SEROMA in DOGS - Symptoms and treatment

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SEROMA in DOGS - Symptoms and treatment
SEROMA in DOGS - Symptoms and treatment
Seroma in Dogs - Symptoms and Treatment
Seroma in Dogs - Symptoms and Treatment

Seromas are an accumulation of blood serum under the skin, in the subdermal area, although they can sometimes develop between the muscles. Mainly, it is one of the possible complications in surgery, especially after ventral midline surgery. Although many are naturally resorbable by the dog's body, in other cases it will be necessary to remove the fluid and even place a drain.

To prevent its appearance, a delicate surgical process and an exhaustive closure of the operative wound must be carried out, in order to avoid dead spaces that are susceptible to developing a seroma. Keep reading this article on our site to learn more about seroma in dogs, its symptoms and treatment

What is a seroma?

A seroma is defined as the accumulation of fluid, specifically blood serum, outside the blood vessels, being accumulated below of the skin, in the subdermal area. It differs from a hematoma in that the seroma lacks red blood cells.

Canine seromas can also occur in other locations, such as:

  • Shoulders.
  • Ears.
  • Neck.
  • Head.
  • Brain.

Canine seroma is soft lump and usually not painful that occurs in the empty spaces under the skin, between the fatty layer located between the skin and the dog's muscles, or as a result of a blow or incision. It is the result of the inflammatory process and the defensive reactions of the canine organism.

However, do not confuse a seroma with an abscess. In order to differentiate them, in this other article we talk about Abscesses in dogs - Causes and treatment.

Seroma in dogs - Symptoms and treatment - What is a seroma?
Seroma in dogs - Symptoms and treatment - What is a seroma?

Causes of seroma in dogs

Seromas occur mainly after surgery, as a form of surgical complication, especially in surgeries with incision in the ventral midline of the abdomen. The incidence of appearance of a seroma in ventral midline surgery is around 10%, that is 1 out of every 10 dogs will present it.

This complication is more likely to occur if during the surgical procedure the surgeon has done the following:

  • Excessive dissection of the dog's skin and subcutaneous tissue.
  • Indelicate or traumatic handling of tissues.
  • Poor closing with dead spaces.

Other possible causes of seromas in dogs are blood coagulation disorders, punctures or trauma.

Symptoms of seroma in dogs

Seromas in dogs cause a fluid-filled swelling under the skin. If you have had surgery, the seroma will be around the incision site and the surgical wound closure. They most often occur subdermally, but are likely to occur between muscle layers on occasion.

Generally the dog may present the following clinical signs associated with seroma:

  • Swelling of the area which may be accompanied by pain.
  • Reddish skin.
  • Increased temperature around the surgical wound.
  • Clear liquid leaking from the scar area.
  • Infection.

Depending on the location of non-surgical seromas, the dog will show neurological signs, including seizures and coma in cases where that develop in the brain or head. If it is a cervical seroma, it can bother them and hinder the mobility of the neck, and if they occur in the shoulders, it can hurt when walking.

Diagnosis of seroma in dogs

The appearance of a lump or swelling of the skin near the surgical wound a few days after surgery is a reason to suspect a seroma. However, it must be differentiated from hematomas and suture dehiscence hernias, especially in cases of abdominal surgery.

This can be differentiated the ultrasound, to find out if there are organs in the lump or if it is blood fluid. The removal of fluid with a needle also differentiates hematomas from seromas.

In the case of cranial seroma, advanced imaging techniques should be used, such as magnetic resonance imaging or computed tomography.

Seroma in dogs - Symptoms and treatment - Diagnosis of seroma in dogs
Seroma in dogs - Symptoms and treatment - Diagnosis of seroma in dogs

Canine seroma treatment

In most dogs, the seroma will be reabsorbed into the skin in about 10-20 days. In other cases, what can be done is the following:

  • Extraction: if, due to its size or gravity, said liquid cannot be completely reabsorbed, which will make it necessary to extract it by collecting the liquid with a needle.
  • Drainage: In more severe cases, it may be necessary to temporarily place a drain in the area in order to that the blood serum does not continue to accumulate in the area. A drain is a tube that connects the exterior with the seroma, passing through the skin, to allow exudation to flow to the exterior. Drainage can be passive with the application of a pressure bandage or closed suction drainage in the worst cases. In the latter case, the drain should not be removed until the fluid extracted is no greater than 0.2 ml/kg per hour.
  • Corticosteroids or surgery: If moderate seroma is not treated, encapsulation may occur. When said seroma hardens, which will leave an unattractive scar. In these cases, corticosteroids and even surgery would be needed.
  • Antibiotics: It can also happen that the seroma becomes infected, causing an abscess in the scar with pus coming out. In these cases, an antibiotic should be used.
  • Analgesics: if the dog is in pain or a lot of discomfort, analgesics or anti-inflammatories would be administered.

Prevention of seroma in dogs

To prevent the formation of seromas, care must be taken at the time of surgery and in the postoperative period:

  • In surgery: trauma to the tissues must be minimized, as well as dissect what is essential and perform an effective closure without dead spaces. The latter will be achieved by suturing the subcutaneous tissue to the underlying fascia to obliterate the space. The most effective suture pattern seems to be the continuous padded suture (quilting pattern) in which after about three stitches, one is anchored to the fascia.
  • In the postoperative period: dressings or compressive materials should be applied, as well as keeping the dog in a quiet place, at moderate rest and with an Elizabethan collar to the dog to prevent licking of the area.
