My cat leaks liquid from the anus - Causes and treatments

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My cat leaks liquid from the anus - Causes and treatments
My cat leaks liquid from the anus - Causes and treatments
My cat leaks liquid from the anus - Causes and treatments
My cat leaks liquid from the anus - Causes and treatments

In this article on our site we are going to talk about a problem that may surprise many cat keepers. It is a pathology in which we will observe that our cat has liquid coming out of the anus. This is caused by a problem in the anal glands, where there is a liquid that helps lubricate the feces and provides a characteristic odor to each cat. If this fluid accumulates, problems such as infections or fistulas arise.

It is important that we go to the veterinarian in case of observing the presence of liquid secreted through the anus to avoid complications. For this reason, we explain why your cat has liquid coming out of the anus.

The anal glands of cats

The anal glands or sacs are found on both sides of the anus If this were a clock, they would be located around five and seven o'clock. They can be discovered by palpation and, as we have said, they produce a characteristic odor for each individual, which is why it is not uncommon to see cats greet each other by smelling that area.

As they surround the anus, the exit of feces presses them in such a way that they empty the liquid inside However, sometimes there are circumstances that produce contractions of the anal sphincter, which also squeezes the glands and empties them. An example is fear, like the one a cat might feel at the vet's office. Outside of these situations, if our cat leaks liquid from the anus, we will be facing a problem.

My cat leaks liquid from the anus - Causes and treatments - The anal glands of cats
My cat leaks liquid from the anus - Causes and treatments - The anal glands of cats

How to clean the anal glands of cats?

Before explaining why your cat leaks liquid from the anus, we should know that, if it is a situation that is repeated frequently, we can prevent it with the manual emptying of the glands To do it at home, it is convenient that our veterinarian helps us the first time. That way he will direct us and we can ask him questions. In addition, we will have a person to hold the cat, since the procedure is usually annoying.

Once we have someone who can help us, we can proceed to clean the cat's anal glands. For emptying we need disposable gloves. We will start by raise the tail and locate the glands Full they are felt as small consistent lumps. With the thumb and forefinger we will surround the glands and press towards the anus, where the liquid should come out. We will put paper in the hole to collect the liquid that comes out, which will have a very bad smell. In this way, the bad smell in the cat's anus that is sometimes appreciated is due to this fluid. Its normal coloration will be brown, so other shades indicate problems that the veterinarian should assess.

My cat leaks liquid from the anus - Causes and treatments - How to clean the anal glands of cats?
My cat leaks liquid from the anus - Causes and treatments - How to clean the anal glands of cats?

Impaction of the anal glands in cats

This name is given to the accumulation of secretion in the gland. This causes it to enlarge and cause discomfort. Likewise, if our cat has thick, dark brown liquid coming out of the anus, it may be suffering from an impaction.

The accumulation of this liquid occurs because the emptying of the glands is not complete, which can happen because the stool is soft or small and cannot be fully compressed, because the gland orifice can be obstructed, the sphincter does not exert enough pressure, etc. The solution is manual emptying, periodically if the cat presents this problem recurrently.

On the other hand, as prevention we can offer a food rich in fiber with the aim of increasing the size of the stool, always agreement with our vet. To avoid complications, treat the problem promptly.

Anal Gland Infection in Cats

Also known by the name of saculitis, it produces a painful inflammation in one or both glands. If our cat pushes white fluid from the anus, purulent, yellowish, even blood-tinged and thin, we should suspect an infection. The vet will have to empty the glands and treat with antibiotics.

Abscesses in the anal glands of cats

If our cat leaks fluid from the anus as described in the previous section and, in addition, has inflammation that we will observe first redness and then purple, we can suspect that it is suffering from an abscess. Contrary to what happened with the infection, emptying will not make the inflammation of the cat's anal glands go away, which, in many cases, ends up causing break the skin and produce a fistula. The vet should clean and disinfect the area and start antibiotic treatment and cleaning at home.

My cat leaks liquid from the anus - Causes and treatments - Abscesses in the anal glands of cats
My cat leaks liquid from the anus - Causes and treatments - Abscesses in the anal glands of cats

My cat has clear fluid coming out of his anus

If our cat has liquid coming out of her anus, depending on the color, she may have any of the disorders that we have mentioned previously, but, in the case of females, we must pay close attention to the fact that the secretion actually comes from the anus and not from the vulva. A clear, pink, bloody or pus-filled discharge can indicate anything from a period of heat to a pyometra or uterine infection that requires prompt veterinary attention.
