FAIN SYNDROME in CATS - Symptoms, Causes and What to Do

FAIN SYNDROME in CATS - Symptoms, Causes and What to Do
FAIN SYNDROME in CATS - Symptoms, Causes and What to Do
Cat Fading Syndrome - Symptoms, Causes and What to Do
Cat Fading Syndrome - Symptoms, Causes and What to Do

fading syndrome in cats or syncope is a process that occurs infrequently in cats but is an emergency. Due to its characteristics, it is very common to lose your temper and not know what to do in this situation. The most important thing is to make an appointment at the vet as soon as possible because the really important thing is to know what causes it.

This syndrome can be a consequence of different diseases, which we are going to develop throughout this article on our site. If you want to know its symptoms, causes and what to do, don't hesitate to continue reading.

What is fading syndrome in cats

Throughout the article we can find three terms that define the same situation:

  • Fading syndrome.
  • Fainting.
  • Syncope.

Syncopes are sudden loss of consciousness and postural tone due to insufficient supply of oxygen to the brain.

Cats are usually going about their business as usual and suddenly fall to the floor in a lateral decubitus position and do not respond to stimuli. In addition, they may remain still or have tonic-clonic movements and may urinate or defecate. These episodes can last from seconds to minutess and upon recovery it is normal for the cat to be dazed, uncoordinated and nervous.

Symptoms of Fading Syndrome in Cats

Among the most frequent symptoms of syncope or fainting in cats, the following stand out:

  • Fading.
  • Arrhythmias.
  • Arterial hypertension.
  • Anorexy.
  • Vomiting.
  • Defecation.
  • Urination.
  • Stillness.
  • Toniclonic movements.
  • Pulmonary edema.
  • Paresis or paralysis of the posterior third.
  • Heart murmur.
  • Pericardial effusion.
  • Sudden death.

In this other article we explain more about Why does my cat faint?

Fading syndrome in cats - Symptoms, causes and what to do - Symptoms of fading syndrome in cats
Fading syndrome in cats - Symptoms, causes and what to do - Symptoms of fading syndrome in cats

Causes of fading syndrome in cats

There can be several causes of syncope in cats, including the following:

  • Heart disease or heart disease: In cats, the most common heart disease is hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. This can be congenital or acquired and can affect any breed. When it is acquired, it occurs as a consequence of the thickening of the myocardium of the left ventricle due to endocrine processes such as hyperthyroidism (increased secretion of thyroid hormones), acromegaly (increased secretion of growth hormone) or as a secondary consequence of congenital vascular defects such as aortic stenosis. The diagnosis of this disease is carried out through imaging tests: radiography and echocardiography. There are also blood tests (biomarkers) that help in the diagnosis. Blood pressure will be measured and an electrocardiogram will be performed that reflects the electrical activity of the heart. His treatment is symptomatic.
  • Neurological diseases: in elderly cats (mostly) tumors may occur at the level of the central nervous system. convulsions and as a consequence blackouts.
  • Infectious Diseases: Infectious agents that affect cats such as feline leukemia virus, feline panleukopenia virus, toxoplasmosis, etc., can cause alterations at the blood, nervous, metabolic level, etc., and cause the cat to faint.
  • Respiratory disease: Cats with chronic and severe respiratory disease may faint due to dyspnea.
  • Toxic and/or medicinal substances: access to toxic substances such as plants, human medicines, poisons, etc., must be kept in mind before a picture of fading, along with other symptoms. Each cat responds in a different way to the different veterinary drugs, so it must be taken into account in the anamnesis before an episode of this type.
  • Systemic diseases: Any disease that produces hypovolemia or anemia in cats is likely to cause syncope. A common example is feline kidney failure.
  • Pain: in case of acute pain caused by trauma or a degenerative disease such as osteoarthritis, for example. Here you can learn about the 10 signs of pain in cats.

As we can see, there are numerous causes that can cause fainting in cats, so it is very important to carry out a detailed medical history and the necessary tests to reach a diagnosis.

Fading Syndrome In Cats - Symptoms, Causes And What To Do - Causes Of Fading Syndrome In Cats
Fading Syndrome In Cats - Symptoms, Causes And What To Do - Causes Of Fading Syndrome In Cats

Fading Cat Syndrome - Treatment and what to do

If your cat has fainted and you don't know what to do, follow these recommendations:

  • First of all you have to leave the cat alonewithout interfering with its recovery, unless it is in a position in the one we see that breathes worse. Try not to move or hit him. We can cover you with a blanket to maintain body temperature.
  • We have to observe the rest of the symptoms: urination, vomiting, mental status, etc. to help in the subsequent elaboration of the anamnesis by the veterinarian.
  • We must go to the emergency department to begin testing and treatment as soon as possible.
  • If we have the opportunity, we can videotape the process. All information will help in your diagnosis.
