Digestive problems in dogs - Causes, symptoms and treatments

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Digestive problems in dogs - Causes, symptoms and treatments
Digestive problems in dogs - Causes, symptoms and treatments
Digestive problems in dogs - Causes, symptoms and treatments
Digestive problems in dogs - Causes, symptoms and treatments

It is not uncommon for dogs to occasionally suffer from a digestive problem. Vomiting, loose stools or a day without defecation can be due to a stressful situation, the ingestion of any element that is not recommended or a major change in your routine. In general, these situations are resolved spontaneously without having to go to the vet. But, other times, the symptomatology does not remit or is complicated.

In this article on our site in collaboration with Lenda, we are going to review the causes and symptoms of the most common digestive problems in dogs, in addition to explaining the treatments that, in this case, the veterinarian will have to prescribe.

Causes of digestive problems in dogs

There are many causes that can trigger a digestive disorder in a dog. We highlight the following, although there are more:

  • Inadequate nutrition: we refer both to the intake of garbage or non-digestible substances and to a sudden change in diet or consumption of food harmful to dogs.
  • Stress: Situations that disrupt the dog's routine, such as a visit to the vet, can have digestive consequences.
  • Infectious diseases: some pathologies mainly affect the digestive system. In this group would be, for example, the dreaded parvovirus, a very serious and potentially fatal viral disease that affects, above all, puppies.
  • Intestinal parasites: a multitude of worm species that parasitize the digestive tract can cause more or less intense alterations.
  • Total or partial obstructions: the ingestion of an object or a tumor, among other causes, can totally or partially obstruct some point of the digestive system.
  • Food intolerances: Sometimes intolerance is spoken of as a synonym for allergy, but the truth is that it is not involved in intolerances the immune system. They cause disorders at the digestive level, for example, milk is one of the foods that many adult dogs do not tolerate. It should be noted that in a food allergy the characteristic clinical sign is itching and not a digestive problem.
  • Stomach torsion-dilation: this is an emergency in which the dog's stomach swells and can even rotate on its axis. Go to the vet immediately.
  • Intestinal malabsorption: when the dog is unable to take advantage of the nutrients from the food it eats, the result is a poor general state, in addition of alterations at the digestive level.
  • Chronic diseases: renal or hepatic insufficiency or diabetes cause, among other clinical signs, digestive problems such as vomiting or diarrhoea.

Symptoms of digestive problems in dogs

Depending on the cause, the affected dog may show different clinical signs, acute or chronic, of greater or lesser intensity. We highlight the following:

  • Nausea or vomiting: may be foamy, contain undigested food, blood, etc.
  • Regurgitations.
  • Soft stools or diarrhea: with blood, fat, mucus, parasites, etc., but also constipation.
  • Loss of appetite or, conversely, ravenous hunger and, also, changes in water intake.
  • Abdominal pain or swelling.
  • Borygmos and flatulence.
  • Bad general condition: with weight loss, deteriorated coat, weakness, apathy, etc.
  • Dehydration.
  • Do not forget that dermatological disorders, especially itching, are the typical clinical sign of food allergies.

Treatments for digestive problems in dogs

As we have pointed out, a punctual vomiting, a day without eating or a couple of soft stools, especially if the dog is an adult and he althy dog that has had a moment of stress, has eaten something garbage or it is very hot, it does not have to be synonymous with suffering from any pathology. On the other hand, if the dog does not improve, worsens, is a puppy or elderly, has already been diagnosed with an illness or we suspect that it suffers from a specific pathology, you should go to the vet.

The treatment, of course, will depend on this professional determining the cause. For this, it is necessary to examine our dog, carry out the anamnesis and all the pertinent tests until we discover what it is. The most common are coprological analysis, blood and urine tests, abdominal X-rays or ultrasounds, and endoscopy. Fluid therapy, antibiotics, antiemetics, dewormers, surgery or a special diet, are among the treatments that the veterinarian can prescribe to recover a dog with digestive problems.

Feeding dogs with digestive problems

In addition to the pharmacological or veterinary treatment decided by the professional depending on the cause of our dog's digestive problem, food is going to be a key pillar for its recovery. In the first place, because a stomach in the process of recovery may have problems managing what, until now, was the dog's usual diet.

On the other hand, specimens with food intolerances may need, for life, a diet specifically formulated to take care of their digestive system. Finally, when what is diagnosed is a food allergy, the recommendation is to offer the dog what is called an elimination diet This consists of limited ingredients and novel to him, ideally that he has never ingested before. The objective is to avoid those that produce the allergic reaction.

In these cases, always following the veterinarian's instructions, the dog can be offered a natural feed recipe, such asLenda Sensitive , designed for dogs with food allergies, severe intolerance or a significant gastrointestinal problem. It is made with white fish, without grains and is suitable for both adult dogs and younger dogs. Specifically, it is made from hake and potato. It is a so-called hypoallergenic food, since the animal protein it provides is of low molecular weight, making it less likely to cause an allergic reaction. In addition, the potato is very digestible, favoring the digestion process in these more delicate and sensitive dogs. The recipe is completed with other ingredients that help strengthen the immune system, improve intestinal transit and provide an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect.
