Is the leishmania vaccine effective in dogs? - Find out

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Is the leishmania vaccine effective in dogs? - Find out
Is the leishmania vaccine effective in dogs? - Find out
Is the leishmania vaccine effective in dogs?
Is the leishmania vaccine effective in dogs?

leishmaniasis is one of the most important zoonotic (transmitted to humans) diseases today. This protozoo is transmitted through the bite of a sandfly and due to its high presence in the Mediterranean basin and the high temperatures reached by climate change, we must protect to our dogs both for their he alth and for ours.

Leishmania infantum causes a immune system disease and different clinical pictures can be observed: from asymptomatic dogs to dogs with dermatological, renal problems, articular, etc.

How to prevent leishmaniasis in dogs?

Preventing leishmania is not always possible, however, there are three fronts that we can cover to have our dog as protected as possible:

  1. Repelling the mosquito that transmits leishmania: this is achieved using spot-on pipettes or collars that are made of repellent substances such as permethrins.
  2. Stimulate the cellular immune response in a general way: There is a syrup on the market called "Leisguard" that stimulates cellular defenses so that helps generate an effective immune response in the event that our dog comes into contact with the parasite.
  3. Stimulating the specific cellular immune response against Leishmania: this can only be achieved through vaccination, which we will discuss below.
Is the leishmania vaccine effective in dogs? - How to prevent leishmaniasis in dogs?
Is the leishmania vaccine effective in dogs? - How to prevent leishmaniasis in dogs?

Available vaccines and their characteristics

The purpose of vaccination is to generate specific immunity and with memory to prevent the development of a specific disease. In the case of leishmaniasis, we currently have two vaccines that are created with different active ingredients.

Canileish, from Virbac laboratories

Protection against leishmaniasis is generated through the inoculation of a protein part of the parasite, which does not itself cause disease. To boost and direct the immune response, this part of the parasite needs an adjuvant. This adjuvant is responsible for possible adverse reactions

To achieve adequate protection, three doses are needed in the primary vaccination and a booster dose annually.

Side effects of the Canileish leishmaniasis vaccine:

We must start from the basis that all medications can cause adverse reactions. This does not mean that they are dangerous, since the he alth authorities evaluate the risk-benefit they bring to the animal and a drug would not be marketed if the risks outweighed the benefits.

  • Allergic reactions: hives, angioedema, hives, shock.
  • Local Reactions: From mild to severe. Inflammation, erythema, nodule or pain are some of them.
  • Voltage dips
  • General reactions: Listlessness, fever, vomiting, diarrhoea.

Before any of these signs you should consult the veterinarian and they will be treated correctly.

Letifend, from Leti laboratories

Letifend is the new leishmania vaccine that came onto the market in 2016. Protection is generated by inoculating a recombinant protein created by genetic engineering. This type of vaccine does not need an adjuvant to enhance the immune response. This fact minimizes adverse reactions, the only one described being pain in the area where the vaccine was injected.

One dose is sufficient in the primary vaccination to generate immunity and must be revaccinated annually The clinical act of vaccination is preceded by a correct exploration by the veterinarian, who will tell us if it is possible to give him the vaccine at that time. In addition, we have to follow the indications of the indicated protocol and respect the dates established to complete it.

Both vaccines can be started at six months of age after serological analysis. These are effective vaccines despite the fact that they are not 100% effective as they are parasitic vaccines.

Price of leishmaniasis vaccine

The price of the leishmaniosis vaccine in Spain is €31.99 for Canileish and €39.95 for Letifend. Remember that prices may vary depending on where you are, so we recommend you check with your vetTrusted for more information.

Is the leishmania vaccine effective in dogs? - Price of the vaccine against leishmaniasis
Is the leishmania vaccine effective in dogs? - Price of the vaccine against leishmaniasis

Leishmaniasis vaccine reviews

Vaccine against leishmaniasis yes or no? As a clinical veterinarian and based on my experience regarding the prevention against leishmaniasis, I highly recommend using all the methods available to us to fight this terrible disease.

Have you used any of these vaccines? What is your opinion? Write in the comments so that other people can learn about your experience in the fight against leishmania.

Discover on our site what is the life expectancy of a dog with leishmaniasis.
