ESOPHAGITIS in DOGS - Symptoms and treatment

ESOPHAGITIS in DOGS - Symptoms and treatment
ESOPHAGITIS in DOGS - Symptoms and treatment
Esophagitis in Dogs - Symptoms and Treatment
Esophagitis in Dogs - Symptoms and Treatment

Esophagitis or inflammation of the esophagus in dogs can be caused by multiple causes, such as hiatal hernias, reflux, parasites, drugs, anesthesia in dorsal decubitus, chronic vomiting or foreign bodies. This esophagitis will be more or less serious depending on the damage that the substances cause in the esophagus and the content of the reflux, if it is only gastric acid or if it also includes other irritating substances such as pepsin, trypsin or bile acids. Esophagitis can become very annoying for the dog and puts him at risk of suffering from aspiration pneumonia, appearing cough and lung sounds.

Keep reading this article on our site about esophagitis in dogs, its symptoms and treatment, and you will learn more about this condition that can suffer our dogs.

What is esophagitis in dogs?

Oesophagitis is the acute or chronic inflammation of the mucosa of the esophagus Sometimes it can also affect the submucosal and muscular layer of the esophagus. This esophageal inflammation occurs when the protective barrier of the esophagus is altered, which leads to the inflammatory process with erosions or ulcerations. The protective barriers that the mucosal layer of the esophagus has consists of:

  • Mucous gel.
  • Surface bicarbonate ions.
  • Stratified squamous epithelium with intercellular tight junctions.

Most times it occurs due to damage or injury caused by ingested substances, foreign bodies, or rising reflux from the stomach into the esophagus.

Causes of esophagitis in dogs

Causes of esophagitis in dogs include:

  • Anesthetic procedures in dorsal decubitus (due to increased gastric content).
  • Gastroesophageal reflux.
  • Hiatal hernias (can cause gastroesophageal reflux).
  • Caustic (bleach).
  • Drugs: tetracyclines, NSAIDs, ciprofloxacin, clindamycin.
  • Vomiting Prolonged over time (chronic).
  • Eosinophilic esophagitis of dogs.
  • Necrosis due to foreign body pressure.
  • Parasitosis by Spirocerca lupi, causing granulomatous esophagitis in dogs, forming granulomas on the wall of the esophagus that grow as the parasites grow inside, pressing on the trachea and the aortic artery and can even occlude the esophagus.

Newborn dogs or puppies with a congenital hiatal hernia may be at increased risk of stomach reflux esophagitis.

Symptoms of esophagitis in dogs

The clinical signs that the dog presents will vary according to the type of injury, the severity of the inflammation and the involvement or not of other layers of the esophagus. While mild esophagitis can present with regurgitation of mucus and phlegm, severe esophagitis can be so painful that patients refuse to swallow their own saliva or water.

In general, the following clinical signs of esophagitis can be observed in dogs:

  • Regurgitation.
  • Salivation.
  • Head and neck extension while swallowing.
  • Odynophagia (pain when swallowing).
  • Reluctance to eat.
  • Cough and wheeze (lung sounds) if aspiration pneumonia is present.
  • Fever.

In cases of mild esophagitis, dogs may not show associated clinical signs.

Esophagitis in dogs - Symptoms and treatment - Symptoms of esophagitis in dogs
Esophagitis in dogs - Symptoms and treatment - Symptoms of esophagitis in dogs

Diagnosis of canine esophagitis

In the blood test in cases of severe esophagitis, alterations such as leukocytosis and neutrophilia (increased white blood cells with special increased neutrophils), however, the rest of the blood count and biochemical parameters should be normal.

On plain radiographs the esophagus usually appears normal. If there is aspiration pneumonia it could be seen in parts of the lung. If we add barium contrast, the irregular esophageal mucosa could be seen, with segmental narrowing, esophageal dilatation or hypomotility.

The differential diagnosis of esophagitis in dogs includes:

  • Foreign body in the esophagus.
  • Esophageal stricture.
  • Hiatal hernia.
  • Megaesophagus.
  • Esophageal diverticulum.
  • Vascular ring abnormality.

endoscopy and biopsy are the best methods for definitive diagnosis because they allow direct observation of the mucosa and its damage, the associated problems and the histopathology of the organ:

  • Endoscopy is the diagnostic method of choice in severe cases of esophagitis. In these cases, the mucosa will be increased in color (hyperemic) and edematous, with ulcers and bleeding.
  • Biopsy will be necessary for milder cases where only changes can be seen with endoscopy.
Esophagitis in dogs - Symptoms and treatment - Diagnosis of esophagitis in dogs
Esophagitis in dogs - Symptoms and treatment - Diagnosis of esophagitis in dogs

Treatment for esophagitis in dogs

The pillars of the treatment of this pathology are to reduce the acidity of the stomach, the reflux of its contents and to protect the damaged esophageal mucosa. To do this, the treatment of esophagitis in dogs may or may not include hospital admission:

  • Dogs with mild esophagitis can be managed at home, no admission required.
  • If the esophagitis is more severe, if they are not eating, dehydrated or have aspiration pneumonia they may require hospital admission.

In the most serious cases, the following medical treatment will be given:

  • Parenteral nutrition through a gastrostomy tube to avoid the esophagus and remove water and food for oral intake.
  • Inhibitors of gastric secretion such as ranitidine, cimetidine or famotidine to reduce gastroesophageal reflux. However, omeprazole as a proton pump inhibitor is best for reducing stomach acidity.
  • The metoclopramide stimulates the emptying of the stomach, reducing the volume of gastric content that can ascend to the esophagus. It has the advantage that it can be administered intravenously.
  • The sucralfate in the form of oral suspension is the best treatment for canine esophagitis, they are more specific than tablets since the liquid adheres to the damaged surface of the esophagus and will do its job much more effectively. In addition, it provides some analgesia if there is discomfort.
  • Lidocaine orally for dogs in pain so severe they won't even swallow their own saliva.
  • Broad-spectrum Antibiotics should be reserved for the most severe cases of esophagitis to prevent bacterial invasion and infection or in dogs with aspiration pneumonia.

Prognosis of esophagitis in dogs

The prognosis for dogs with mild esophagitis is usually good. However, in cases of ulcerative esophagitis, the prognosis is more guarded. Esophagitis may be complicated by stricture of the esophagus, and dogs will exhibit progressive regurgitation, malnutrition, and weight loss. For all these reasons, it is very important to go to the vet in the presence of the first symptoms and not self-medicate the animal because it could worsen the clinical picture.
