10 Curiosities of the lions - Facts that you may not know

10 Curiosities of the lions - Facts that you may not know
10 Curiosities of the lions - Facts that you may not know
Lion Trivia
Lion Trivia

Already in ancient Greece and Rome, lions occupied an important step within the social conception. Lions were understood to be a representation of elegance and majesty, as well as the quintessential animal that headed the food chain and therefore emanated an aura of power and leadership. In a similar way it happens today within psychology, where the lion represents the strength to overcome difficulties and the courage to move forward.

From a symbol of power, to an adjective to describe a person's attitude, the lion is truly a carnivorous mammal that belongs to the cat family (Felidae) and is one of five species within the genus Panthera.

These felines have the ability to cause different sensations in human beings. Some view them with tenderness for their resemblance to cats, and others fear them for their size and ferocity. Therefore, if you want to discover some of the curiosities of lions, continue reading this article on our site.

They present sexual dimorphism

Sexual dimorphism consists of the set of variations and physical changes, be it the coat, color or shape between males and females that are part of the same species. Lions are the only felines with sexual dimorphism once they enter adulthood. We see it in the mane (or lock): the females lack this mane and the males can have it from blonde to black. Also, it tends to get darker as the lion gets older.

Curiosities of the lions - They present sexual dimorphism
Curiosities of the lions - They present sexual dimorphism

They stand out for their physical greatness

Only behind tigers, lions are the second largest cats Although there are different types of lions, such as Asiatic and Africans, most of them usually measure between 1.70 and 2.10 meters. In terms of weight, they can weigh between 150 and 200 kg

Their great sonority distinguishes them

Another curiosity about lions is their roar. Although they can also meow and purr like cats, the fame of greatness of these felines is given by their roar and their fur, as we have already mentioned. A lion's roar can be heard from 8 kilometers away and up to 114 decibels. In fact, it is the loudest roar within the feline species and is used to mark territory, communicate with each other and scare away possible enemies in the area.

They live in mini-societies

Another of the customs of the lions is to live in a group. In fact, they are the only cats that do not usually lead a solitary life and do everything as a team. We also know that live in herds but do we know how they are formed?

As a curious fact about lionesses, we see that start reproducing at 4 years of age. In this way, the prides are made up of 1 dominant lion, 6 females that are already paired and their young, to which 2 or 3 males can also be added who act as tenants. Many times, these tenants kill the young of the females in order to ensure their own offspring and position in the pack.

There are homeless lions

Every exception confirms a rule, and the packs of lions were not going to be less. In some very specific cases, lions are not part of herds, but move as nomads independently or, at most, in pairs. This usually happens when they don't get a new pride to join when they've reached adulthood, so they become some kind of homeless lions

They live in matriarchies

Although we know him as “The Lion King”, to the surprise of many, the pride's social cohesion is thanks to the lionesses. These are social units based on matriarchy where females are in charge of hunting and feeding the carnivorous group. They adopt a defensive attitude of the territory they occupy to prevent other females from invading their space.

If you want to discover more curiosities about feeding and hunting of lions, do not hesitate to read the article How do lions hunt? that we have on our site.

Curiosities of the lions - They live in matriarchies
Curiosities of the lions - They live in matriarchies

How is your lifestyle

Another fact about lions is that when they reach adulthood, the males of the pride are chased away by the females and have to find a new herd to stay. That is why some are lost and without a herd after being expelled. However, lionesses, and even their cubs, stick together for the rest of their lives.

What sleep schedule do you have?

As customs of the lions we highlight that they usually sleep between 16 and 20 hours a day. The rest of the hours the females dedicate to hunting, although there are times when they adapt their sleeping schedule to that of their prey. Meanwhile, the lions dedicate it to discovering new territories. One last curiosity is that lions are capable of eating prey up to twice their size.

Curiosities of the lions - What sleep schedule do they have?
Curiosities of the lions - What sleep schedule do they have?

He is the king of the savannah

Another myth about lions is that they are the kings of the jungle, when really they are the kings of the savannah. Lions live in plains, grasslands and savannahs and although they came to inhabit much of Africa, Europe, the Middle East and even North America, they currently live in very specific areas of northwestern India and southeastern and central Africa.

The lion in danger of extinction by 2050

Today there are only about 20,000 to 30,000 lions living in all of Africa, a number that has been halved in 30 years. Due to the loss of their natural habitat and the disappearance of their prey, there is a 67% probability that within 25 years the populations of these felines will once again be reduced by half in central and western Africa.

If you have been interested in this article about curiosities about lions, don't hesitate to read Curiosities about horses.
