Permethrin poisoning is characterized by producing neurological signs, it is the most common insecticide poisoning in cats This active ingredient is found in numerous antiparasitic compounds and insecticides. While its use is safe in the canine species and it is used in many antiparasitic pipettes, cats are very sensitive to intoxication, sometimes leading to very serious neurological signs, so it is essential to use antiparasitic indicated for cats and not for dogs because of the danger it entails.
Keep reading this informative article on our site to find out what permethrin poisoning in cats is, its symptoms and what to do when this occurs.
What are permethrins?
Permethrins are included in the pyrethroid group. These compounds are frequently used as external antiparasitics and insecticides in dogs, marketed in the form of collars, pipettes, shampoos and sprays, alone or combined with other active ingredients. They are also used in farms, homes and gardens. Specifically, pyrethroids are characterized by:
- Ser compounds obtained from Chrysanthemum spp., so its origin is natural, pyrethrum being known since ancient Persia and China.
- They have high cuticular permeability, so they are very well absorbed by the skin at the topical level.
- They present very little toxicity in mammals, except in cats, which are very sensitive.
- They are not persistent in the middle.
- They do not create resistance in insects.
- Up to 25% of marketed insecticides contain pyrethroids.
Specifically, permethrins are first-generation pyrethroids, which are characterized by having cyclopropane carboxylic esters and being lipophilic, which means that are distributed by the tissues with the highest amount of lipids such as the liver, nervous tissue, fat and the kidney. Within the pyrethroids, we also find cypermethrin, which is a second-generation pyrethroid and has a cyanogroup
Why is permethrin toxic to cats?
The toxicity of permethrin in cats is due to the poor metabolism for some drugs that this species presents. Specifically, permethrins are metabolized in the liver by the microsomal system, followed by oxidation and conjugation processes with glucuronic acid. However, cats have a deficiency in glucuronidase transferase, which is involved in the conjugation of the compound with glucuronic acid, so the detoxification of these compounds is delayed much, appearing the toxic effects.
How can a cat get permethrin poisoning?
A cat becomes poisoned when it absorbs permethrins through its skin, licking its fur, or accidental ingestion. Despite not being indicated for cats, poisoning frequently occurs when:
- The cat lives with dewormed dogs: the feline lives with a dog that has recently been dewormed with this product, maintaining close contact with him and ends up getting intoxicated.
- He has been fitted with a pipette for dogs: for savings or convenience, dog handlers deworm their cat with the same pipette of the dogs, appearing the problem.
For more information, you can consult this other article on Pipette poisoning in cats.
Symptoms of permethrin poisoning in cats
Permethrins are neurotoxic, so their intoxication is characterized by causing neurological signs. They act on the voltage-dependent sodium channels of neurons, causing hyperexcitation or continuous nervous excitation.
The effects of permethrin poisoning appear between 3 and 72 hours after exposure, and the following clinical signs may appear:
- Tremors.
- Muscle twitching.
- Incoordination.
- Seizures.
- Vocalization (meows).
- Depression.
- Bradycardia (reduced heart rate).
- Dyspnea (shortness of breath).
- Mydriasis (pupillary dilation).
- Hyperesthesia (painful increase in tactile sensitivity).
- Hyperthermia or hypothermia.
- Vomiting.
- Diarrhea.
- Pruritus (itching).
In the event that a permethrin topical spray is used on a cat, it will show paresthesia and if ingested excessive salivation (sialorrhea) will appear after ingestion.

Diagnosis of permethrin poisoning in cats
Laboratory tests are not very useful for the diagnosis of this poisoning, since only positive samples sent from fat, liver, skin or brain indicate exposure, in addition to those obtained from the dead animal during the autopsy. However, permethrin poisoning can be confused with anticholinesterase poisoning, and the anticholinesterase test can help rule it out. In permethrin intoxication, acetylcholinesterase activity should be normal.
The diagnosis of permethrin intoxication in cats is made from the medical history and the clinical signs that the feline presents. So this intoxication is suspected when a cat appears with tremors, agitation, convulsions, discomfort, incoordination, changes in behavior or body temperature and if an affirmative answer is obtained when the guardian is asked if the cat has been dewormed with a pipette for another species, such as dogs or if you have had contact with a dewormed animal with a permethrin pipette.
You can do a blood test, a biochemistry and a urinalysis, where it may appear:
- Azotemia (increased creatinine and urea).
- Hypoproteinemia (low protein).
- Hyperkalemia (high potassium).
- Increased transaminases: alanine transaminase (ALT) and aspartate transaminase (AST).
- Hematuria (blood in urine).
- Proteinuria (proteins in the urine).
- Bilirubinuria (bilirubin in urine).
Treatment of permethrin poisoning in cats
Depending on the way permethrin is introduced into the feline's body, the primary treatment will vary:
- Treatment of oral permethrin poisoning: If less than 2 hours have elapsed since ingestion, emetics can be used to induce vomiting as xylazine. If this has not been effective, gastric lavage should be performed. Activated charcoal can also be used in the first 4 hours, the porosity of which will adsorb part of the poison, preventing it from passing into the blood.
- Treatment of permethrin intoxication through the skin: if the intoxication has been through the skin, the cat should be bathed with a mild detergent of dishes or with a keratolytic shampoo. After the bath, the kitten should be kept in a warm and safe place.
Symptomatic treatment
In addition, a support treatment must be performed to control the clinical signs of the feline, which consists of:
- Administration of oxygen in cases of respiratory distress.
- Fluid therapy if there have been losses due to vomiting and/or diarrhea.
- Diuretics such as mannitol or furosemide to increase glomerular filtration and stimulate diuresis to favor its elimination, as long as the animal is hydrated.
- Atropine at low doses if there is hypersalivation (since high doses stimulate the already overstimulated central nervous system, which would make the condition worse).
- Warm if hypothermic.
- Cold if hyperthermia or heat stroke.
- If you have tremors, you can give methocarbamol as a muscle relaxant.
- If you have recurrent seizures, methocarbamol + diazepam will be administered as an anticonvulsant.
- If the seizures and neurological signs are very severe, the cat can be anesthetized by inhalation with isoflurane.
Cats intoxicated by permethrin can have uncontrollable seizures that, if left untreated, can lead to death within 24 hours However, the majority of cases are usually not so serious and the clinical signs are short-lived, with recovery between 24 and 72 hours of intoxication.
It is essential to deworm cats with products specially marketed for them. Products from other species should never be used to deworm them, especially if we do not know their active ingredients, since permethrins are used in many preparations, with the consequent danger that their use presents in small felines.