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What do dolphins eat?
What do dolphins eat?

Dolphins are considered to be one of the most intelligent animals that exist They are odontocete cetacean mammals (a subdivision of the infraorder Cetacea), where On the one hand, there are river dolphins and, on the other, oceanic dolphins, both groups sharing many characteristics. These aquatic mammals are very striking, mainly because of the shape of their body and their long snout, which makes them unmistakable. In addition, in the areas where they live, it is common to see them outside, where they go out, among other things, to breathe atmospheric oxygen thanks to the spiracle they have on their heads. These animals are carnivorous and have different hunting tactics, another aspect that makes dolphins be wonderful creatures.

Continue reading this article on our site and we'll tell you all about what dolphins eat and how they feed and hunt.

Are dolphins carnivorous?

Dolphins are cetacean mammalian animals, that is, they are aquatic species, marine or freshwater When they are newborns, like other mammals , feed on breast milk, which provides them with all the necessary nutrients, until about a year and a half, when they start with the progressive consumption of other types of food, until reaching adulthood. Once this stage has arrived, they are completely independent and autonomous and can already hunt their prey themselves.

When fully grown, their diet is exclusively carnivorousDespite having teeth (which can vary from 50 to 100 sharp teeth, depending on the species), dolphins do not chew their food, but rather swallow it whole, so the teeth only serve to tear the skin of their prey. In addition, they are gregarious animals, which is a great advantage when searching for food, since they are active hunters.

Dolphin feeding

These animals generally feed by grabbing the head of their prey first, since, in the case of fish, some studies affirm that this behavior allows them to keep their dorsal spines and fins backwards, allowing them better handling and not damaging the throat. The largest dolphins can consume large prey and up to 5 kg, while the smaller and younger ones feed on smaller prey. Some of the animals that dolphins eat are:

  • Fishes.
  • Octopuses.
  • Squid.
  • Crustaceans.
  • Sea turtles.

In terms of their dietary requirements, it varies in terms of the type of prey they are consuming, since each type of fish, for example, will provide them with more nutrients and energy. Some studies suggest that approximately one adult dolphin should consume 1/3 of its body weight per day

Like many other animals, dolphins migrate to search for food, since, by staying for a long time in the same area, they quickly exhaust their prey, so it can be said that they rotate from site, periodically returning to the same places.

In general, the fish that they consume the most are of small size, also squid and crustaceans, which allows them a quick and easy digestion. Other common fish in their diet, all of which are easy to eat, are:

  • Cod.
  • The herrings.
  • Sardines.
  • Mackerels.
  • Certain crabs.

If in addition to knowing what dolphins eat, you want to know how they reproduce, don't miss this other article on How do dolphins reproduce and are born?

What do dolphins eat? - Dolphin feeding
What do dolphins eat? - Dolphin feeding

How do dolphins hunt?

These animals have various techniques for hunting. We explain them to you:


Dolphins have the ability to emit sound waves that allow them to capture the location of their prey, and in this way they act as a radar, allowing them to know the exact position of their food. This technique is called echolocation, and it is also used by other animals.


On the other hand, they use their swimming speed to form U-shaped eddies, where their prey are trapped. This technique is called grazing and is carried out in a group and, as they enclose the prey, they take turns eating.

Due to their group work, you may be interested in knowing what Dolphin communication is like.

Stun prey

According to some researchers, dolphins are also capable of stunning their potential prey by generating sounds or noises, which that makes capturing easy.

On the other hand, dolphins can feed on the fish they take from the fishing nets.


Another technique, used by bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus), for example, is to push schools towards low and shallow water areas, in this way, they can be caught in the fishermen's netsThis technique is known as “aquaplanning”. This is a case of cooperation, as it is a collaboration between the fishermen and the dolphins: the fishermen allow the dolphins to feed on the fish caught until they move away, at which point the fishermen keep the rest of the catch.


Another method is known as the mud curtain, where they drag their prey into shallow water and along banks where mud rises creating a curtain, which prevents them from moving or leaving easily, at which point the dolphins take the opportunity to hunt them.

Their hunting techniques are very interesting, since they can catch their prey even up to about 100 meters deep, since, in addition, they use geolocation to orient themselves at depths where light no longer penetrates solar, being extremely effective even in blind species such as the Ganges dolphin (Platanista gangetica). This mechanism, on the other hand, even allows them to detect the size of their prey.

You may also be interested in this other article about 10 curiosities about dolphins.
