ABSCESSES IN CATS - Symptoms, management and treatment

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ABSCESSES IN CATS - Symptoms, management and treatment
ABSCESSES IN CATS - Symptoms, management and treatment
Abscesses in Cats - Symptoms and Treatment
Abscesses in Cats - Symptoms and Treatment

In this article on our site we are going to talk about abscesses in cats Abscesses are accumulations of pus that we will be able to observe in the skin as lumps, larger or smaller. The affected area, in addition to being inflamed, can look red and even look like a wound or ulcer, when the skin is injured. In addition, if the abscess is opened, the pus contained inside will flow out. Behind an abscess, which can appear in any part of the body, there is an infection that the veterinarian must treat.

What is an abscess in cats?

An abscess is one of the most common skin problems in cats. The basic characteristics of abscesses are, as we have pointed out:

  • Swelling on the skin in the form of a lump of different sizes.
  • Presence of infection, that is, the abscess will contain pus.
  • Pain and heat in the area.
  • The rest of the symptoms depend on their location. We will see some examples in the following sections.

Therefore, if we find a lump on our cat's body, we must notify the veterinarian, since, in order to start treatment, he must first confirm the nature of the inflammation, since not all lumps they will be abscesses. Cats can also have skin tumors of varying severity. Lumps of fat in cats are rare.

Tooth abscess in cats

We begin this review of the most common abscesses in cats with those that can appear in the mouth. If an infection affects a tooth it can produce a collection of pus, which will cause an abscess. They are very painful and we will immediately realize that the cat stops eating or does so with difficulty. If we manage to look inside your mouth, we may see the abscess and/or pus. It is difficult for us to perform this exploration due to the pain you will feel when handling it. Some dental abscesses in cats can affect the eye, causing inflammation or pus discharge below it.

In these cases, the extraction of the tooth or affected parts, oral cleaning and the prescription of antibiotics are usually chosen. The diagnosis is made based on an X-ray.

Perianal abscess in cats

Around the anus we can locate this type of abscess in cats. There are the anal glands which, among other problems, can become infected, leading to the formation of an abscess that we will see as an inflammation. The skin may appear red, injure or open, in which case we will see pus come out. Bad odor is generated. There are cases that are aggravated by a perianal fistula, which is a channel through which pus can reach the outside. It is a painful process that the veterinarian must treat with antibiotics and hygiene of the area.

Abscesses in cats - Symptoms and treatment - Perianal abscess in cats
Abscesses in cats - Symptoms and treatment - Perianal abscess in cats

Cat bite abscesses

Injuries caused in conflicts with other animals, especially fights with cats where biting occurs, have a high probability of infection due to bacteriathat they carry in their mouths. In these cases, it is common for the wound to appear externally healed but, inside, pus accumulates until it becomes visible in the form of an abscess. They are painful and, depending on the area in which they are located, can cause problems such as difficulties opening the mouth or keeping the head straight.

To prevent, in addition to preventing the cat from wandering, especially if it is not neutered, we must pay attention to all wounds, to ensure that they heal without problem, even those that seem insignificant. The treatment, as we have already pointed out, includes disinfection and/or antibiotics More complex abscesses will require the use of a drainage

Management of abscesses in cats

In the previous sections we have seen how to cure abscesses in cats. We compile here the steps to follow, always according to veterinary prescription:

  • Identification of the infection behind the abscess, if any. Sometimes it can be caused by a foreign body stuck in it, which should be located and removed by the vet.
  • Prescription of antibiotics for abscess in cats, with the aim of eliminating the infection causing the pus. Given the difficulties that some cats have in taking pills, these can be prescribed in injectable form.
  • In the case of abscesses that are hard to the touch, we can, as a home remedy, apply heat on it to soften it and, thus, clean better.
  • After emptying, if possible, of the pus, at home we can disinfect it with products such as chlorhexidine.
  • In the most serious abscesses, the veterinarian can make a small incision into which to insert a drainage, generally a tube through which the fluids to the outside while the lesion is not healing.
Abscesses in cats - Symptoms and treatment - Management of abscesses in cats
Abscesses in cats - Symptoms and treatment - Management of abscesses in cats

Video of abscesses in cats

In the following video of the Manatí Veterinary Clinic we can see the drainage of an abscess in cats, which helps us highlight the importance of going to the specialist, since at home it would be impossible to carry out this practice. Likewise, without the appropriate material and the necessary hygiene, the wound could worsen, appearing new infections and, therefore, aggravating the clinical picture.
