Itraconazole for Dogs - Dosage, Uses and Side Effects

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Itraconazole for Dogs - Dosage, Uses and Side Effects
Itraconazole for Dogs - Dosage, Uses and Side Effects
Itraconazole for Dogs - Dosage, Uses and Side Effects
Itraconazole for Dogs - Dosage, Uses and Side Effects

Itraconazole is an antifungal drug and is therefore used to treat various diseases caused by fungi and yeasts. But itraconazole for dogs can only be prescribed by the veterinarian, who is the professional in charge of assessing, diagnosing and prescribing the most appropriate treatment.

In this article on our site we will explain the uses of itraconazole in dogs, as well as how to use it and the contraindications to be aware of bill. Keep reading!

What is itraconazole for dogs?

Itraconazole is a systemic antifungal, which means that it works against fungi when taken orally. It is a triazole derivative that came into use only recently, in the 1990s. Specifically, it works by disrupting fungal membrane synthesis. It is useful against Malassezia, Candida, Histoplasma capsulatum, Cryptococcus, Blastomyces, Sporothrix or Coccidiodes.

It is considered an effective drug because, until now, the resistance that fungi have shown against azoles is developing slowly. In addition, itraconazole is well absorbed by the body and, after oral administration, its maximum concentration is reached within a few hours. It reaches the skin and nails in a significant quantity and persists in the tissues for weeks. It is absorbed in the small intestine, metabolized in the liver, and eliminated in the urine and bile. We can find itraconazole for dogs in tablets or in suspension Finally, note that yeasts are types of fungi, so they could be treated with drugs such as itraconazole.

Itraconazole for Dogs - Dosage, Uses and Side Effects - What is Itraconazole for Dogs?
Itraconazole for Dogs - Dosage, Uses and Side Effects - What is Itraconazole for Dogs?

Uses of itraconazole in dogs

Itraconazole is used to treat fungal diseases They are also known asdermatophytosis when they affect the skin. Dermatophytes are fungi that are located on the skin, hair or nails and feed on keratin. Ringworm is an example of a well-known dermatophytosis. Malassezia yeast infections are also treatable with itraconazole. On the other hand, fungi are capable of causing diseases in the lungs, throat, mouth, etc.

Systemic administration of itraconazole, in this case orally, increases the speed of recovery compared to topical treatments that may be prescribed in some cases. In addition, both options can be combined at the discretion of the veterinarian. That is, you can prescribe itraconazole orally together with a shampoo with an antifungal effect for topical use.

Be aware that some fungi can be transmitted to other animals, including humans. That is why whenever we suspect the appearance of a fungal disease, we must go to the veterinarian. Although the mildest cases could resolve themselves in a few months, a good diagnosis and early treatment prevent complications and transmission. The necessary hygienic measures must also be implemented as soon as possible. In this way, not only is the affected dog cured, but the spread of the fungus and potential infestations in other members of the family are also avoided. In some cases it is essential to treat the environment, as well as the dog.

Itraconazole for Dogs - Dosage, Uses and Side Effects - Uses of Itraconazole in Dogs
Itraconazole for Dogs - Dosage, Uses and Side Effects - Uses of Itraconazole in Dogs

Itraconazole Dosage for Dogs

To determine the dosage, the veterinarian, since only this professional can prescribe itraconazole for dogs, will take into account the disease of the dog and its weight, as well as the presentation of the drug. For example, to combat Malassezia, itraconazole 5 mg per kg of body weight can be given orally once a day or divided to give every 12 hours.

Generally, these treatments are prolonged, exceeding 3-4 weeks duration, depending on the evolution. The administration can be intermittent, in alternate weeks, that is, giving it a few days in a row, resting others and returning to resume treatment. Of course, always according to criteria and with the supervision of the veterinarian. Only this professional can decide when to finish the treatment and discharge us. Regarding administration, the tablets are given just after or with food for better absorption.

In this other article we explain how to give a dog a pill.

Contraindications of itraconazole for dogs

As a precaution, itraconazole should not be administered to pregnant bitches, although adverse effects on puppies in training are only have been shown in mice and at very high doses. It is also not recommended during lactation.

On the other hand, itraconazole is not recommended for dogs with liver failureIf the dog is already being treated with some other drug and the veterinarian does not know it, it must be reported in case undesirable interactions between them could occur. Of course, dogs that have previously had an adverse reaction to itraconazole should not be used again.

Itraconazole Side Effects for Dogs

Itraconazole is considered a drug with a wide margin of safety. This means that does not trigger adverse effects, even if the recommended dose is exceeded. In fact, it is a drug that began to be prescribed because it achieved efficacy with greater safety, since the rest of the most prescribed antifungals caused digestive disorders, especially in longer treatments.

The dose administered and the duration of treatment are considered determining factors in the appearance or absence of side effects. As such, mild itching and nausea have been reported so far. In any case, it should be noted that the relatively recent use of itraconazole may influence current knowledge of its possible effects.
