Senile dementia in dogs - Symptoms and treatment

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Senile dementia in dogs - Symptoms and treatment
Senile dementia in dogs - Symptoms and treatment
Senile Dementia in Dogs - Symptoms and Treatment
Senile Dementia in Dogs - Symptoms and Treatment

When we decide to welcome a dog into our home, we know that this relationship will bear fruit in many positive moments that derive from the beautiful bond between a person and their pet, however, we also accept the great responsibility of provide our companion animal with an optimal state of he alth and well-being.

Dogs are susceptible to contracting numerous diseases, and as it happens with us, some of them are directly linked to the aging process, as is the case of older dogs, and although having a long-lived pet our side is endearing, it also requires more attention from us.

In this article on our site we talk about the symptoms and treatment of senile dementia in dogs.

What is senile dementia?

Elderly dogs begin their aging process between the ages of 6 and 10, although it is true that large breed dogs age earlier than smaller dogs. The aging process in dogs is associated with a progressive loss of some functions, such as those associated with the sense of sight and hearing, being the sense of smell the last one that decreases its capacity.

Senile dementia is a disorder that affects very long-lived dogs with some frequency and normality and is a disease that we can also observe in humans as they age. Senile dementia is a cognitive dysfunction, which can be translated as follows: the dog begins to lose its ability to reason

Senile dementia in dogs - Symptoms and treatment - What is senile dementia?
Senile dementia in dogs - Symptoms and treatment - What is senile dementia?

Symptoms of senile dementia in dogs

The symptoms of senile dementia in dogs can also be observed in other pathologies of a very different nature, so if you notice any of these manifestations in your pet you should go to the vet urgently. The behaviors of the senile dog are as follows:

  • The dog does not orient himself well in space, gets lost in familiar places, cannot avoid obstacles and walks to the wrong side of the door (trying to get out through the hinge).
  • His response to different stimuli decreases, there is a loss of interest and he does not enjoy human contact, although on the contrary he can also develop a highly attached behavior
  • Presents a lost look and walks without any specific objective.
  • He is restless and agitated, sleeps during the day and wanders at night.
  • He is slow to respond or does not respond to commands, he is slow to recognize family members.
  • Shows changes in appetite.
  • He begins to relieve himself inside the house.

Owners suffer enormously from their dog's senile dementia because they progressively see how faculties are diminished, but far from cornering us in the sadness that can cause us to see our dog like this, we must do everything possible so that our pet goes through this stage with the highest possible quality of life

Senile dementia in dogs - Symptoms and treatment - Symptoms of senile dementia in dogs
Senile dementia in dogs - Symptoms and treatment - Symptoms of senile dementia in dogs

Treatment of senile dementia in dogs

Veterinary attention is essential, the doctor will carry out a complete behavioral and physical examination that will allow verifying the diagnosis of senile dementia or syndrome of cognitive dysfunction.

If the diagnosis is confirmed, we must clarify that senile dementia has no cure, but it is possible to palliate its symptoms to improve the quality of life of the elderly dog.

As we will see later, the owner has much to determine in the treatment of senile dementia, since the use of drugs is reserved for those cases in which the degeneration is not serious, since If this is not the case, the response to pharmacological treatment may be practically nil.

In the event that the veterinarian decides to prescribe a pharmacological treatment, he will generally resort to the following drugs:

  • MAO (Mono Amino Oxidase Inhibitors): This group of drugs, by inhibiting this enzyme, reduces the action of radicals free, which exerts a neuroprotective function.
  • Ginko Biloba: It is the most natural treatment since it is a plant extract that improves blood supply to the brain and with them cognition functions.
  • Nicergoline: This active ingredient increases blood flow to the brain and decreases the release of free radicals, which also has a neuroprotective effect.
Senile dementia in dogs - Symptoms and treatment - Treatment of senile dementia in dogs
Senile dementia in dogs - Symptoms and treatment - Treatment of senile dementia in dogs

Accompany the dog with senile dementia

If you are the owner of a long-lived dog suffering from senile dementia, far from being frustrated, you should know that you can do a lot to improve your pet's quality of life:

  • Stimulating the sense of touch is of vital importance, pet your dog as much as you can, as long as you don't interrupt his rest
  • Taste stimulation is also important, there is nothing better to feed a dog with senile dementia than tasty and fragrant homemade food.
  • The senile dog perceives his environment as more threatening and generates anxiety in the face of obstacles that he cannot overcome, making sure that in his environment he can barely find barriers that hinder his mobility.
  • Respect your dog's sleep-wake cycle, if he wanders at night, try to provide him with a safe environment to do so
  • Love him like you've never done before, and above all, under no circumstances reproach him for his behavior
