Dogue de Bordeaux dog: characteristics and photos

Dogue de Bordeaux dog: characteristics and photos
Dogue de Bordeaux dog: characteristics and photos
Dogue de Bordeaux
Dogue de Bordeaux

The dogue de Bordeaux or dogue de Bordeaux is one of the molossoid dogs most appreciated for its good-natured character and imposing appearance. And it is that, many people do not imagine that behind his appearance hides a very calm and faithful dog, perfect for very diverse families.

If you are thinking of adopting a puppy or an adult dog of this breed, it is essential that you properly inform yourself of the care that accurate, his education and many other details regarding his behavior. Being well informed beforehand is very important for the adoption to be carried out correctly.

Do not forget that there are some details to take into account about the Dogue de Bordeaux that we must consider beforehand, such as having the PPP dog license. In this breed file on our site we will detail everything you need to know about Dogue de Bordeaux:

Origin of the Dogue de Bordeaux

The ancient history of the Dogue de Bordeaux is practically unknown although most sources point to a Celtic origin It is estimated that it was used in this dog for hunting big game and for protection. However, it was not until the 14th century that this breed was documented for the first time in France From then until the 19th century, Dogues de Bordeaux were used as dogs of big game, guards, fighting dogs and as auxiliary butchers.

At that time there were 3 types of French Mastiffs: the Paris type, the Toulouse type and the Bordeaux type The last one was the direct ancestor of the current race. In 1863, the first dog show was held in Paris at the Jardin d'Acclimatization, and it was also the first time that the Dogue de Bordeaux was presented under its current name.

Characteristics of the Dogue de Bordeaux

The most noticeable feature of the Dogue de Bordeaux is its huge head It is said that among all dog breeds, this French Dogue has the largest head in proportion to its body. In fact, the breed standard indicates that the perimeter of the skull in the male should be approximately equal to the height at the withers. In the female it is a little smaller, but it is also a large head.

The skin on the head shows many wrinkles, especially when the dog is attentive. The naso-frontal depression (stop) is very pronounced, since the muzzle forms an almost right angle with the skull. The nose is wide and pigmented according to the color of the mask. The muzzle is short, wide and thick. Prognathism (lower jaw longer than upper jaw) is characteristic of the breed and the lower jaw curves upwards. The eyes are oval, set wide apart and Hazel to brown Dark shades are preferred. The ears are set high, drooping but not hanging, small and a little darker than the mantle.

The body of the Dogue de Bordeaux is rectangular in profile (longer than its height at the withers), muscular and strong. The top line is horizontal. The chest is strong, long, deep and wide. The flanks are slightly retracted. The tail is thick at the base and reaches the hock, but does not exceed it. The coat of this bulldog is short, fine and soft. It can be any shade of fawn, and well-defined white spots are allowed on the forechest and the ends of the legs. The mask can be black, brown (called red or bistre) or not at all.

Male males usually weigh a minimum of 50 kilograms and reach a height of between 60 and 68 cm. For their part, females weigh at least 45 kilograms and reach a height of between 58 and 66 cm.

Dogue de Bordeaux character

The Dogue de Bordeaux's past may lead us to think that it is a violent or excessively territorial dog due to its use as a fighting and protection dog. However, the truth is that the Dogue de Bordeaux usually has a friendly and calm character It is a comfortable, intelligent and independent dog, with a very balanced personality. He is not usually noisy or excessively moved, he is a calm dog inside the home.

It will depend on each case and the education you receive to have one personality or another. The Dogue de Bordeaux is usually excellent for all types of families including those who have children in their care. Despite its large size, the Dogue de Bordeaux is a very calm dog that will patiently put up with the little ones and their pranks.

However, the character of the Dogue de Bordeaux may not be ideal if attack techniques are practiced with him, he is not given enough walks or if he is deliberately mistreated. It is a very sensitive dog that must be treated with affection and affection, otherwise it may begin to suffer behavioral problems that make it nervous and destructive. These types of problems are not exclusive to the Dogue de Bordeaux, any dog can suffer from these problems if he does not receive proper care.

A detail to take into account is the great courage and affectionthat he professes to his human life companions. Faced with a situation that the Dogue considers aggressive towards those he loves most, the Dogue de Bordeaux can act negatively, as any beloved dog would, but the difference is its large size and corpulence. For that reason, it will be important to assess whether we have enough physical strength and adequate training time to offer you.

