Psychological pregnancy in cats - SYMPTOMS, CAUSES AND TREATMENT

Psychological pregnancy in cats - SYMPTOMS, CAUSES AND TREATMENT
Psychological pregnancy in cats - SYMPTOMS, CAUSES AND TREATMENT
Psychological pregnancy in cats - Symptoms, causes and treatment
Psychological pregnancy in cats - Symptoms, causes and treatment

Psychological pregnancy, also called pseudogestation or false pregnancy, is not a very common disorder in cats, but it could happen. This name refers to the presentation of signs of pregnancy when, in reality, this has not happened. In other words, the cat's body acts as if she really had to gestate and mother. In fact, during the time that this disorder lasts, the cat could even produce milk.

In the following article on our site we talk about psychological pregnancy in cats, what are the symptoms that characterize it, what causes it and what your treatment consists of.

What is a psychological pregnancy in a cat?

Psychological pregnancy or, more correctly, pseudopregnancy, pseudopregnancy or false pregnancy, is the symptomatology, physical and psychological, and the maternal behaviorthat some female cats may experience after a mounting or ovulation without fertilization , even though they are not really pregnant or nursing.

This is why clinical signs may include the production of milk to feed pups that, in this case, do not exist. It is postulated that this disorder could be a mechanism for females without offspring to help raise the offspring of others.

Psychological pregnancy in cats - Symptoms, causes and treatment - What is a psychological pregnancy in a cat?
Psychological pregnancy in cats - Symptoms, causes and treatment - What is a psychological pregnancy in a cat?

Causes of psychological pregnancy in cats

The causes of pseudopregnancy are hormonal, since hormones are what are behind the changes that lead the body to act as if fertilization had really taken place. It is a complex process and, to understand it, you have to keep in mind what the reproductive cycle of cats is like.

These are seasonal polyestrous, which means that, as long as the right conditions are met, they will go into heat repeatedly. But the presence of heat does not mean that they ovulate, since cats have what is known as induced ovulation. This is usually triggered by intercourse, although ovulation can also occur after tactile stimulation of the lower back.

Thus, after mating pregnancy can occur or, if there is no fertilization or it is ovulation without copulation, pseudo-pregnancy, which is a luteal phase or right-handed, only present when there has been ovulation, which is rare for cats to produce symptoms. In this phase, the corpora lutea are formed and persist, responsible for secreting the hormone progesterone.

In other words, ovulation without pregnancy triggers some hormonal mechanismsthat lead the cat's body to believe that she should maintain a gestation, which, in reality, does not exist. That is why she does not come into heat again until about 45 days later. Most cats do not show any symptoms during this period and only some will develop the symptoms that we explain in the next section.

Psychological pregnancy in cats - Symptoms, causes and treatment - Causes of psychological pregnancy in cats
Psychological pregnancy in cats - Symptoms, causes and treatment - Causes of psychological pregnancy in cats

Psychological pregnancy symptoms in cats

The clinical signs of a psychological pregnancy can be the same as those of a real pregnancy, so in some cases, doubt could arise. If you wonder how to know if your cat has a psychological pregnancy, look to see if she shows any of these signs, which will appear in greater or lesser intensity:

  • Weight gain.
  • Swelling of the abdomen.
  • Enlargement of the mammary glands.
  • No heat.
  • Milk production, which is called galactorrhea.
  • Vulvar discharge.
  • Loving attitude.
  • Appetite changes.
  • Fatigue.
  • Lethargy.
  • Behavior changes.
  • Search for shelter or nest.
Psychological pregnancy in cats - Symptoms, causes and treatment - Symptoms of psychological pregnancy in cats
Psychological pregnancy in cats - Symptoms, causes and treatment - Symptoms of psychological pregnancy in cats

Consequences of psychological pregnancy in cats

Normally, the symptoms of pseudopregnancy remit spontaneously, but if milk accumulates in the breasts, it can cause mastitis, which is an inflammation that is sometimes complicated by a bacterial infection that needs veterinary treatment.

On the other hand, it should be known that there may be a relationship between pseudopregnancy and the risk of appearance of tumors of the breast in cats, since it seems that the repetition of this alteration increases the formation of prenoplastic lesions. Therefore, to minimize potential complications, castration is recommended before the first heat period.

What to do if my cat has a psychological pregnancy?

First of all, we must go to the vet to confirm the diagnosis, which will be reached after examining the cat, the symptoms and medical history. The treatment will depend on the intensity of the picture. In mild cases, the process will be self-limiting, resolving itself, and nothing will have to be done other than care for the cat, providing her with all the attention she demands, favoring physical exercise and maintaining patience, since you have to know that this process can last an average of 45 days.

Sometimes the veterinarian may decide to reduce the administration of solids and liquids for 24-48 hours to speed recovery. You must watch the cat at all times to control complications, since, as we have mentioned, if she produces milk, mastitis could occur.

If the symptoms are very intense, the professional will prescribe drugs, such as medicines to cut the milk For our part,You should never stimulate the mammary glands or allow the cat to do so, as this would only make her produce more milk. It is also not advisable to resort to bandages or any other home remedy, since we could aggravate the situation. Finally, the best way to avoid pseudopregnancies, as well as mammary tumors or pyometra, is to castrate the cat.

Psychological pregnancy in cats - Symptoms, causes and treatment - What to do if my cat has a psychological pregnancy?
Psychological pregnancy in cats - Symptoms, causes and treatment - What to do if my cat has a psychological pregnancy?

Can a neutered cat have a psychological pregnancy?

This situation could occur if the cat is castrated shortly after hormone secretion occurs after mating or ovulation, since these They could remain in the blood for a while and cause the symptoms of pseudopregnancy in the cat. Therefore, in all other cases, neutered cats, which are those that have had their ovaries and uterus removed, will not be able to experience this condition.
