ALL about CONJUNCTIVITIS in RABBITS - Symptoms and treatment

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ALL about CONJUNCTIVITIS in RABBITS - Symptoms and treatment
ALL about CONJUNCTIVITIS in RABBITS - Symptoms and treatment
Conjunctivitis in rabbits - Symptoms and treatment
Conjunctivitis in rabbits - Symptoms and treatment

In this article on our site we are going to explain what is conjunctivitis in rabbits, a problem that can affect one or both two eyes and that, in addition, could be indicative of a dental disorder, hence the importance of promptly seeking veterinary assistance, which must be specialized in these animals.

We will see what are the common symptoms of conjunctivitis and what treatment is the most appropriate. In addition, conjunctivitis appears in a disease as serious as myxomatosis, so it is essential to learn to identify the warning signs to visit the specialist.

Conjunctivitis and eye infections in rabbits

Conjunctivitis in rabbits consists of an inflammation of the conjunctiva, which is the tissue that surrounds the eye. The causes can range from a foreign body to an allergic reaction, through an infection. In addition, conjunctivitis can present as mild inflammation or lead to a serious condition that, if left untreated, could even cause irreparable damage to the affected eye(s).

Conjunctivitis usually predisposes to the appearance of opportunistic infections, viral or bacterial. In the latter case, an abundant, thick and yellowish secretion will be produced that must be treated with antibiotics.

Symptoms of conjunctivitis in rabbits

Conjunctivitis is characterized by symptoms that include signs such as the following. So, to discover how to tell if your rabbit has conjunctivitis, pay attention to these signs:

  • Watery eyes in rabbits are often the first sign.
  • Due to this intense tearing we will see the hair surrounding one or both eyes wet. In this humid area, a dermatitis could originate, which causes itching and hair loss.
  • Inflammation of the eyelids is capable of keeping the eye closed, accumulating secretions inside.
  • Photophobia, that is, intolerance to light.
  • Redness.
  • Some rabbits may be lethargic and without appetite.
  • Others may rub their eyes.
  • When the tearing becomes thick discharge we are dealing with an infection.

In this way, if you see your rabbit with pus in its eyes, or very thick and abundant rheum in your rabbit, or that your rabbit does not open its eyes, do not hesitate to visit the vet in case it was conjunctivitis with eye infection.

Conjunctivitis in rabbits - Symptoms and treatment - Symptoms of conjunctivitis in rabbits
Conjunctivitis in rabbits - Symptoms and treatment - Symptoms of conjunctivitis in rabbits

Treatment for conjunctivitis in rabbits

After examining the eye and confirming the diagnosis, the vet will prescribe the treatment, which usually consists of drops for conjunctivitis in rabbits, whose composition will depend on the clinical picture and the cause of conjunctivitis. If this is due to some component of the environment, such as dust or hay, we must eliminate it and improve the hygiene of the environment.

Normally, the treatment will be based on eye drops for conjunctivitis, although ophthalmic ointmentsBefore applying them we will have to clean the eye with a gauze or cotton moistened in saline solution or warm water, from the inside out. We must handle the rabbit with care, taking into account that it will feel discomfort in the eyes, so it must be handled slowly but safely and quickly to avoid unnecessary stress. We can ask the vet how we should hold it and, if the rabbit is very nervous, it is recommended that we have help.

Conjunctivitis in rabbits due to dental problems

We have seen how to cure conjunctivitis in rabbits when it is due to an eye disorder, but not all conjunctivitis have that origin. Sometimes excessive tearing is due to a problem of dental overgrowth This interferes with the nasolacrimal duct, which is what allows excess tears to drain. If there is an obstruction, this excess accumulates in the eyes and flows from them. The vet, with an X-ray, will be able to see which teeth are causing the problem.

The treatment for this type of conjunctivitis in rabbits involves the removal of these pieces We must offer our rabbit adequate food to wear teeth. In addition, it is convenient that we check his mouth periodically and take him to the vet if we observe that he has difficulties feeding. Likewise, for the accumulated legañas in the rabbit due to the aforementioned dental problem, it is recommended to clean the eye or eyes with physiological serum.

Mucopurulent conjunctivitis in rabbits

When conjunctivitis is characterized by the appearance of a very intense mucopurulent secretion, our rabbit could be affected by myxomatosis, a viral disease in which tumors occur in the mucous membranes. There are several presentations with symptoms such as lethargy, swollen eyelids, anorexia, fever, head and face swelling, otitis, movement and breathing difficulties, blindness, hemorrhages, seizures, etc.

The chronic myxomatosis, less frequent, is the one that is recorded blepharoconjunctivitis, with inflammation of the eyelids and conjunctiva and purulent ocular discharge. It is a very serious, life-threatening disease for which only supportive treatment can be prescribed. To prevent it, it is essential to follow the vaccination schedule recommended by our veterinarian.

For more information about this disease, consult the following article: "Myxomatosis in rabbits - Symptoms and treatment".
