Cetaceans correspond to a wide variety of marine mammals, which are divided into two large groups, baleen whales, which have beards, and odontocetes, with teeth. Within the latter, there are several families where different animals commonly known as dolphins are located, which generally stand out for their social skills, even with humans, and striking forms of communication. These traits have led these species to be considered intelligent, due to their distinctive behavior. In this article on our site we want to present information about the types of dolphins and their names. So we invite you to continue reading.
Family Delphinidae
This family is made up not only of species commonly known as dolphins, but also of some called toothed whales, among which killer whales are found.
The general characteristics of this type of dolphin are:
- They constitute a taxonomically diverse group, which makes them the largest family of cetaceans. If you want to know more about Cetaceans: meaning, types and characteristics, do not hesitate to consult this post that we recommend.
- Their sizes vary from 1.5 to around 10 meters.
- They have a weight range between 50 and 7,000 kg.
- Generally males are larger than females.
- It is common to have a kind of long snout.
- Although they all have a structure known as a melon, made up of adipose tissue and used for communication and echolocation, in some the forehead stands out thanks to this organ.
- The bodies are torpedo-shaped and streamlined.
- They usually have more or less uniform colors.
- They are carnivorous and eat mainly fish.
- They have habits exclusively marine.
Species of dolphins of the family Delphinidae and their conservation status
Some of the types of dolphins and their names that make up the Delphinidae family are the following. In addition, we also mention the conservation status of each species of dolphin that exists.
- Risso's dolphin (Grampus griseus): least concern.
- Common Dolphin (Delphinus capensis): least concern.
- Spinner dolphin (Stenella longirostris): least concern.
- Fraser's dolphin (Lagenodelphis hosei): least concern.
- Common Bottlenose Dolphin (Tursiops truncatus): Least Concern.
- Southern dolphin (Lagenorhynchus australis): least concern.
- Chilean dolphin (Cephalorhynchus eutropia): near threatened.
- Atlantic Humpback Dolphin (Sousa teuszii): critically endangered.
- Australian short-nosed dolphin (Orcaella heinsohni): vulnerable.
- Rough-toothed dolphin (Steno bredanensis): least concern.

Family Iniidae
This family has some taxonomic controversy, however, we are guided by what is stated in the International Union for Conservation of Nature [1] and the Integrated Taxonomic Classification System [2], where a genus is recognized, with a species, the pink dolphin from the Amazon River (Inia geoffrensis) and two subspecies: I. g. boliviensis and I. g. geoffrensis. It is classified in the endangered category.
Among the characteristics of the species we find:
- Inhabits freshwater ecosystems, of the Amazon and Orinoco river basins.
- It is the largest of the river dolphin species, reaching dimensions of around 2.5 meters and weighing close to 210 kg.
- Presenta marked sexual dimorphism, in fact, one of the most evident among cetaceans, since males are larger.
- When young they are dark gray, but as they age they turn pink, males having a deeper shade.
- It feeds on a wide variety of fish.
Don't hesitate to take a look at this article on The endangered Amazon pink dolphin: causes, here.

Family Lipotidae
In this family of dolphins there is a single species known commonly as Baiji (Lipotes vexillifer) and is a type of dolphin endemic to China Unfortunately the species is classified critically endangered (possibly extinct), since the last official sighting report was in 2002. Among the characteristics of this type of dolphin we find that:
- It's a freshwater dolphin.
- The body is streamlined and fusiform.
- It has an elongated snout.
- Coloration is bluish gray with the white belly.
- The weight range is between 40 to 170 kg.
- The length varies between 1, 40 and 2, 50 meters approximately.
- Its diet consists mostly of eating fish.

Family Platanistidae
This is another family that corresponds to a type of river dolphin. Taxonomically it consists of a single genus, a species, known as the South Asian river dolphin (Platanista gangetica), and two subspecies: P.g. gangetica and P. g. minor. It is considered endangered
Their main features of these types of dolphins are:
- Highlights its long snout, which can reach up to 20% of the total body size. It measures up to about 21 cm, is relatively flat, flares out at the tip and curves up a bit.
- Females sexually mature, have the longest beak than males.
- He has 70 or more teeth, which are visible even when his mouth is closed.
- They are gray to brown, dorsally darker than the belly, and may have a pink underparts.
- They weigh between 50 to 90 kg and have a range of dimensions from 2 to 4 meters long.
- They are strictly carnivorous, in fact, the main predators in their habitat, where they mainly consume fish, but also crustaceans and molluscs.

Family Pontoporiidae
Corresponds to a type of dolphin known as La Plata dolphin or Franciscana (Pontoporia blainvillei). It is an endemic species of Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay, it is classified as vulnerable Among its main characteristic features we can mention:
- Its snout is long and somewhat narrow.
- They are size smaller than other types of dolphins, measuring between 0, 7 to 1, 7 meters in length.
- In terms of their body mass they weigh from 25 to about 32 kg.
- Males are smaller than females.
- It has one of the highest growth rates among cetaceans, this being a particular trait in females.
- Dorsally they can be from brown to gray, while ventrally the hue is lighter.
- Its diet is specialized in fish and aquatic invertebrates. If you are interested in the Classification of invertebrate animals, do not hesitate to read this article on our site that we recommend.
- Inhabits coastal marine ecosystems with cloudy or clear waters, and eventually in estuaries.
Various species of dolphins have been captured and subjected to training to be presented in shows in parks and zoos. These are wildlife animals, so unless they are rescued to recover from some type of accident they have suffered, they must remain in their natural habitats. From our site we invite you not to attend spaces where these animals are kept for entertainment purposes.