GOLDENDOODLE - Origin, Characteristics and Care

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GOLDENDOODLE - Origin, Characteristics and Care
GOLDENDOODLE - Origin, Characteristics and Care

The goldendoodle is one of the most successful non-accepted breeds among the different hybrids of dog breeds, such as the labradoodle, the m altipoo or the peekapoo. Have you heard of them? In this page of our site we are going to talk in detail about goldendoodle dogs, wonderful mestizos resulting from the cross between the golden retriever and thepoodle or poodle Affable, intelligent and helpful, both inherited and personal qualities that make these dogs really interesting. Are you staying to meet the goldendoodle?

Origin of the goldendoodle

Goldendoodles are mixed dogs born from the cross between a golden retriever and a poodle, usually medium or standard in size. These dogs began to develop in order to have more breeds considered "hypoallergenic", a virtue possessed by the poodle, which lose very little hair In this way they compensated the exaggerated hair loss of golden retrievers. On the other hand, the breed is praised for its skills as a guide dog and therapy dog, something it inherits from the golden retriever, famous for traditionally performing such tasks.

But why develop a new breed if you already have one that perfectly fulfills these functions? And this is where all the pieces come together, because what if the person the golden is supposed to accompany is allergic to dog hair? Well, that's when the goldendoodle is the ideal dog. The first goldendoodle puppies were born in 1992, with the breed originating in both Australia and the United States at the same time. It is currently considered a hybrid breed, so does not have an official cynological standard

Features of the goldendoodle

A goldendoodle can be of three different sizes: big, between 20 and 30 kilograms, medium, weighing between 14 and 20 kilos, or mini, the maximum weight of these dogs being 6 kilograms. In all cases, there is a marked sexual dimorphism, since it is estimated that the females measure on average about 5 centimeters less in height than their male counterparts, a difference that becomes more noticeable and pronounced in the larger ones. The life expectancy is around 12-15 years They are stylized dogs, with a long body, elongated and light limbs, which contrast with a proportionally short tail. The head is long and thin, with a prominent dark-nosed snout. They have wide-set dark eyes and large, drooping ears on the sides of their heads.

The goldendoodle puppy

Something indisputable is that little goldendoodles are extremely adorable. But, do you know that their hair while they are puppies is very different from what they present as adults? When they are born, goldendoodles have very thick and straight hair, but from 6 weeks of age, that hair begins to curl little by little At 3 months old their hair is wavy, but at 6 months it is completely curly.

Goldendoodle colors

As there is no official breed standard, it is not possible to speak of admitted or permitted colors. However, there is a predilection for the typical colors of the two parent breeds, that is, light colors such as the gold of the golden, or white, brown, black and poodle greys. The most frequent are golden and cream In general, it is a thick, long and curly coat, thus forming a dense and very dense mantle. It is thicker and longer in the area of the face, legs and tail. This varies between specimens, as some, although the fewest, may have wavy or even straight hair.

Goldendoodle mini

Mini-sized goldendoodles are the result of crosses between golden retrievers and miniature poodle These dogs differ from standard goldendoodles basically because of its size, much smaller. While a "normal" goldendoodle weighs between 14 and 20 kilograms, mini will not exceed 6 kilos of body weight. In addition, in these goldendoodle the energy that these mestizos present becomes more noticeable, being somewhat more active than the medium ones and especially than the large ones.

Goldendoodle Character

Goldendoodles can be proud of their good nature, as they tend to be incredibly sociable, affectionate and very very sweet and delicate. They get along great with everyone, dogs, cats, children, the elderly, families, single people… Ideal for almost any home and family. Although, it is not so for those who usually spend a lot of time away from home, because they cannot stand prolonged solitude Given their kindness and outgoing nature they are not suitable as dogs lookout or guardians, because they do not reject strangers.

They are very active, so make sure they get enough physical activity on a daily basis. If this is not done, there may be cases of mischievous goldendoodles that pour their energy into various kinds of destruction or excessive barking.