Dogue de Bordeaux care

Caring for a Dogue de Bordeaux is relatively easy. We will start with brushing, which should be carried out occasionally since it hardly loses hair. Being calm, it is not a dog that is going to get excessively dirty, so a rubber mitten will suffice to brush him from time to time and leave his hair shiny and free of dirt.

We will bathe him when he is really dirty or when he smells bad but we must be careful not to bathe him excessively to respect the natural protection layer of his dermis. Of course, we will pay close attention to cleaning all his wrinkles, especially those on his face, which can be filled with food debris, slime and dirt. It is important to sanitize all these areas to avoid the appearance of fungi and other skin problems.

A very important fact to consider (especially if we are very scrupulous about hygiene and cleanliness) is that the Dogue de Bordeaux is a dog that drools a lotAlthough at first glance it may not seem so exaggerated, the truth is that over time we will see how the walls of our house begin to fill with sweet marks from our friend. For that reason, you should keep in mind that painting the house will be a regular thing.

The Dogue de Bordeaux needs at least 3 daily walks to allow him to stay in shape and exercise moderately. It is important to understand that, due to its molossoid morphology, it is susceptible to labored breathing and heat stroke, so it should never be exposed to high temperatures without the possibility of drinking water or sheltering in the shade. Also for that reason, if we need to use the muzzle, we will use a "basket" type that allows you to pant and breathe properly. During physical exercise we can encourage him to play and run around but it will not be appropriate to make him jump because of his propensity to dysplasia.

Finally comment that it is a large dog that will need an owner with sufficient economic capacity Let's not forget that the Dogue de Bordeaux is going to consume a large amount of food, you will need a large bed as well as large dental hygiene snacks. That should be seriously considered before adopting one.

Dogue de Bordeaux Education

The Dogue de Bordeaux is an intelligent dog that responds wonderfully to education and training based on positive reinforcement. The use of force and punishment must be avoided at all costs. The Dogue de Bordeaux is a very sensitive dog that suffers enormously from these kinds of negative habits.

To begin with, it will be essential to properly socialize him from his puppy stage with all kinds of people (including children and adults), other pets (dogs, cats and all the animals with which he will have contact in his adult life) and as well as various environments and objects. Socialization is essential to avoid fearful, aggressive or inappropriate attitudes of a dog. Most dogs that experience reactivity with other pets or other behavioral problems are directly related to poor socialization. In addition, we must ensure that all these experiences are positive for the dog, always offering him treats and varied reinforcements in these encounters.

Later on, we'll start working on education teaching the puppy to urinate in the street, to chew on his toys andbasic obedience commands In all these processes we will use positive reinforcement as it is a great way to help remember the Dogue de Bordeaux. One detail is that this breed usually remembers everything learned forever. He will never forget what we teach him. For a better stimulation of the dog, we recommend you to practice with him intelligence games and varied activities that can motivate him.

Finally, you should be clear that it will be essential to have an economic cushion that you can turn to if your dog at any stage of his life suffers from a behavioral problem that could complicate your day-to-day life. An ethologist, dog educator and even a trainer are figures that you may have to turn to if something goes wrong. Do not forget!

Dogue de Bordeaux he alth

Despite having great physical strength, the Dogue de Bordeaux can get sick quite easily, for this reason it is very convenient visit the vet every 6 monthsapproximately. This habit will help us detect any disease promptly, thus improving your recovery. The most common diseases in the Dogue de Bordeaux are:

  • Hip dysplasia
  • Elbow dysplasia
  • Gastric torsion
  • Heatstroke
  • Ectropion
  • Aortic stenosis
  • Conjunctivitis
  • Dilated cardiomyopathy
  • Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
  • Mushrooms
  • Allergies

On the other hand, it is essential to strictly follow the dog's vaccination schedule, thus being able to avoid contagious and very serious diseases such as distemper, rabies or canine parvovirus.

It is highly recommended to castrate this dog because in this way we will help him to eliminate a possible breeding impulse with other males, we will avoid the appearance of some diseases, we will help him to have a more stable character and we will avoid that can reproduce. Also we will deworm him internally every three months and externally every 30 days.

Finally, comment that the Dogue de Bordeaux had until recently a life expectancy of around 8 years. Fortunately, the improvement in veterinary he alth and the care we can provide today have increased its longevity to approximately 8-11 years.


Don't forget that the Dogue de Bordeaux is considered a potentially dangerous dog (PPP) in many countries, which is why the use of the muzzle and leashin public spaces is mandatory.

Photos of Dogue de Bordeaux
