KERATITIS in CATS - Types, symptoms and treatments

KERATITIS in CATS - Types, symptoms and treatments
KERATITIS in CATS - Types, symptoms and treatments
Keratitis in cats - Types, symptoms and treatments
Keratitis in cats - Types, symptoms and treatments

In this article on our site we are going to dwell on a pathology that can affect the eyes of our cats. It is called keratitis, also known as cloud in the eye due to the appearance that the affected eye takes on. We will explain what causes keratitis in cats and what symptoms should alert us. It is a pathology that will always need a visit to the veterinarian. It will be this professional who, after examining our cat, will prescribe the most appropriate treatment.

If you detect that your cat has something like a cloud in its eye, don't hesitate to go to the vet to carry out the pertinent tests and determine if it is keratitis and what type.

Causes of keratitis in cats

First of all, what is keratitis in cats? Keratitis is defined as inflammation of the cornea, which is what explains the kind of cloud that we can distinguish over the eye and that is responsible for losing its transparency. It can affect one or both eyes. In fact, it is not unusual for it to start in one and end up affecting the other. Any cat can get keratitis, regardless of breed, age or sex.

The causes that explain its appearance are not clear, but there is talk of an immunological basis and the role of herpesvirus, very common in felines and responsible for the disease known as rhinotracheitisA considerable percentage of cats are carriers of this virus for life, even if they have been cured or have not shown symptoms of the disease. Keratitis can be complicated by the presence of other pathogens and the progression of lesions.

Symptoms of keratitis in cats

The symptoms of keratitis in cats can be quickly identified, as they are clearly visible. We highlight the following:

  • Cloud over the eye.
  • Eye closed or ajar.
  • Red eye, with irritated conjunctiva.
  • Tearing Continuous and intense. There may be discharge.
  • Squint.
  • Photophobia, which is intolerance to light.
  • Protrusion of the third eyelid or nictitating membrane, which is located in the inner corner of the eye and can extend over it in an attempt to protect it.
  • Discomfort, itching and pain that lead the cat to try to scratch its eye.

Observing any of these signs in our cat should make us go to the vet as soon as possible. Treating early is the best way to avoid complications and ensure that our cat recovers eye he alth and does not lose vision, which is what will happen if the damage affects the intraocular structures and is not left alone in the cornea. In addition, it will be the veterinarian who will diagnose the keratitis or the cause that is causing the symptoms, since the cloud in the cat's eye or recurrent conjunctivitis are also signs of other pathologies.

Types of keratitis in cats

There are several types of keratitis in cats, which have in common that they are potentially serious alterations that should always be evaluated by a veterinarian, since they can cause blindness. We highlight the following:

  • Eosinophilic keratitis, also known as Proliferative keratoconjunctivitis: in this case, the cornea is infiltrated by blood vessels and cells in the form of whitish-pink plaque. It is believed to be due to a chronic and immune-mediated inflammatory reaction, but the stimulus that triggers it is unknown. It only occurs in cats and is more common in cats over seven years of age.
  • Ulcerative keratitis: is an ulcer or wound on the cornea, relatively frequent in cats, since it usually appears due to injuries such as scratches. These ulcers can be deeper or shallower, depending on the layers they affect. The treatment will depend on its characteristics.
  • Infectious keratitis: In this case, the inflammation of the cornea is caused by an infection. It is usually triggered by a wound or ulcer in the cornea that is contaminated by pathogens. In the case of cats, these are usually herpesviruses, causing the so-called herpetic keratitis, which causes typical dendritic ulcers, more common in kittens. If the infection is caused by bacteria, the keratitis will be bacterial. For their part, fungal infections are the origin of mycotic or fungal keratitis, which is rare in cats.

Treatment of keratitis in cats

It is advisable to go to a veterinarian with experience in ophthalmology, since the definitive diagnosis may require a scraping for cytological examination, that is, a conjunctival cytologyin affected cats.

Once diagnosed, there are medications that the vet can prescribe for our cat's keratitis, which will reduce the inflammation produced in the cornea. Drugs may also be added depending on the cause of the keratitis. For example, in the event of a bacterial infection, apply an antibiotic eye drop

The medication is administered directly to the affected eye. They are usually prolonged treatments and even for life in cases where there is an immune problem, since it will be a chronic disease, controllable, but not curable This means that As caregivers, we must commit ourselves to the well-being of our cat. You have to give him the treatment, even if he resists and for as long as necessary. In the last case, if it is impossible to medicate the eye directly, oral or injectable treatment On the other hand, veterinary monitoring must be maintained, since they can occur relapses.
