Feline herpesvirus - Symptoms and treatment

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Feline herpesvirus - Symptoms and treatment
Feline herpesvirus - Symptoms and treatment
Feline Herpesvirus - Symptoms and Treatment
Feline Herpesvirus - Symptoms and Treatment

On our site we know that the most important thing for you is the he alth and well-being of your pets, because you understand the responsibility involved in adopting a furry companion and the care and affection that you must provide so that it grows up being a happy and he althy animal. That is why we want to provide you with the most detailed information about everything that can happen to your furry friend, so this time we will talk about the feline herpesvirus, its symptoms and treatment, a very common disease in cats.

It is important to go to your veterinarian in case of any unusual symptoms or behavior so that he can tell you what to do, it could save your cat's life.

What is feline herpesvirus?

Feline herpesvirus (FHV-1) is a virus responsible for most cases of cat flu It belongs to the same family of the feline calicivirus, and like this one, it is characterized by the existence of different strains that mutate, causing the disease to present itself in different degrees of intensity.

FHV-1 causes the development of a respiratory disease called feline rhinotracheitis, although it also brings with it the appearance of various eye ailments that they can generate consequences for life.

In the event of any of the symptoms that we will mention later, we recommend an immediate visit to the veterinarian and compliance with his instructions, since an oversight in the treatment or taking the pet too late to be diagnosed can lead to the development of bacteria in the eyes, bringing complications in the recovery or causing the total loss of vision, and even of the eye

Feline herpesvirus - Symptoms and treatment - What is feline herpesvirus?
Feline herpesvirus - Symptoms and treatment - What is feline herpesvirus?

Feline herpesvirus contagion

Feline herpesvirus is transmitted directly through the sneeze, tears and mucus of an infected cat, not just by be close to the he althy cat but also through feeders, litter boxes and toys that sick animals share with he althy ones.

Although it is not transmitted to humans, if a person handles a sick cat and then does not take the necessary hygienic measures (including disinfecting and changing clothes), they mayspread to other cats through fabric.

The infection can be contrary to remain without manifesting for months or years, symptoms appearing when the animal goes through moments of stress, which as we know are very common in cats when there are changes in their routine. However, this occurs in only 15% of infections.

Which animals are most likely to get it?

Although there is a vaccine, it does not completely prevent the animal from contracting the virus, precisely because of its mutability. However, it reduces this possibility.

The situation of some animals makes them more likely to get feline herpesvirus, such as those found on the street, domestic cats that lead an outdoor life and animals with a tendency to develop eye diseases. Also, offspring can be infected if the mother is a carrier.

Feline herpesvirus - Symptoms and treatment - What animals are more likely to get it?
Feline herpesvirus - Symptoms and treatment - What animals are more likely to get it?

Feline Herpesvirus Symptoms

Be attentive and go to the vet if the following symptoms occur:

  • Sneezing
  • Trouble breathing
  • Secretions in one or both eyes
  • Fever and malaise
  • Anorexy
  • Tearing

In newborn cats, ophthalmia neonatorum may occur, that is, inability to open the eyes. The disease can be aggravated by the development of keratitis (ulcers), synechiae (the joining of the iris to other parts of the eye) and corneal sequestration (appearance of a black layer on the cornea).


Usually, the symptoms are enough to confirm that you are dealing with a case of feline rhinotracheitis. They also perform laboratory tests with the animal's blood, saliva and tears to be one hundred percent sure.

Feline herpesvirus - Symptoms and treatment - Diagnosis
Feline herpesvirus - Symptoms and treatment - Diagnosis

Feline herpesvirus treatment

Being a viral disease, the infectious agent lodges in the cells of the host (in this case, the feline), therefore, treatments must be focused on eliminating the virus without affecting the animal's cells.

In the case of feline herpesvirus, successful treatment lies in strengthening the animal's immune system so that the body can rule out the virus. antivirals, antibiotics and anti-inflammatories are prescribed. This not only relieves the feline's discomfort, but also fights the virus and prevents possible secondary infections that could aggravate its he alth condition. Medications that keep mucus at bay, blockage of the nose, and the proper functioning of the lungs are just as important.

hydration is crucial, either at home or in the veterinary clinic, depending on the patient's condition. Likewise, it will be necessary to assist the cat in its cleaning, using a soft cloth to gently remove the secretions from the nose, eyes and mouth.

The diet should not be neglected. If tempting your pet with his favorite food doesn't work, you'll need to resort to assisted feeding using a syringe and liquid food.

If there are other cats in the house, the infected animal must remain isolated from them to prevent them from becoming infected. Similarly, disinfect the spaces and utensils with which it comes into contact, applying effective cleaners that do not harm the animal.

The person in charge of caring for the sick animal should change their clothes and wash their hands and face very well before coming into contact with the other he althy cats in the environment.

Feline herpesvirus - Symptoms and treatment - Feline herpesvirus treatment
Feline herpesvirus - Symptoms and treatment - Feline herpesvirus treatment


In some animals, feline herpesvirus infection can have long-term sequelae. With regard to eye diseases, scars may appear on the cornea or cause opacity; vision can even be affected by constant tearing. The other diseases that we point out as complications when we talk about the symptoms may also appear.

In addition, these animals tend to remain carriers for the rest of their lives: whether or not they relapse into the disease, they will be contagious agents for the other felines around them.

Prevention of feline herpesvirus

The most important thing is to follow the cat's vaccination schedule from puppyhood and repeat the reinforcements of the dose every year, with this they are reduced chances of contracting the disease and, if necessary, lessen its severity.

Take the necessary hygiene measures when you have a sick animal at home, in a shelter or in a residence, to prevent it from the outbreak spreads to the rest of the cats and becomes an epidemic.
