We already know that the animal world contains magnificent and surprising species, although many times we are not able to recognize them when we see them because we do not know their names. One of the most effective and easy ways to classify the fauna of the Earth is according to the letter with which they begin. For this reason, today on our site we are going to see a list of animals that begin with M and their characteristics, accompanied by photos so that you can identify them if you see them at all. time.
Gibr altar Macaque (Macaca sylvanus)
Also known as the Barbary macaque or Gibr altar monkey, it is a species of catarrhine primate that inhabits the areas of the Rock of Gibr altar, south of the Iberian Peninsula. It should be noted that it is the only primate of the Macaca genus that does not live in Asia and, moreover, does so freely in this part of Europe.
Apparently its appearance is medium, since it can weigh 13 kg and measure up to 75 cm, although the males are larger than the femalesTheir fur is yellowish with a light brown tone and they are animals with diurnal and omnivorous habits A curious thing about their behavior is that they move in groups of between 10 and 30 members, and when they see a tourist with food or shiny objects, they don't hesitate to go after them.
Currently the population of these monkeys has increased to 300, although they are still in danger of extinction.
We leave you this other article about the Types of monkeys and their names on our site.

Mammoth (Mammuthus)
The mammoth is one of the animals beginning with M that are extinct They lived approximately 4.8 million years ago and throughout Throughout history, various species have been discovered thanks to the fossils that have been found. The size of the mammoths was equal to or larger than that of today's elephants: they could reach 5, 3 meters in height and 9.1 meters in length. length, in addition to weighing between 6 and 8 tons
One of the most outstanding characteristics of these animals that begin with M is that they were covered by a thick layer of hair to withstand the cold On the other hand, they also had the famous fangs. In fact, the largest discovered measured 5 meters.

Margay or maracayá (Leopardus wiedii)
Also known under the name of yaguatirica, caucel or tiger cat, this animal that begins with the M belongs to the feline family and draws attention for its endearing physique. It is a carnivorous mammal that lives from Mexico to southern Brazil.
In Mexico it is considered in danger of extinction and, as a curiosity, the margay is one of the only two species that has the ability to rotate the ankle when climbing down trees. It has a size between medium and small since it measures about 60 cm at most and weighs 3.5 kg. In addition, it has a very long tail, so long that it can measure up to 70% of the total length of its body.
Like the maracaya, we leave you this other article with other carnivorous mammals: their characteristics and examples.

Mara (Dolichotis patagonum)
The next animal that starts with M has to do with rodents. Also known under the name of the Patagonian mara, the Patagonian hare or the Creole hare, the mara is not a hare, but rather one of the largest rodents in the world
It is a mammal endemic to Argentina, where it lives, and can weigh up to 16 kg, although it normally weighs 8 kg. They are monogamous animals and have a herbivorous diet based on herbs and grasses. In addition, they are able to live without drinking water. Finally, it should be noted that they are in a state of vulnerability due to habitat loss.
If you are curious, do not hesitate to consult the following article with The largest rodents in the world.

Motmots (Momotidae)
Popularly they are known by the name of Guardabarrancos or Barranqueros, but the Momotidae are a family of Tropical birds that inhabit the dense jungles. These animals that start with M are medium-sized and are found in America.
Their plumage is soft and they have a very long tail which, in some species, has a bare part of the feathers, which makes them look like a racket. It should be noted that they feed on fruits and small prey, since they are silent and standing animals.
You may be interested in this other article on our site with The smallest tropical birds.

Mouflon (Ovis orientalis musimon)
The common mouflon, also known as the European mouflon, is a two even-toed hoofed mammal that is in vulnerable status It is distributed throughout Europe, especially in Germany and the Czech Republic, and is expanding as a domestic animal.
When we talk about this animal that starts with M we have to take into account that it weighs around 50 kg, so its size is large, in addition to it has wool , although this is shorter than that of the common sheep. On the other hand, males are the only ones that have curved horns , so we find an example of sexual dimorphism.

Mulgara (Dasycercus cristicauda)
The mulgara, or crest-tailed marsupial rat, belongs to the marsupial species and is endemic to Australia. It is small size since it weighs about 115 grams and measures no more than 22 mm at most, although its tail can reach about 13 mm.
This is another example of sexual dimorphism in species, as males are larger than females. It has an apparently mouse-like head and its ears and snout are pointed. Also, out of curiosity, doesn't have a first finger, but rather its support is completely plantigrade.
Don't hesitate to take a look at the following post with the types of marsupials that exist.

Skunk (Mephitidae)
The mephitidae group are known for the smell they give off as a defense mechanism against predators. These animals that begin with M are medium in size and are found mainly in America.
When attacking with their scent they adopt a different position which can vary depending on the species of skunk we are talking about: some They get up on two legs and others raise their tails and remain static. This substance they emit can reach a distance of 2 meters.

Bat (Chiroptera)
Known to be the animal version of vampires, bats are some placental mammals that have developed wings on their upper extremities. There are more than 1,400 species today and they are distributed around the planet, with the exception of Antarctica.
It should be noted that these animals that begin with M are the only mammals capable of flight and have an important role as pollinators and controllers of pests.

Marabou (Leptoptilos)
Within the genus of ciconform birds we find the marabou. They are scavenger birds that are found in different areas of Asia and Africa and, literally, their name refers to the thin feathers that make up their body. There are three recognized species:
- Lesser Marabou, (Leptoptilos javanicus).
- Marabú argala, (Leptoptilos dubius).
- African marabou, (Leptoptilos crumeniferus).
We leave you the following article with other scavenger animals: types and examples.

Other animals starting with M
To complete this list of animals that start with M, we are going to mention other animals that you may also be interested in.
- Mongoose, Herpestidae.
- Boreal raccoon, Procyon lotor.
- Groundhog, Groundhog.
- Kingfisher, Alcedo atthis.
- Millipedes, Diplopoda.
- Fly, Musca domestica.
- Bee hunting blowfly, Mallophora ruficauda.
- Blackbird, Turdus merula.
- Medusa, Medusozoa.
- Porpoise, Phocoenidae.
- Raccoon racuna, Procyon lotor.
- Praying Mantis, Praying Mantis.
- Manatee, Trichechus.
- Mackerel, Scomber scombrus.
- Mandrill, Mandrillus sphinx.
- Butterfly, Lepidoptera.
- Mussel, Mytilidae.
- Mosquito, Culicidae.
- Mule, Equus asinus × Equus caballus.
Extinct animals beginning with M
Now that we have completed the list of animals that begin with M, we are going to meet some of them that are extinct but became part of the fauna of our planet years ago.
- Macrodontophion.
- Madsenius.
- Maiasaura.
- Maleevosaurus.
- Mandschurosaurus.
- Megacervixosaurus.
- Micropachycephalosaurus.
- MinMi.
- Monoclonius.
- Montanoceratops.
- Moshinosaurus.
- Muttaburrasaurus.
- Macrophalangia.
- Magnosaurus.
- Majungasaurus.