The passion for animals is one of the reasons why many people establish relationships. The fauna that inhabits our planet Earth can become immensely diverse, as well as curious and surprising, since there are species with amazing characteristics. Now, classifying all animals is sometimes complicated, since they cannot only belong to one category. We can group them according to their diet, according to their habitat or according to the type of reproduction they carry out. Another way to organize them is according to the letter with which their name begins. Therefore, on our site we bring you the following article with 50 animals that start with P with photos.
Giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca)
More commonly known as pandas or simply pandas, these animals that begin with P are carnivorous mammals. They are animals native to central China, where they normally inhabit mountains up to 3,500 meters high.
It should be noted that the panda bear is the official symbol of the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) and that its diet is based on bamboo, as well as other small mammals, fish, insects and fruits. On the other hand, it belongs to the bear family (Ursidae), so its closest relative is the spectacled bear.
Don't hesitate to take a look at the following articles on whether the panda bear is in danger of extinction? and Panda Bear Feeding to learn more about it.

Black Panther (Panthera)
The truth about the next animal that begins with the letter P is that it is a variation of melanin The black panther does not it is more than a succession of modifications of the species of the leopard and the jaguar It should be noted that in the same litter of panthers there can be black panthers and panthers with completely normal fur.
On the other hand, the darkness of its fur allows it to enter the dense forests of the jungle to hide from its predators, in fact, it is known as " el forest ghost" due to its agility and silent movement.
If you want more detailed information, do not hesitate to consult the following article on the Differences between jaguar, leopard and cheetah on our site.

Papagayo (Psittacidae)
When we talk about these animals that start with P we refer to tropical birds Parrots, also known as macaws, arezygodactyl animals , that is, they have two fingers pointing forwards and two backwards.
These are solitary animals that base their diet on fruits. As a curiosity, to counteract the effect of some toxic substances that they ingest with fruits, parrots consume small amounts of clay Finally, a surprising characteristic of these animals that begin with P is that they are parrots that can talk.

Puma (Puma concolor)
We continue this list of animals that begin with P with the cougar, also known as the mountain lion or the American lion. Like the panda bear, the cougar is a carnivorous mammal that feeds on any animal within its reach, regardless of its size.
So much so that when we talk about the puma we refer to the fourth largest feline in the world. On the other hand, these animals that start with the letter P are very territorial but solitary and, when they compete against jaguars, they lose.
We leave you the following article on our site about the Types of cougar so you can learn more.

Peacock (Pavo cristatus)
The next of the animals beginning with the letter P is the common peafowl, which is also known as the Indica peafowl or the blue-breasted peafowl. It is part of the galliform birds and what stands out the most is the fan of colored feathersdisplayed by males to impress females during courtship.
This is a species native to Asia that lives in deciduous forests and that stands out a lot for its sexual dimorphism, since females are white and brown (combined with greenish tones) while males combine blue and green tones.
Why does the peacock spread its tail? Find out the answer below.

Pangolin (Manis pentadactyla)
They are commonly known as pangolins, but they are really called manis. What stands out about these animals that start with P and are native to Asia and Africa, is that they have a body covered in scales Depending on the species of pangolin, they can have one size or another that goes from 30 cm to one meter.
It should be noted that the females are smaller, so we find ourselves before another example of the nature of sexual dimorphism. Both males and females have powerful front legs that are used not only to dig in the ground, but also to break limbs if they feel threatened by predators.
Here we leave you another article with Animals with scales, in case you are curious.

Sloth (Phyllophaga)
The next name on the list of animals that start with P is the sloth. It is a placental mammal that inhabits the humid forests of South and Central America. It should be noted that we can talk about two kinds of sloth:
- Three-toed sloth, (Bradypus, Bradypodidae).
- Two-toed sloth, (Choloepus, Choloepodidae).
Due to convergent evolution, sloths are not related to primates at all, they just share a similar physique. In addition, they are folivorous animals, that is, they base their diet on tender shoots and leaves and buds.
We tell you why the sloth bear is so slow, in this article on our site.

Red Partridge (Alectoris rufa)
Like the peacock, the red partridge is another of the names of animals that begin with P that are part of the birds galliformes. Although it is a bird, it is mainly a terrestrial animal with sedentary habits.
Its size is usually medium, since it measures between 34 and 38 centimeters and can weigh up to 480 grams. One of the most outstanding characteristics of these animals that begin with the letter P is that they have a red beak, in addition to slightly slanted eyes.

Other animals that start with P
Now that we have seen a list of names of animals that begin with P and their characteristics, we are going to see others of them to have more examples:
- Dove, Columba livia.
- Dog, Canis familiaris.
- Duck, Anas platyrhynchos domesticus.
- Turkey, Meleagris gallopavo f. domestic.
- Olive baboon, Papio anubis.
- Peccary, Tayassuidae.
- Pelican, order Pelecaniforme.
- Perch, Perch.
- Parakeet, Melopsittacus undulatus.
- Prairy dog, Cynomys mexicanus.
- Angelfish, Pterophyllum scalare.
- Lionfish, Pterois antennata.
- Clownfish, Amphiprioninae.
- Swordfish, Xiphias gladius.
- Penguin, Spheniscidae.
- Louse, Phthiraptera.
- Octopus, Octopoda.
- Water flea, Talitrus s altator.
- Pony, Equus caballus.
- Moth, Tinea pellionella.
- Chicken, Gallus gallus domesticus.
- Finch, Fringilla coelebs.
Extinct animals beginning with P
As we have already seen a list of animals that begin with the letter P, below we are going to mention those that begin with the same letter but, unfortunately, are extinct.
- Pachycephalosaurus
- Pachyrhinosaurus
- Pachysauriscus
- Pachysaurops
- Pachysaurus
- Palaeopterix
- Palaeoscincus
- Red Mustache Pigeon
- Panoplosaurus
- Paraiguanodon
- Paranthodon
- Parasaurolophus
- Parhabdondon
- Parksosaurus
- Paronychodon
- Peishansaurus
- Pectinodon
- Pelicanimimus
- Phyllodon
- Picrodon