Curiosities of the axolotl

Table of contents:

Curiosities of the axolotl
Curiosities of the axolotl
Axolotl Trivia
Axolotl Trivia

The axolotl, also known as the axoloti, is a Mexican amphibian that only lives in the complex of Lake Xochimilco, located on the outskirts of the Federal District. It is an amphibian with a broad head, round eyes without eyelids, short limbs and feathered external brachiae that protrude from the back of its head, which gives it a peculiar appearance.

One of its most important characteristics is that it is a larva that does not finish its metamorphosis, although we can also point out that this curious animal has a cartilaginous skeleton that never becomes calcified, as well as various colors. The expression on their face is endearing, and although they can reach 30 centimeters in length, they usually measure approximately 15 centimeters.

This animal is considered proof of the evolutionary process that moved life from the sea to the land, in addition to being part of the various tourist attractions in Mexico. In this article we show you various curiosities of the axolotl.

Neoteny in the salamander

Neoteny is a quality that allows the axolotl to retain the characteristics of the larval stage in adult life. This is seen in its dorsal fin, which runs the full length of its body and is similar to that of a tadpole, and in its external gills that protrude from the back of its broad head.

All amphibians pass from the larval stage to adulthood, therefore neoteny is an exclusive ability of the axolotl, however, exceptionally, the axolotl can acquire physical characteristics of an adult amphibian in non-larval phase, in this case having an appearance very similar to the Mexican salamander.

Curiosities of the axolotl - Neoteny in the axolotl
Curiosities of the axolotl - Neoteny in the axolotl

Regeneration capacity

Salamanders have the great capacity to regenerate any of their limbs if they have been amputated, and not only do they give these new tissues an identical structure to the previous one, but it also manages to return to being fully functional.

The latest scientific research carried out in this regard sheds some light on this phenomenon and suggests that the immune system of these animals is essential to provide their body with this extraordinary capacity for regeneration.

This capacity is much more intensified in the axolotl, which is no longer only capable of regenerating its tail or limbs, but can regenerate any other organ such as the kidney, the heart or the lungs, achieving full functionality of the same in approximately 2 months (period of time that also shares the regeneration of the salamander).

Curiosities of the axolotl - The ability to regenerate
Curiosities of the axolotl - The ability to regenerate

Albinism in axolotls

Albinism in animals was especially known with the endearing Copito de Nieve, the only albino gorilla in the world known to live in the Barcelona zoo.

Albinism or lack of skin coloration is a condition caused by a recessive gene, which is passed on to offspring when both parents are carriers of the causative gene. It is common to find albino axolotls, among the diversity of colors that these amphibians can present: black, brown or with spots.

Curiosities of the axolotl - Albinism in axolotls
Curiosities of the axolotl - Albinism in axolotls

Axolotls have lungs, but they don't use them to breathe

Axolotls' habitat is water, so despite having developed lungs, they do not use them to breathe, but instead obtain oxygen from the water through of gills and skin.

They have skin structures that allow them to absorb oxygen from the water, therefore, the lungs only fulfill a structural function, since although they are developed, their alveoli do not carry out the activity that corresponds to them.

Curiosities of the axolotl - Axolotls have lungs, but they do not use them to breathe
Curiosities of the axolotl - Axolotls have lungs, but they do not use them to breathe

The axolotl, a powerful predator

The axolotl has some strong teeth and jaw that allow it to grab and tear its prey to pieces, its diet is mainly carnivorous and includes molluscs, small fish, larvae, crustaceans and insects.

The phenomenon of cannibalism animal can also be observed in this species, since the axolotls that have smaller dimensions than normal they are eaten by other larger axolotls.

Curiosities of the axolotl - The axolotl, a powerful predator
Curiosities of the axolotl - The axolotl, a powerful predator

The axolotl, an amphibian that does well in captivity

The life expectancy of the axolotl ranges between 10 and 12 years, however, when it is bred in captivity it can live up to 15 yearsand even more.

Also, keeping it in captivity is relatively easy and one of the main advantages is that it only needs to be fed every 2 or 3 days.

Curiosities of the axolotl - The axolotl, an amphibian that suits captivity well
Curiosities of the axolotl - The axolotl, an amphibian that suits captivity well

Endangered specie

Unfortunately, despite the peculiar characteristics of the axolotl, which make this animal another attraction in Mexico, the species known as the axolotl (Ambystoma Mexicanum and Ambystoma Bombypellum) are in danger of extinction.

The reasons are diverse, although among them we can highlight the pollution of the lake's waters and that this amphibian is considered a delicious delicacy edible.

If you are very interested in adopting an axolotl as a pet, we recommend that you properly inform yourself of the origin of the animal through an approved captive breeding certificate. If not, you may be promoting animal trafficking. Help protect the planet with your actions!

Curiosities of the axolotl - Species in danger of extinction
Curiosities of the axolotl - Species in danger of extinction

Do you want to know more about amphibians?

On our site we are passionate about all kinds of animals including amphibians, so don't hesitate to inform yourself about frogs such as the tree frog frog, the blue arrow frog, or the red-eyed frog.

Don't hesitate to tell us if you have any questions about the axolotl, want to share a photograph of yours or curiosities that we don't know about.
