the form of chewable tabletsThe veterinarian will prescribe it for us preferably due to its efficacy and greater safety.

Tramadol is an active ingredient that is often used in painful chronic conditions such as arthritis or hip dysplasia, in which anti-inflammatories can cause side effects if taken for a long time. But it is also possible to prescribe tramadol for acute pain episodesOf course, like any other drug, we can only give it to the dog if the veterinarian so considers it.

Adolonta for dogs - Dosage and side effects - What is Adolonta for dogs for?
Adolonta for dogs - Dosage and side effects - What is Adolonta for dogs for?

Adolonta Dosage for Dogs

Adolonta can be found in tablets, in oral solution or in injection, which facilitates its administration to all types of dogs. But, we insist, the ideal is to use the specific tramadol for this species and, in any case, it is always necessary to follow the recommendations, in terms of dosage and posology, give us the vet. Never medicate a dog with Adolonta without his advice

The dose will always depend on the circumstances and the particularities of each dog, since the intensity of the pain, age, general condition, etc. must be taken into account. In addition, the veterinarian will have to assess the dog's response to adjust the treatment Always follow their instructions to avoid running the risks that derive from an overdose.

Contraindications of Adolonta for dogs

Before considering Adolonta for dogs, your vet will consider whether your furry friend has any of these characteristics:

  • Pregnant or lactating bitches: the tramadol that makes up Adolonta is known to be an active ingredient capable of crossing the blood-brain and placental barriers. Its presence has also been detected in breast milk, although in very small quantities. Therefore, in pregnant or lactating bitches, this drug is not recommended to avoid alterations in the development of the fetuses.
  • Other medicines: it is also necessary to monitor the interaction that may occur if its consumption is simultaneous with that of other medicines. In other words, if the dog is already undergoing a drug treatment or has taken one in a timely manner, it is essential that the veterinarian be aware of it.
  • Dogs with epilepsy: It is also not recommended to administer to dogs with epilepsy, as it is associated with an increase in seizures.
  • Other diseases: nor to specimens with respiratory complications and great care must be taken in cases of kidney or liver diseases, farm animals very old or considerably debilitated.

Of course, do not give the drug if the dog has shown any allergic reaction to the active ingredient.

Adolonta for dogs - Dosage and side effects - Contraindications of Adolonta for dogs
Adolonta for dogs - Dosage and side effects - Contraindications of Adolonta for dogs

Side Effects of Adolonta for Dogs

The active ingredient in Adolonta, tramadol, can trigger adverse effects, although, in general, tramadol is well tolerated by dogs. If they appear, the symptoms associated with its consumption are usually:

  • Anxiety.
  • Hypersalivation.
  • Seizures.
  • Sedation.
  • Agitation.
  • Tremors.
  • Loss of appetite.
  • Vomiting.
  • Constipation.
  • Diarrhea.

If any of these signs appear after treatment, the veterinarian must be informed so that he can assess the possibility of interrupting or modifying it. In cases where an overdose occurs, the clinical picture becomes more severe and includes respiratory problems, seizures, heart failure, and eventually death. These cases, obviously, are a veterinary emergency that requires going to the clinic immediately.
