There are countless animals that we do not know and, as such, there are also different ways to classify these animals. In the next article on our site we present 18 animals that begin with F, as well as explaining the most peculiar characteristics of each one and showing you photographs so that you can recognize them if any. see them.
The phaeton, also called the tropicbird, is part of the fetontiformes, Phaethontiformes, within the order of neognathous birdsThe size of these birds is medium, since it does not exceed one meter in length. Its feet are weak and the feathers on its body are white.
These are tropical marine animals of which fossils have been found since the Paleocene, 66 million years ago. Their hunting method is by submerging themselves in the water and diving until they reach their prey. They usually do this activity alone, since they are solitary animals, except during the breeding season.
Discover in this article the 10 loneliest animals in the world, in case you're curious.

Also known under the name of coot, trocha, tagua or coot, the fulica, Fulica, is found mostly in South America where it is believed to come from. Their plumage is generally black, but what stands out most about these gruiform birds is the front shield or discoloration on their foreheads.
These are omnivorous animals that have short, round wings, since when it comes to flight they are rather mediocre animals. Still walk and run quickly.
We leave you these omnivorous animals: more than 40 examples and curiosities, in this other article on our site.

Also called phocids or true seals, Phocidae, seals are pinniped mammals that live mostly in water. Even so, they are also capable of making life on land. Currently, 33 different species of seals have been known, but what characterizes all of them is that they do not have an auditory pavilionThey tend to live in almost all coastal areas of the world, but they do not usually do so in tropical waters.
Don't hesitate to consult this post about the Types of seals that exist, here.

Under the scientific name Phoenicopterus, greater flamingos are also neognathous birds. The physical complexion of flamingos draws attention both for their height and for their pink color, for example.
One of the most peculiar characteristics of this animal that begins with F is its ability to stand on just one leg Another curiosity about them is that his lower jaw is the only one that moves, while the upper jaw is smaller and static.
Why are flamingos pink? If you are asking yourself this question, do not hesitate to discover the answer in this article that we recommend.

The Fratercula artica or also called the common puffin or Atlantic puffin is a faced bird It is the only one of its kind that is endemic to the Atlantic Ocean and, although its population is declining, it is not considered an endangered species.
In order to feed, it practices a tactic similar to that of the phaeton: it dives into the water and catches small fish, its main prey. As for the colors of their fur, they vary, since the back and crown are black, but the cheeks are gray and the legs are white.
Don't hesitate to take a look at this article on Animals that are prey: characteristics and examples to have more information on the subject.

The next of the animals that start with F is the common pheasant or common pheasant, Phasianus colchicus. We are talking about a galliform bird that is endemic to the temperate zones of Asia but, today, is distributed around the world.
One of the most outstanding characteristics of these animals is their long tail and their prominent size, since they can weigh up to 1.2 kg. They present sexual dimorphism, both in size between males and females and in plumage.

Although their name may surprise us, from the appearance of these animals that begin with F we can see that they are wild boars or, more specifically, warthogs The common warthog or common warthog, Phacochoerus africanus, is an artiodactyl mammal found in much of the African savannas
These are omnivorous animals that base their diet on herbs, berries, fruits or bark and fungi, among other vegetation. They are natural burrowers that use their feet and snout to do so. It should be noted that they usually occupy burrows already created and abandoned by other animals.
You may be interested in this other post about What do wild boars eat?

Also known as Atlantic halibut, halibut or butterfish, Hippoglossus hippoglossus, it is a flat fish that can measure 1.2 metersand weigh up to 200 kilos. The waters that it frequents the most are those of the Atlantic Ocean and, although it is often confused with sole, they should not be confused. It should be noted that its population is at risk of extinction due to overfishing.
See other endangered fish in this post on our site that we recommend.

Under the scientific name of Cryptoprocta ferox, the fossa is a carnivorous mammal that has a physique reminiscent of felids. Even so, it is an euplerid, endemic animals of the island of Madagascar. It is the main predator of the island that lives and feeds basically on lemurs.
It is found in vulnerable state and its name refers to the anal pouch that hides the anus of this species. Within these animals that begin with F, the males are usually larger, reaching about 80 centimeters. The weight between males and females varies from 10 to 7 kilos respectively.
Don't hesitate to take a look at this article on Carnivorous animals: examples and characteristics

The last of the animals that start with F is the frigatebird, Fregata, or also known as frigatebird or frigatebird. They are suliform birds that inhabit the tropical zones of the Pacific and Atlantic waters. What stands out most about these birds is not their elongated and fine beak, but the contrast of all their black plumage with the red bag that they have in their throat.

Extinct animals beginning with F
After having read and seen these examples of animals, we bring you another brief list of extinct animals that begin with F, in case you want to continue knowing more about the subject.
- Caribbean monk seal, Neomonachus tropicalis.
- Mascarene Coot, Fulica newtonii.
- Fulengia, Fulengia youngi.
- Futabasarus, Futabasaurus.
- Fenestrosaurus, Oviraptor philoceratops.
- Frenguelli Saurus, Herrerasaurus.
- Fulgurotherium, Fulgurotherium australe.
- Fukuisaurus, Fukuisaurus tetoriensis.