Destructiveness is one of the most common canine behavior problems, especially in the puppy stage, although there are cases in adult dogs. Maybe we don't mind when he bites an old shoe or a rag, but when he shows fixation for the play controller, a bag or accessories you will start to want to deal with this problem.
The important thing is that you start as soon as possible based on patience and positive education. In this post on our site we are going to show you some tips to prevent your dog from chewing furniture. Take note!
Puppy dogs chewing on furniture
Is it normal for a puppy to bite everything? Just like human babies, puppies have the urge to bite, as their gums and developing teeth hurt. Generally, it is the mother who teaches them to manage the bite, however, if you have adopted your puppy before time or simply has not learned, you will have to teach him yourself.
Remember that you should never scold or hit a puppy that chews furniture, it should be taught to select the objects to chew.
What can I do to stop my puppy from chewing on the furniture?
- The first step will be getting a teether. There are many types and shapes, with and without sound, softer or harder. Pick a couple or three with different qualities so you can try them out. We recommend looking for specific toys for puppies.
- We will sit with him in a room in the home and we will encourage him to play calmly with the teethers, never overexciting him. When he nibbles or chases them we will reinforce him with a "very good", petting and even some dog treats.
- Leave toys within his reach so that he can chew on them whenever he wants and, when he does so on his own initiative, reinforce him effusively. He must understand that you love that he uses his toys and that he can also get a tasty treat.
- When you notice that your dog is going to bite an object that is not allowed, call him and redirect him to his play area or make noise with his toys, the important thing is that he does not bite them, which is why many people use a collapsible dog park.
And if he also bites my hands and feet and hurts me?
Remember that this process can be long. While some dogs fully understand what they need to bite after a few reinforcements, others will take much longer. Don't worry, but you must be very constant If your puppy also bites your hands, apply these two techniques:
- Pretend great pain: Especially if your dog is not yet three months old, you should apply this technique. Every time he bites you and hurts you express great pain: "Owwwow…" and don't interact with him for half a minute. Little by little you will begin to understand that it really hurts.
- Step aside: this case is more suitable for somewhat older puppies. Start a play session (without overexciting him) and when he bites you, turn around and stop playing with him. After a minute, start the game again and repeat the procedure if he bites you. In the long run, he will understand that the bite means the end of the game.

Adult Dogs Chewing Furniture
It is important to note that it is not normal for an adult dog to chew on furniture There is a cause that is causing this behavior and it will be essential to find it if we want to solve this problem once and for all. Why does my adult dog keep chewing on furniture and objects? Here are the most frequent causes:
- Separation anxiety: Does your dog destroy when you're not home? If this is the case for you, it may be due to separation-related disorder, which can sometimes be accompanied by urination, howling, and other behavioral issues. In these cases it is important to work with a specialist and use long-lasting toys, such as prefabricated bones, kong, etc.
- Hyperactivity: Does your dog not stop for a minute? Does he bite furniture even in your presence? You should know that there are two types of hyperactivity (physiological and hyperkinesis) that can cause altered behavior in the dog. Avoiding reinforcing arousal, the use of intelligence toys and basic obedience are good tools to start working on this problem.
- Anxiety and stress: there are some signs of stress in the dog that can help us assess whether our best friend truly suffers from anxiety, such as stereotypes, excessive activity, apathy or fear. In these cases it is necessary to assess whether the dog's needs are fully met and whether there is another behavioral problem aside from the destructiveness that we are overlooking.
- Boredom: if your dog spends most of the day alone, does not receive mental stimulation and spends all day in the same environment, it is completely understandable that these types of problems appear. In this case, it will be essential to improve his environment and offer him new activities to stimulate him.
- Lack of physical exercise: a sedentary lifestyle not only predisposes the dog to obesity and overweight, it can also cause behavioral problems, such as destructiveness. If you have a sheepdog or a mestizo with a high level of activity by your side, do not hesitate and start practicing more exercise with him.
What can I do to stop my dog from chewing on furniture?
- The first thing will be to Correctly identify the cause that is causing your dog to carry out destructive behaviors, since the steps to follow will not they are the same.
- Start making positive habitswith your best friend, taking into account his physical, emotional and mental needs. Extending walks, practicing obedience, playing intelligence games are some options, but there are many more.
- Buy a teether (or several) so your dog can nibble whenever he needs to. When he does, reinforce him with words, caresses and a tasty treat, this way he will understand that it is positive to bite his toys.
- Spend at least every day playing with your dog, always calmly, and end the session with a relaxation.
- Avoid scolding or punishing him, this can increase stress levels. When you see him performing a behavior that you don't like, call him and redirect him towards his toys, encouraging him effusively
- Uses pheromones, synthetic hormones that can help you feel relaxed and improve your stress and anxiety levels.
To avoid destructiveness it will be essential to find the cause, but also to strive to improve the well-being of our best friend, the real key to solve the problem.

What else can I do to stop my dog from chewing on furniture?
If you have already tried to reinforce him, you have provided him with toys and the behavior has not decreased but has remained the same or has worsened, you should consider other solutions.
We advise you to go to a professional: a dog educator, a dog trainer or an ethologist. The important thing is that you inform yourself adequately before deciding on one, evaluating the methods used, the opinions of the clients, etc.