The 5 freedoms of animal welfare

The 5 freedoms of animal welfare
The 5 freedoms of animal welfare
The 5 freedoms of animal welfare
The 5 freedoms of animal welfare

Don't you know what the Animal Welfare 5 Freedoms are? Before starting to work with a dog thinking that it has possible behavior problems, we should ask ourselves if its 5 freedoms are covered.

Compliance with this basic requirement will allow us to measure the level of well-being in our animal and certify that, even if it shows one behavior or another, our pet is mentally well as far as possible and from what we can offer it.

Do you comply with the 5 freedoms of animal welfare? Find out below.

1. Free from thirst, hunger and malnutrition

Although it seems unthinkable that our pet may be thirsty or hungry at times It can happen without us noticing How?

Water should always be available for your pet, including at night, that is, when you sleep, be proactive. In winter and especially if we live in a cold place we must make sure that the upper layer of the water has not frozen, to avoid it we can place it inside the home.

Regarding food, it is important that we know what type of food our pet needs, always being of high quality. We may think that we give him a delicious and abundant food, although that is not the case, identify the signals that your pet sends you.

The 5 freedoms of animal welfare - 1. Freedom from thirst, hunger and malnutrition
The 5 freedoms of animal welfare - 1. Freedom from thirst, hunger and malnutrition

two. Free from discomfort

Comfort is something basic that depends directly on the environment that your pet should have in his day to day. We include having a bed, a nest or a comfortable den where you can relax and rest, a stable room temperature, toys and accessories to distract yourself as well as the security and peace of mind that you are in a comfortable place Elderly pets such as dogs and cats will need extra comfort for your situation and physical condition.

The 5 freedoms of animal welfare - 2. Free from discomfort
The 5 freedoms of animal welfare - 2. Free from discomfort

3. Free from pain and disease

We cannot claim to have a dog that fulfills the 5 freedoms if it suffers from any illness or diseaseRemember that even if he does not suffer from a parasite infection or a serious illness, problems such as canine osteoarthritis or conjunctivitis in cats can create a general malaise that makes him act in a less friendly way, for example.

Pay attention to signs that may indicate discomfort in your pet, be it a cat, dog or even a hamster. It is very important that you check on them periodically as they cannot tell you that they feel bad.

The 5 freedoms of animal welfare - 3. Free from pain and disease
The 5 freedoms of animal welfare - 3. Free from pain and disease

4. Free to express yourself

The dog must be able to express himself freely in the environment in which he lives and inhabits, for this reason it is essential to have good communication with our pet and know what he needs:

  • Let him explore and sniff: This will allow him to adapt to the environment in which he lives, identify the pets that live in the surroundings, locate in a specific place, carry out their daily tasks of searching for food (as they would in nature) etc.
  • Activity: It is very important that your dog can exercise as much as he needs, only in this way will he be free of stress, You will be happier and more fulfilled. It is very important that you respect this point.
  • Contact with people: Dogs that have spent their entire lives with people want contact with them, it makes them feel socialized and happy. Sometimes they can generate stereotypes just so that we pay attention and affection to them. Never stop pampering your dog, cat and even any other pet that is used to your presence and pampering, you can create serious anxiety or depression.
  • Contact with other pets: If your pet has lived with others of its kind or another, indifferently, it can get depressed when it finds Alone and bored.
The 5 freedoms of animal welfare - 4. Free to express yourself
The 5 freedoms of animal welfare - 4. Free to express yourself

5. Free from fear and stress

Finally and to put an end to the 5 freedoms of animal welfare we must ensure that our dog does not suffer from fear or stress, and this is the most complicated part to achieve because we do not always know what fears our pet may have, so we advise you:

  • Don't force him to interact if he doesn't feel like it.
  • Rewards calm and tranquility.
  • Never punish him with physical force.
  • Teach him to understand "No".
  • Always use positive reinforcement.
  • Do not create situations that make him have a hard time.
  • Identify his fears and try to get him to overcome them Always with a specialist
