Canine Infectious Hepatitis - Symptoms and Treatment

Canine Infectious Hepatitis - Symptoms and Treatment
Canine Infectious Hepatitis - Symptoms and Treatment
Infectious Canine Hepatitis - Symptoms and Treatment
Infectious Canine Hepatitis - Symptoms and Treatment

Canine Infectious Hepatitis is a highly contagious viral disease. Fortunately, it is rare thanks to the fact that there is a vaccine that prevents its development. Thus, the extension of the vaccination schedule has made it possible to reduce the number of cases to date.

But, in case we don't know the dog's immune status, in this article on our site we are going to describe the symptoms that this pathology produces, in case we suspect that our partner may suffer from it. We will also review what is the treatment of choice that the veterinarian can prescribe.

What is canine infectious hepatitis?

This viral disease will almost exclusively affect unvaccinated dogs. In addition, most of the patients are puppies that are less than a year old. Infectious canine hepatitis is caused by a virus called canine adenovirus type 1

When the virus comes into contact with the dog, it reproduces in its tissues and is excreted in all its body secretions. Thus, through the urine, feces or saliva of sick dogs, it is the way in which infectious hepatitis can be spread to other dogs.

It is a disease that affects the liver, as its name indicates, but also the kidneys and blood vessels. The clinical picture shown by the dog may be that of a mild infection, but this usually progresses rapidly to a much more serious infection. The consequences can be fatal.

Canine Infectious Hepatitis Symptoms

The symptoms of infectious canine hepatitis will depend on the severity with which the virus attacks the dog. When it comes to a mild course, the only symptoms may be a decrease in appetite and apathy or reduction in normal activity. If the infection is acute, we will distinguish clinical signs such as the following:

  • High fever
  • Anorexy
  • Bloody diarrhea
  • Vomiting blood
  • Photophobia (intolerance to light)
  • Tearing
  • Inflammation of the tonsils

It is also possible to observe shrinking abdomen due to pain caused by inflammation of the liver, hemorrhages spontaneous that we will observe in the gums or in the skin of areas without hair and jaundice, that is, yellowish coloration of skin and mucous membranes.

But in addition, in dogs that recover there may be what is called blue eye or interstitial keratitis, which is a kind of cloud over the cornea. It affects one or both eyes and usually goes away on its own within a few days.

There is a condition considered fatal characterized by sudden symptoms including bloody diarrhea, collapse, and death within hours. If the dog is very young, it can die suddenly, without giving it time to show any symptoms. Let's remember the importance of vaccination, especially in puppies, to avoid this and other serious diseases.

Infectious Canine Hepatitis - Symptoms and Treatment - Infectious Canine Hepatitis Symptoms
Infectious Canine Hepatitis - Symptoms and Treatment - Infectious Canine Hepatitis Symptoms

Treatment of canine infectious hepatitis

If the symptoms presented by our dog are compatible with infectious canine hepatitis, the veterinarian can confirm the diagnosis by performing laboratory tests for to isolate the virus, that is, to detect it in samples taken from the dog. In general, it will be necessary to enter the clinic to receive intensive treatment.

This will basically be supportive, since there is no specific drug that can eliminate the virus. Thus, the treatment is aimed at keeping the dog as good as possible, waiting for its own immune system to be able to defeat the virus. Antibiotics are used to prevent secondary bacterial infections and medications are used to treat presenting symptoms. The dog is kept at rest and its feeding is monitored.

Unfortunately, many die even when they receive good care. Once again we insist on the importance of prevention.

Prevention of canine infectious hepatitis

In addition to, of course, vaccinating and revaccinating our dog following the guidelines recommended by the veterinarian, we must keep the sick dog isolated of others to avoid contagion. We have to know that a dog that manages to recover from infectious hepatitis will continue to be infective to others for up to 6-9 months, since the virus continues to be excreted in urine and remains in the environment. It is also recommended to change clothes after handling the sick dog and disinfect the environment properly.

The prevention of this disease should be aimed at protecting dogs, since this virus cannot affect people It has nothing to do with the hepatitis that they can suffer from. Protection against this infection is usually included in the quadrivalent vaccine, the first dose of which is given to puppies around eight weeks of age.
