Mongooses - What are they, types, characteristics and habitat

Table of contents:

Mongooses - What are they, types, characteristics and habitat
Mongooses - What are they, types, characteristics and habitat
Mongooses - What they are, types, characteristics and habitat
Mongooses - What they are, types, characteristics and habitat

These peculiar animals are agile hunters, even capable of facing poisonous snakes. All mongooses are grouped in the same family, which has a wide diversity of genera. However, although they are generally called meerkats, there is a group that is usually known as meerkats, which is a genus within the same family.

Keep reading this article on our site and join us to find out interesting facts about the mongooses, what they are, the types and the main characteristics of the group.

What is a mongoose?

Mongooses are carnivorous mammals, characterized by their peculiar agility and hunting skills. In general, it is a small species (with a few exceptions). The mongoose is mainly terrestrial and although it usually acts alone, it can group together to optimize hunting moments, which indicates its peculiarity and success as a hunting animal.

Taxonomic classification

Mongooses are divided into a significant number of genera, 14 in total, with 33 species, according to the mammalian species report of the world [1].

In this sense, the taxonomic classification of the mongoose is as follows:

  • Animal Kingdom
  • Phylum: chordate
  • Class: mammal
  • Order: carnivore
  • Family: herpestidae

As we mentioned, all species are commonly named mongooses. However, there is a group of the same family known as suricatas, which correspond to the genus Suricata, within which there is only one species.

The mongoose group is taxonomically related up to the suborder level with the viverrids.

Characteristics of mongooses

These animals, in general, are small, their lengths usually range from 23 to 75 cm and the weight from 1 to 6 kg Regarding coloration, they are grey or brown with various intensities and exceptionally some species may have stripes. They have short fur that covers the entire body, including the tail, but tends to thin out around the eyes, nose, and mouth.

The head is small, as is the pointed snout. The nose and ears are also smaller in size, the latter not being particularly erect. A characteristic feature is the presence of anal glands, which secrete a rather unpleasant odor, as occurs in viverrids, although in the latter it is due to perianal glands. They also have claws that are not retractable.

Types of mongooses

Depending on the various genera that make up the Herpestidae family, we can mention some types of mongooses:

  • Bdeogale: This is a genus that consists of three species, characterized by their longer fur unlike most of the rest of the group, as well as for its peculiar furry tail. These are the hairy-tailed mongoose (Bdeogale crassicauda), the Jackson mongoose (Bdeogale jacksoni) and the black-footed mongoose (Bdeogale nigripes).
  • Crossarchus: here are animals that are also known as cusimanses, such as the long-nosed mongoose (Crossarchus obscurus), which it is a small animal.
  • Galerella: they are commonly known as slender mongooses and here we find, among other species, the small gray mongoose (Galerella pulverulenta).
  • Herpestes: Members of this genus are known as mongoose, made up of a wide variety of species. Some examples are the Indian gray mongoose (Herpestes edwardsii) and the common or Egyptian mongoose (Herpestes ichneumon).
  • Suricata: here we find one of the smallest mongooses, commonly known as meerkats and where a single species Suricata suricatta is located.

Mongoose Customs

Some mongooses tend to have solitary habits. On the other hand, certain species group together forming numerous colonies of up to 50 individuals. In these cases, it is common for them to form complex burrow systems. Another aspect related to their customs is that some may have tree habits

They are mainly diurnal and terrestrial, although when they live near bodies of water they can swim to find food. Some species more susceptible to predation, develop surveillance systems, where members of the group guard the area and warn in case of the presence of any danger.

Where does the mongoose live?

The magosta is an animal native to Africa, Asia and Europe, so it has a wide range of distribution in these regions, depending on the various species that make up the group.

The habitat of the mongoose can be varied, developing in various ecosystems, such as tropical forests, savannahs, deserts, grasslands, swampy areas, river banks and lakes.

What does the mongoose eat?

The mongoose is a carnivorous predator, having a fairly wide diet in this sense. In this way, it feeds on small mammals, birds, eggs, reptiles, fish, crabs, a wide variety of insects and some species may consume fruits

This peculiar animal is usually known for its ability to kill and devour certain species of poisonous snakes, even being unharmed by the attack received in these confrontations. Regarding its possible immunity against the venom of these reptiles, there are two ways of explaining it.

The first indicates that they can be affected by this toxic substance, but they are freed from it thanks to their quick and agile movements, thus actually managing to avoid being bitten.

The second way is based on some studies [2] that have shown the presence of a particular type of molecule in cells muscle of mongooses, which prevent the fixation of certain poisons in them, thus avoiding the paralysis of the muscle that commonly precedes death in this type of wound.

Mongoose Reproduction

Not all reproductive aspects of various mongoose species are precisely known. In general, these animals have a gestation period that can range from 42 to 105 days approximately. Litters tend to be two pups but there are cases in which they can be larger, up to five.

Some types of mongooses show male-male aggression when a female is ready to breed. On the other hand, members of certain groups also develop a courtship, in which the female performs movements and runs in front of the male to attract him.

Sexual maturity varies, in some it is reached relatively quickly at 9 months, while in others it can take up to two years.

Mongoose Conservation Status

Mongooses are generally not found in alert categories on the International Union for Conservation of Nature red list.

However, there are currently some species that it is important to monitor because they do present certain risks, such as Bdeogale jacksoni and Bdeogale crassicauda, which are in the categories of near threatened and vulnerable, respectively, aspects that are related to the alteration of the habitat of these animals.
