How to protect animals in danger of extinction?

How to protect animals in danger of extinction?
How to protect animals in danger of extinction?
How to protect animals in danger of extinction?
How to protect animals in danger of extinction?

Animals are an important part of planet Earth. Without animal life, human beings would probably not exist. Protecting them is one of our most crucial tasks as inhabitants of this world.

Climate change, the devastation of habitats, indiscriminate hunting, the mass food industry, human activity and many other factors, have caused more and more animals to fall within the black list of "endangered animals" some, in fact, have already become extinct. However, as ordinary people, we can always do something on our daily level to help curb this unfortunate reality. We invite you to read this animalist article on our site where we will tell you how to get involved in the fight and help protect animals in danger of extinction

Basic protection measures

Reality is harsh. Scientists affirm that we are very close to the next mass extinction, this would be the sixth according to the history of planet Earth. They predict that it will be a global event that will affect three quarters of the animal species that now exist.

This will be global, but at the local level, there are still small changes and improvements that each person can make in their small environment to collaborate and stop the new extinction of animals, a problem that everyone It affects us greatly. Share the following measures that we propose on our site with your family, friends and community:

  • We must be the protectors of wildlife, not harm it. Shooting, trapping, forcing or harassing animals are cruel and illegal practices in many parts of the world. Capturing animals for human entertainment can lead to their extinction. Do not participate in or support activities such as: circuses, zoos, hunting safaris, aquariums and theme parks, all of which seriously endanger animal life.
  • One of the greatest threats that species have to deal with is the deterioration and loss of their habitat. By protecting the places where animals live, we are protecting their lives and life on the planet. Food, shelter, and a conducive space to breed is essential. Development, logging, drilling of natural resources lead to massive destruction of habitats. For example, when you go to buy a house, consider its direct impact on the habitat. Help protect parks (big and small), wildlife refuges, and other open spaces in your community. Do not support destruction through complex construction or uncontrolled mining. Do not buy products where the resources were indiscriminately removed from natural ecosystems, such as tropical forests.
How to protect animals in danger of extinction? - Basic protection measures
How to protect animals in danger of extinction? - Basic protection measures

Small changes make big improvements

In addition to initial steps to protect endangered animals, there are other changes that can go a long way toward saving lives in the planet:

  • It is extremely important to reduce our carbon footprint (which causes climate change) and we do this by improving our habits and life dynamics. It does not have to be a dramatic change, they are small restructurings that will not really affect our day to day life but will affect the future of animal life, including human beings. Everything is a cycle, although we do not see it, our day to day affects other scales. Instead of using the car for everything, try to use public transport, bicycle or even walk, there are certainly distances where it is not necessary.
  • Save money and energy for the planet by turning off lights when you go out and unplugging electronics. Change the light bulbs to compact fluorescent bulbs, these use much less fossil fuel. In the winter, turn your home and office heating two degrees cooler. Your body will not notice it as much and at the same time you will use much less energy. In the summer the same, do not abuse the air conditioning.
How to protect animals in danger of extinction? - Small changes make big improvements
How to protect animals in danger of extinction? - Small changes make big improvements

Volunteering, education and conscious purchase

In addition to changing some of your daily habits, you can do much more to protect animals in danger of extinction:

  • Visit with caution and respect the shelters, animal life sanctuaries and natural parks. These are usually protected spaces that serve as home to many flora and fauna. Remember that animal life intertwines and directly nourishes with plant life. Do not encourage excessive tourism but tourism that respects the environment.
  • Get involved and be part of the change through volunteering programs in nature protection centers or life shelter wild. A few hours a week will not change your dynamics, donate part of your time for a great cause.
  • Learn about endangered species both in your area and around the world. Do not buy animals, or any of their parts if they are on the blacklist (and if they are not). The animals are not trophies or articles for human use. Help in environmental education and talk with your family, friends and community about the subject and its importance. Learning to appreciate animal life and its value, at its best, is a great way to become aware. Remember that our natural world (this includes animals) provides us with a home to live in.
  • Do not throw garbage into natural environments for any reason. Your contamination will be direct. Likewise, recycle to preserve the environment and protect animals in danger of extinction.
  • Try buying local food. In this way, you will not only support small businesses but also the environment, this includes animal life and you will help protect animals in danger of extinction. In general, small farms of local farmers tend to be smaller in scale and do less environmental damage, in addition to taking more ethical and sustainable measures than large food industries.
