Spanish water dog: characteristics and photos

Spanish water dog: characteristics and photos
Spanish water dog: characteristics and photos
Spanish Water Dog
Spanish Water Dog

The Spanish Water Doghas been a shepherd dog for generations, however, his nobility and fidelity have made him a one of the most beloved companion dogs in the Iberian Peninsula. In this tab on our site we will explain everything you need to know about the Spanish water dog: physical characteristics (according to FCI indications), the character that it usually has, the care it requires and the training we must follow, among many other details.

If you are passionate about this breed, have a Spanish water dog or are thinking of adopting one, don't hesitate, keep reading this page on our site and find out everything about this wonderful dog and its qualities. that you can offer us. Do not forget that it will also be important to review the most common diseases and other related details:

Origin of the Spanish water dog

The Spanish water dog has as its predecessor the old barbet dog, the water dog that has given way to other breeds such as the poodle or poodle and the different breeds of water dogs (Spanish, Portuguese, French or Romagna among others). Its presence in the Iberian Peninsula dates back to at least 1100 BC. but it is unknown exactly what the exact origin is and if there were other races in its development.

During the 18th century the Spanish water dog was used as a working dog in activities such as herding and huntingLikewise, and due to its ability to swim, the fishermen of the Spanish north used it occasionally as an assistant. His population was mainly in Andalusia and he was known as "El perro Turco"

Later on and with the appearance of other breeds in the country, the Spanish water dog ceased to be the main helper in grazing and hunting tasks, thus reducing its population. They were mainly replaced by the German Shepherd and the Belgian Malinois. Currently, the Spanish water dog is still a popular and well-known dog, but his work has been changing, and he is currently one of the most popular sporting dogs in Spain.

Physical Characteristics of the Spanish Water Dog

The water dog is physically very similar to the current French barbet due to its common origin. It is a dog medium-sized, rustic and athletic, very muscular. The head is strong, elegant and with a flattened cranial roof. The naso-frontal depression is smooth and shallow. The slightly oblique eyes range from hazel to brown. The ears are medium set, triangular and droopy.

The body is medium, robust and slightly longer than it is tall, although we are talking about a fairly proportionate dog. The back is straight and strong, while the croup slopes gently from the horizontal. The chest is wide and deep. The belly is slightly gathered.

The measurements and weights of the Spanish water dog are usually:

  • Height of males: between 44 and 50 centimeters
  • Height of females: between 40 and 46 centimeters
  • Weight of males: between 18 and 22 kilograms
  • Female weight: between 14 and 18 kilograms

This dog's tail is medium set and, unfortunately, the FCI standard for the breed indicates that it must be amputated between the second and fourth vertebrae, something that we absolutely do not recommend on our site. Fortunately, this cruel and unnecessary custom is being lost all over the world and is even illegal in many countries. In addition, today the FCI accepts dogs of all breeds with full tails, even though its standards state that tails must be docked.

The coat of the Spanish water dog is long, curly and woolly. Curls show from birth. On the other hand, it is important to highlight that although there are tricolor, black and tan or hazelnut and tan Spanish Water Dogs, those accepted by the FCI are the following:

  • Unicolor: White, black or brown.
  • Bicolor: Black and white or white and brown.

Spanish water dog character

The Spanish water dog, perhaps due to its long tradition as a working dog, is usually a very obedient dog and with a predisposition nature for learning. This is due, in part, to their intelligence, which we must stimulate on a regular basis with training, canine skills and other activities that we consider appropriate, both physical and mental.

It is also a dog very faithful and attached to its owners, brave and with a very balanced character. In general, they usually show hunting and herding instincts, an inheritance of the activities that he has developed for generations.

Spanish water dog care

Caring for the coat of the Spanish water dog will require an extra effort on the part of the owners since tangles and accumulation of dirt are common. It is recommended to leave a length of between 3 and 12 centimeters, however, the coat should be brushed almost daily if you want to keep it looking nice and without tangles. For a perfect finish, it is ideal to go to the dog grooming salon every two months approximately. Even so, we can bathe them at home using nourishing shampoos and conditioners that soften the coat and make brushing easier.

Another aspect to highlight is the physical exercise that this breed requires. We must understand that it is an active dog that will need a minimum of between two and three daily walks, combined with games (ball, frisbee or running) and mental stimulation activities (dog skills and obedience, mainly). An activity that combines both aspects mentioned is agility, a very complete sport and recommended for this breed.

Spanish water dog education

Mainly due to its attached and faithful character, the Spanish water dog will need to start early in socialization, that is, the process in which it will learn to interact with different people, animals and environments. This process lasts a lifetime and is essential to avoid fears and unwanted reactions in adulthood. Through socialization, the dog learns to relate, also understanding the "rules" of human, feline and dog communication.

Also remember that socialization begins when the dog is still a puppy and remains with its mother. Separating it before time can harm the learning of this process. Generally, a well-socialized Water Spaniel will get along well with other animals and unfamiliar people, although it tends to be somewhat reserved compared to other more outgoing breeds.

The Spanish water dog is a very intelligent dog and it is very easy to work on obedience and other exercises. It will be essential to teach our dog the basic obedience orders. Apart from improving our relationship with him and fostering good communication, teaching our Spanish Water Dog obedience commands will be very beneficial for him, since it is a dog that requires regular mental stimulation It is also very interesting to teach canine skills or various tricks, such as teaching your dog to give the paw. All of these exercises will help you stay distracted and avoid negative behaviors.

Let's not forget that the Spanish water dog has a highly developed herding instinct, so it can exhibit this type of behavior towards different people in the family, especially children. We recommend always monitoring the games and being aware of the possible appearance of this behavior.

Spanish Water Dog He alth

The Spanish water dog is considered one of the he althiest that exist and has no tendency to suffer from hereditary problems, however and As with all dogs, the most common diseases recorded are:

  • Cataracts: it is one of the most common canine he alth problems. It consists of the opacification of the lens and the symptoms are the same as those suffered by humans.
  • Follicular dysplasia: abnormal growth of the hair follicle, which instead of growing outward grows inward, causing pain and discomfort in the dog, apart from possible infections such as pustules and papules. It mainly affects black dogs.
  • Distichiasis: it is an abnormal growth of the eyelashes, mainly on the eyelid margin.

To avoid late detection of any of these diseases, we always recommend going to the veterinarian every 6 months approximately. In the same way, we will follow the dog's vaccination schedule and regular deworming (external and internal). If you follow our advice, you will enjoy a he althy and happy dog between 10 and 14 years.

Photos of Spanish Water Dog
