DALSY for DOGS - Dosage and Side Effects

DALSY for DOGS - Dosage and Side Effects
DALSY for DOGS - Dosage and Side Effects
Dalsy for Dogs - Dosage and Side Effects
Dalsy for Dogs - Dosage and Side Effects

Dalsy is one of the medicines that is frequently found in homes, especially those where young children reside. It is a drug that is usually given to children when they have some discomfort or fever, without even going through the pediatrician. This use, as well as the fact that it is a product aimed at children, helps to convey a feeling of innocuousness that makes many caregivers administer it to their dog. But the Dalsy is actually ibuprofen.

In this article on our site we will talk about Dalsy for dogs and we will explain if it is good for these animals and what side effects it can produce in they.

What is Dalsy?

The Dalsy is one of the commercial presentations in which we can find the ibuprofen and is specially formulated for administration to children under 12 years. Ibuprofen falls within the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, better known as NSAIDs. Being a drug for children, it is presented as a syrup, viscous, orange in color and with an orange aroma and flavor so that it is better tolerated by children. For these same reasons, Dalsy for dogs may also be appealing, but that doesn't mean it's convenient.

Is Dalsy good for dogs?

As dog sitters we have to be guided by a basic premise which is that we can never, under any circumstances, give our animal any medicine. Medications have indications for use, so to use them, you must first have a diagnosis and that is something that only the veterinarian can do. On the other hand, we must be aware of two more aspects, which are that no drug is harmless, that is, they all have potential side effects, and, finally, that dogs are not people. That is why drugs that work with us can be very harmful and even deadly for dogs.

In the case of the Dalsy, is not recommended for dogs, so we never have to give it. There are other drugs specifically formulated for them that are very effective and safer, such as meloxicam, carprofen or firocoxib. Dogs do not have the enzymes responsible for metabolizing and eliminating ibuprofen. This allows it to build up in the body, which is what is harmful and potentially deadly.

What is Dalsy used for in dogs?

Dalsy is given to children when they feel unwell, have occasional mild or moderate pain, or have a high fever. In general, it is used as antipyretic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory In dogs it is difficult to assess the intensity of pain and many caregivers use inadequate criteria to establish the temperature of your dogs, such as the appearance of the muzzle. But this parameter can only be assessed using a thermometer and, in addition, it must be taken into account that the normal temperature of the dog can be up to 39.2 ºC without implying a fever. Assessing all these aspects, it is easy for us to make a mistake if we give Dalsy for dogs. Check our article to know How to take a dog's temperature.

Even so, if it seems to us that our dog may be experiencing discomfort or fever that could be treated with an active ingredient such as ibuprofen, we should contact the veterinarian before giving him anything. This professional is the only one who has the power to prescribe the appropriate medications and doses, so as to guarantee the efficacy and safety of our dog.

Dalsy for dogs - Dosage and side effects - What is Dalsy good for in dogs?
Dalsy for dogs - Dosage and side effects - What is Dalsy good for in dogs?

Dog Dalsy Dosage

The problem with ibuprofen, or Dalsy in particular, is that the safety margin in dogs is very low, which means that the doses they can tolerate are much lower than those that can be tolerated. we used to use people. Therefore, we must insist that only the veterinarian can decide to administer ibuprofen, as well as the dose and dosage schedules. We should therefore never give our dog Dalsy. A dose error can be fatal.

Today, the vet will prescribe another drug that is safer for the dog and equally effective. In the rare cases where you think ibuprofen can be prescribed, follow-up will need to be very strict.

Dalsy Side Effects for Dogs

Dogs are very sensitive to ibuprofen, much more so than people. Therefore, its use in this species is not recommended. Ibuprofen can cause severe gastrointestinal ulcers in dogs, even in small doses, and especially if the drug is used for a long time. We will see signs like:

  • hypersalivation
  • vomiting
  • diarrhea
  • tar-like stool
  • weakness
  • pale mucous membranes due to anemia
  • pain in the abdomen
  • lethargy
  • loss of appetite

Note that vomit may contain blood. A higher dose of ibuprofen causes kidney and liver failure and neurological disorders such as seizures and tremors in the dog. Of course, it requires immediate veterinary assistance.

Because of all the above, do not give your dog Dalsy or leave it within his reach, as he could ingest it carelessly and present the problems described.