Goldendoodle care

The goldendoodle requires a series of daily care, such as receiving a adjusted diet to its nutritional and energy requirements. It is important that they are not fed excessively, because they will not stop eating even if they are already full, they are very gluttonous, which can lead them too easily to suffer from overweight and obesityAlong with their diet, we must also take care of their hydration, which is even more important, so we must always leave fresh, drinking water at their disposal.

These dogs need to exercise daily To do this we can take long walks or play sports with them such as running or swimming. Games are also recommended, if there are children in the family, both parties can have fun and play together. In addition, we will make a minimum of between 3 and 4 walks a day so that they can relieve themselves.

As for its coat, it requires frequent brushing, recommending brushing at least once a day, as this prevents the formation of of knots and you can easily remove any dirt that may have accumulated. Bathing can be done every 1-2 months, depending on your soil levels.

Goldendoodle Education

A goldendoodle is docile and collaborative in training. This makes it one of the easiest hybrid dog breeds to train. We'll start when he's a puppy with Dog Socialization, introducing him to all kinds of people, animals and environments. This will help us guarantee a stable and positive character in their adult stage, as well as a lack of fear or aggressiveness. Also in his puppy stage we will teach him to urinate in the newspaper and, once he has his vaccinations up to date, to urinate in the street.

Once young, we will teach the dog the basic obedience commands, essential for good control and communication with the owner. It should also be noted that these dogs have a strong sense of smell, so they can be easily taught to track odors. For this we can develop tracking games, they will enjoy them greatly. To finish, remember that it will be essential to use positive reinforcement at all times, avoiding punishment and yelling, thus betting on tasty prizes, caresses or kind words.

Goldendoodle He alth

These canine hybrids may present alterations typical of the two parent breeds, as detailed below.

From golden retrievers, they tend to inherit their tendency to suffer from hip dysplasia, so veterinary check-ups that include a comprehensive trauma check-up, with periodic X-rays. This way you can perceive if there is any problem early and take the pertinent measures as soon as possible.

From poodles they inherit a tendency to suffer from hematological diseases, such as von Willebrand disease, which affects the conformation of platelets sanguine. They also inherit the tendency to suffer disorders related to sight, such as cataracts or entropion. Something also typical of both breeds, since both poodles and goldens are prone to eye diseases, both those mentioned as well as progressive retinal atrophy or glaucoma All of these can lead to blindness, so it is important that our dog is periodically evaluated for know the status of your eyes and make sure everything is in order.

In addition, tests, deworming and vaccinations must be carried out when appropriate, combining this with oral, hearing and eye cleaning, both at home and at the veterinary office. This way we can protect our pet from a greater number of diseases. For all these reasons, we recommend visiting the vet every 6 or 12 months

Adopt a goldendoodle

When adopting a goldendoodle, we must know that there are different types of crosses, which are:

  • First generation or F1: direct crosses between pure poodles and pure goldens.
  • F1b middle crosses: one of the pure parents is crossed with a goldendoodle
  • Second generation F2: crossing of two goldendoodles

Knowing the cross is important if we want to have a little more certainty regarding the characteristics and possible general state of he alth of the puppy maintains that the F1 are more robust than the F1b, while the F2 are more predictable and better guarantee their hypoallergenic characteristics.

Differences between labradoodle and goldendoodle

Frequently the question arises between what is the difference between a labradoodle and a goldendoodle The difference comes from the cross breeds, because while the labradoodle the cross is between a labrador retriever and a standard poodle, in the goldendoodle a golden retriever is crossed with a poodle, which can be standard or mini.

Bearing in mind these differences in the parents of the hybrids, it is not surprising that there are differences in aspects such as weight In both In some cases, the minimum weight is 6 kilograms, but while goldendoodles can weigh a maximum of 45 kilograms, labradoodles never exceed 30 kilograms.

In general both have a sociable character, they are very intelligent and docile, but Labradoodles tend to be more energetic, being able to show themselves restless more easily, they are also somewhat more reserved. Regarding its appearance, the colors of the goldendoodle's coat are lighter, predominantly gold and caramel, something that is more variable in the labradoodle, finding many more colors, such as black, blue, chocolate or red.

Goldendoodle Pictures
