Curiosities of HORSES - Discover what makes them special

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Curiosities of HORSES - Discover what makes them special
Curiosities of HORSES - Discover what makes them special
Horse trivia
Horse trivia

There are various animals that have had a close relationship with human beings for centuries, forming part of their social dynamics. One of them are the horses, mammals of the order Perissodactyla belonging to the equidae family and closely related to zebras and donkeys, among other species. These quadrupeds have various particular traits that have been used by people for their domestication. Continue reading this article on our site and learn the curiosities of horses

Horse common name

There are several names associated with the horse First of all, the word “horse” comes from the Latin word caballus, which means “pack horse »[1] The word "steed" is also used to refer to these animals, a term used in ancient times for horses used in tournaments and battles [two]

On the other hand, the female of this species is known as a mare and the youngsters are usually called fillies and foals, depending on whether they are females or males. Additionally, there are ponies, which are a variety that is characterized by not exceeding 142-147 cm in height, being robust, having an abundant mane and shorter legs. In any case, all these names refer to the same species.

Scientific name of the horse

Horses belong to the order of perissodactyls, to the family of equidae or equines and to the genus Equus. The scientific name assigned to them by Linnaeus was Equus caballus. However, two wild species were later distinguished, which were named Equus ferus and Equus przewalskii. The latter was included by some authors in the former, while others considered it a subspecies.

Subsequently, the scientific community concluded that Equus caballus and Equus ferus belonged to the same species, and, therefore, the same scientific name should be assigned, choosing, as is customary, the first used, in this Equus caballus case. But some experts were against this solution because this name was linked to a domesticated and not a wild animal, understanding that the second should replace the first. As no consensus has been achieved in this regard, depending on the author the horse is designated in one way or another.

A petition to the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature, the highest body for the designation of these names, established that the name Equus ferus was not invalid, but did not explicitly indicate which one should be chosen. For all these reasons, the denomination Equus ferus caballus has been generalized and it explains why we can find differences in terms of the scientific name of these animals.

Curiosities of horses - Scientific name of the horse
Curiosities of horses - Scientific name of the horse

Horse taming

It is known that horses have accompanied the history of humanity for centuries and there were even suspicions that their domestication could have been carried out by human groups before the use of metals. But these animals, unlike other domesticated ones, have not had many anatomical changes, except physiognomic ones, when compared to the wild variety, so that this comparison did not offer evidence on the date of the beginning of their relationship with humans.

A study[3] carried out on chemical aspects in a deposit in Kazakhstan has suggested that the domestication of this species wasabout 5600 years ago , since the results showed that very probably at that time these animals were already kept grouped near human settlements.

How fast does a horse run?

These horses are quite fast, which has led them to be used as entertainment in the famous horse races. But you have to know that it is a practice for which they are trained. It does not correspond to a natural activity in them. Given their anatomical characteristics, horses can reach speeds of at least about 65 km/h, although they can even be higher in some cases.

Horse Curiosities - How fast does a horse run?
Horse Curiosities - How fast does a horse run?

The horse's airs

Horses can move in three different ways, known as "gaits". These forms are the walk, the trot and the gallop Given the domestication to which they have been subjected, they can move in one way or another depending on the various activities for which are used, such as racing, horse riding or exhibitions.

Curiosities of horses - The gaits of the horse
Curiosities of horses - The gaits of the horse

Do horses live in herds?

Horses are social animals that, when living in wild communities, form groups led by a male Most group members they are mares accompanied by their offspring. Alpha males, unlike the rest, are very active, constantly on the move, and are generally located behind the pack.

If they perceive a threat, they immediately move to the front to act in defense of the group, either biting or kicking the possible aggressor. Mares often have this same behavior when caring for their offspring.

Curiosities of horses - Do horses live in herds?
Curiosities of horses - Do horses live in herds?

How do horses sleep?

Horses, curiously, have two ways of sleeping: lying down or standing up In the first case they lie on the ground, but they don't They spend a lot of time like that. They can also sleep standing up, as they have an anatomical disposition that allows it. On the other hand, they present sleep patterns for different periods of time throughout the day, that is, they sleep at intervals.

Curiosities of horses - How do horses sleep?
Curiosities of horses - How do horses sleep?

Where do horses live?

Horses, due to domestication, are widely widespread throughout the world, however, in some regions they have disappeared in its wild form, although they have been reintroduced. These quadrupeds adapt quite well to various types of ecosystems, although in natural habitats they prefer grasslands, steppes, savannahs, semi-deserts, swamps and forests.

Horse breeds

As you know, there is only one species of horse, but, as has happened with other animals, as a result of the selective crosses typical of domestication, a great variety of what are known as breeds have been obtained.. These are used for various purposes and differ in sizes, weights and colors. Although it is difficult to establish an exact number, there is talk of the existence of more than a hundred breeds of horses, including varieties of ponies.

If you want to know more about the breeds, don't miss our article on the Breeds of Spanish horses.

Communication of horses

Horses perceive their environment mainly through vision and chemical receptors located in their nostrils and whiskers. Communication between pack members is based on vocalizations, among which the neigh stands out. But they also communicate through body movements, like stomping and jumping.

To understand horses, don't miss our article on their language.
