Diseases of pigeons

Diseases of pigeons
Diseases of pigeons
Diseases of pigeons
Diseases of pigeons

You can see them in any square, alley, road and even in front of your house. The pigeons are such common animals that they often go unnoticed by our eyes. However, despite being the symbol of peace worldwide, these birds are considered a plague in many cities around the world and, in addition, they are generally attributed the fact of being carriers of multiple diseases, which can also be spread by being human.

However, what is the truth in all this? In this article on our site we will talk about the most common diseases suffered by pigeons, keep reading!

Are pigeons considered pests?

The common pigeon, which is also known as the rock pigeon (Columba livia) is commonly considered an invasive species, however, it is not appears in the Spanish Catalog of Invasive Alien Species [1] unlike the Argentine Parrot (Myiopsitta monachus) or the Florida Tortoise (Trachemys scripta elegans), which do are recognized as invasive alien species.

However, the pigeon is considered a plague in many cities. We must know that the control of urban bird populations corresponds to the City Councils, who can take measures to combat the "he alth risk" that the presence of these birds in urban centers entails.[2] However, more and more ethical methods are being used, such as installing of food dispensers that generate infertility in this species, a non-harmful way of population control.

Pigeon diseases - Are pigeons considered pests?
Pigeon diseases - Are pigeons considered pests?

Diseases suffered by pigeons

Birds of the genus columbidae, or pigeons, like many other species, are harmed by different types of microorganisms that can affect them and cause various pathologies. Here are some of the diseases suffered by pigeons:


This is a parasitic disease caused by a protozoan called trichome. Among the symptoms of its contagion are:

  • Apathy
  • Diarrhea
  • Intense thirst
  • Weightloss
  • Respiratory distress

As if that were not enough, this parasite is capable of causing death in those pigeons with low defenses. However, it is estimated that around 85% of pigeons live with the protozoan that causes this disease without any problem. Infection occurs through ingestion of contaminated water or infected food.


This is a high-risk infection that can cause death. It is transmitted through direct contact with other infected birds, either through ocular, respiratory, digestive secretions, among others, as well as remains of feathers, food and water. It is also possible that the pigeon is infected in contaminated places.

The most common symptoms of this infection are:

  • Uncoordinated movements
  • Loss of balance
  • Dificulty to walk
  • Atrophied optic nerve
  • Seizures
  • Paralysis of wings and legs
  • Weightloss
  • Watery stools


This is perhaps one of the best known conditions, as it can affect both pigeons and humans, not to mention other bird species. It is a bacterial infection that is usually contracted by younger pigeons and in many cases causes early death.

It is transmitted through contact with water, dust, or the breath of other birds. The risk is that it affects various organs, such as the liver, kidney, brain and spinal cord.

Pigeons infected by this disease present:

  • Weightloss
  • Respiratory difficulties
  • Weakness
  • Diarrhea
  • Loss of balance
  • Paralysis
  • Stiff neck


Coryza is a disease that is accentuated in certain climatic conditions, especially in environments dominated by humidity. It usually appears in cold seasons, but especially in autumn. The symptoms that a pigeon affected by this disease presents are:

  • Sneezing
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Runny nose

It is a very contagious disease, since it can incubate in he althy pigeons that do not show symptoms, which favors its transmission.

Diseases that pigeons transmit to people

Some pathologies can be spread to humans and vice versa, they are known as zoonotic diseases and can be more or less serious. Here are some of them:


It is an infectious disease caused by the bacterium Chlamydophila psittaci. It is spread by inhalation of faecal dust from pigeons and frequent handling of infected birds. The symptoms present in humans are varied, such as:

  • Fever
  • Diarrhea
  • Shaking chills
  • Conjunctivitis

In the most severe cases, this disease can lead to pneumonia. Once infected to humans, it has an incubation period of 10 days.


histoplasmosis is caused by a fungus called Histoplasta capsulatum, which is found in the droppings of pigeons and birds in general. The symptoms of histoplasmosis are:

  • Fatigue
  • Fever
  • Chest pain

Despite these symptoms, the disease is often asymptomatic, that is, they do not show any signs of having been contracted. Once it is transmitted from pigeons to humans, it cannot be spread from person to person.


cryptococcosis is an infection caused by the fungus Crytococcus neoformans; this fungus is found in the feces of pigeons. Humans can be infected in places where they have contact with feces, such as nests or breeding sites.

Your symptoms are:

  • Cough
  • Fever
  • Headache
  • Photosensitivity
  • Neck stiffness
  • Crook Neck
  • Meningitis

In addition, in the most severe cases, a lung infection can occur with sneezing blood, fever and general malaise.


chlamydiosis is a disease caused by the bacteria Chamydia psittaci. It is transmitted to humans through nasal secretions, respiratory tract, tissues, feathers or pigeon droppings. The symptoms are similar to the flu, in addition to discomfort and digestive ailments.

When the bacterium enters the body through the respiratory tract, it spreads through the blood and invades the liver, spleen, and lung.

Finally, it is necessary to point out that if you have had direct contact with pigeons (or birds in general) and you present some of the symptoms here mentioned, go immediately to the nearest medical center to rule out any of these diseases.

How to know if a pigeon is sick?

Most of the pathologies that we have detailed in the article are not asymptomatic, however, they can be difficult to detect by humans, especially when we talk about pigeons that live on the street, contrary to what could happen in domestic pigeons.

In some cases an external review will suffice to detect the presence of parasites or obvious anomalies, but in others it will be necessary to resort to diagnostic tests at a veterinary center to really determine which of all the pigeon diseases that particular individual is suffering from.

We can know that a pigeon is sick when we observe the following symptoms:

  • Incoordination
  • Respiratory distress
  • Paralysis
  • Seizures
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Crook Neck
  • Etc.

But in addition, pigeon droppings also reveal important details about your he alth. We have mentioned that diarrhea and watery droppings are part of the symptomatology of certain diseases, but in addition, the faeces of sick pigeons with white dots reveal a possible picture of salmonellosis.

Pigeon diseases - How to know if a pigeon is sick?
Pigeon diseases - How to know if a pigeon is sick?

Are pigeons a he alth hazard?

Because they can act as a reservoir for certain diseases, pigeons are considered to be a he alth hazard, however, if we follow some basic advicewe don't have to take any chances:

  • We will avoid catching pigeons directly with our hands and, if we do it without gloves, we will clean our hands to maintain proper hygiene.
  • If the pigeons relieve themselves in our windows, terraces or patios, we will disinfect daily with suitable products, such as enzymatic cleaners.
  • If we have come into contact with an infected pigeon that we want to rescue, we will go to the veterinary to do the pertinent tests, in the meantime, the pigeon must enter a quarantine, separated from all people and household animals.
