The Newfoundland dog: characteristics and photos

The Newfoundland dog: characteristics and photos
The Newfoundland dog: characteristics and photos
The Newfoundland dog
The Newfoundland dog

The Newfoundland dog is known as " the gentle giant" and it is one of the largest and kindest dogs that exist. Although there are many myths that surround the breed, on our site we will explain its true history and many other details that you should know if you are considering adopting this wonderful nanny dog, such as its character, physical characteristics or care what do you need.

Discover on our site everything about the Newfoundland dog:

Origin of Newfoundland

The origin of the Newfoundland dog is located on Newfoundland Island, in Canada known in Spanish as "The Newfoundland Island". The breed is believed to have developed from dogs indigenous to the island and dogs imported by the ancient Vikings, such as the "black bear dog", from the year 1,100.

Later, in 1610 and during the colonization of the island, new breeds of dogs arrived in Newfoundland, mainly from the hands of European fishermen. From then on, and although the Newfoundland already had standardized characteristics, experiments began with new crosses that culminated in the formation and revival of the breed, giving way to the modern Newfoundland, which we know today.

The Newfoundland dog, thanks to its characteristics, was able to withstand the intense climate of the island, work at sea, drag large loads (nets, lines and sleds) or work as a lifeguard dog. Today the Newfoundland remains an excellent rescue dog and is considered one of the most beautiful and hardworking breeds in history.

Physical characteristics of the Newfoundland

The Newfoundland is a giant, powerful and massive dog It is longer than it is tall (rectangular body profile), but compact in body. The topline is straight from withers to croup, with a broad back, strong loin and sloping croup. The chest is broad, deep and roomy, and the belly is not tucked up. The tail is long and should never be curled over the back or curved between the hind legs. The fingers have an interdigital membrane.

This dog's head is solid, wide and with a well-developed occiput. The naso-frontal depression or stop is well marked, but not abrupt as in the Saint Bernard. The nose is brown in brown dogs and black in those of other colors. The muzzle is square and moderately short. The eyes are moderately deep set, well separated and without a third eyelid. The ears are small, triangular and with rounded edges.

The Newfoundland's coat is double-layered. The undercoat is dense and smooth. The outer coat is long and smooth, except on the head, ears, and muzzle where it is shorter. It can be black, black and white, or brown The Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI) recognizes a very similar breed called the Landseer which is black and white. Other organizations do not recognize this breed and consider Landseers to be simply black and white Newfoundland dogs.

The measurements and approximate weight of the Newfoundland dog are:

  • Machos: height at the withers of 71 centimeters and weight 68 kilograms
  • Females: height at the withers of 66 centimeters and weight 54 kilograms

Newfoundland character

Despite its imposing size, the Newfoundland is a particularly loving and affectionate dog, very sociable and calm. It is not excessively playful, although it loves the water, being able to spend hours in it. Apart from being sociable with adults, the Newfoundland tends to tolerate other animals very well and is very patient with children, whom he adores and treats with great delicacy.

The FCI describes the Newfoundland as a dog that reflects kindness and sweetness, a happy and creative dog, serene and gentle.

Newfoundland care

The coat maintenance of the Newfoundland requires moderate effort throughout the year, although daily brushing is necessary. However, in the two annual moulting seasons it can require more effort, since it loses a lot of hair. The bath can be done approximately every two months.

The Newfoundland is not particularly active, but it is important that he gets moderate exercise so that he does not become overweight. It is recommended to take three daily walks and regularly look for parks or forests where you can practice games and activities with him. Undoubtedly the best place for the Newfoundland will be one that has a beach or a large lake. If we don't spend time with our Newfoundland due to its calm nature, we can observe frustration in the dog and a notable increase in overweight.

It is important to note that this dog will need large amounts of food throughout his life. Remember that his weight is between 54 and 68 kilograms, so we will require around 500 grams of feed per day, depending on the food or the exact weight of the dog.

Let's not forget that Newfoundlands tend to drool a lot and when they drink water they get everything wet, so they are not the most suitable dogs for extremely neat people. It is recommended to keep it in large houses, with a garden, so that the dog can go in and out, exercising at the same time.

Newfoundland Education

The Newfoundland is a very intelligent dog and although it is not particularly suitable for working on canine skills, the truth is that it is an excellent dog water rescue, in fact the most popular. It loves swimming, which is why it is a breed widely used as a water rescue dog, especially in cold waters where other breeds of dogs would be at greater risk of hypothermia. It responds very well to positive dog training, as long as the owner is aware of the limitations and virtues of the breed.

Although it is a particularly sociable breed, the truth is that it will be very important to separate at the correct agethe Newfoundland dog from the mother and brothers of his and we will dedicate time to the socialization of the puppy once adopted. Also in his adult stage we will continue to relate to other animals, people and children. Keeping them tied up and isolated for a long time, without the opportunity to socialize, generates aggressive dogs.

On the other hand it is very important to point out that they need frequent company and can develop destructive habits and even disorders related to separation when they are isolated for prolonged periods. This type of behavior is common in dogs that permanently reside in the garden.

This dog is not usually aggressive, but can act with great determination and ferocity when he has to defend his own from an attack. Due to its impressive size, it is a good deterrent dog, which makes it a good guard, although they are generally completely harmless.

Newfoundland He alth

As is the case with all breeds, the Newfoundland is susceptible to some of the genetic diseases that we will explain below. It is important to highlight that the chances that some of them suffer are mainly due to the bad practices carried out by some breeders, such as reproducing direct relatives, but we can also find ourselves with some hereditary disease that did not manifest itself in the parents. The most common diseases are:

  • Hip dysplasia
  • Elbow dysplasia
  • Gastric torsion
  • Pulmonary stenosis
  • Aortic stenosis
  • Waterfalls
  • von Willebrand disease

To ensure the good he alth of our Newfoundland dog, it is essential to go to the veterinarian every 6 months and follow the vaccination schedule indicated by the veterinarian. In addition, we must also pay attention to deworming it, internally and externally, with the appropriate regularity, especially in summer.

Photos of The Newfoundland Dog
