Pharaoh's Dog - Origin, characteristics, character and care

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Pharaoh's Dog - Origin, characteristics, character and care
Pharaoh's Dog - Origin, characteristics, character and care
Pharaoh Hound
Pharaoh Hound

The pharaoh's dog or pharaonic hound is a medium-sized, short-haired breed of dog that stands out for its elegant and athletic bearing. It is a hunting dog originating from the island of M alta. In fact, it is now considered the M altese National Breed. Although it is not one of the most widespread breeds, this sighthound is an excellent companion dog, noted for its nobility and fidelity.

Origin of Pharaoh's Hound

The pharaoh's dog or pharaonic hound is originally from the island of M alta, in the Mediterranean, where it was used since its inception to hunt rabbits. However, it is believed that it was the Phoenician sailors who brought these dogs with them to Egypt, where the breed took its current name.

The pharaoh's dog was worshipped by the pharaohs of the Egyptian dynasties, who treated him for a long time as a divine being. In fact, many artistic manifestations of Ancient Egypt (paintings, hieroglyphics, literature, etc.) made reference to this race. The data obtained from this cultural legacy revealed that the pharaoh's dog was one of the first breeds to be domesticated during the origins of the great civilizations. Hence, the FCI (International Cynological Federation) classifies it within the group of "primitive dogs".

Already in the 20th century, this breed reached England, where it began to gain increasing popularity. Finally, it was imported to the United States, where the American Pharaoh Hound Club was founded in 1970.

Characteristics of the Pharaoh Hound

The Pharaoh Hound is a medium-sized breed with short hair, with an elegant appearance and well-defined lines. It is a hunting dog, which not only uses its sense of smell and sight to hunt, but also its acute sense of hearing when working near its prey. The FCI includes this breed in group 5, which includes "Spitz-type and primitive type dogs" and, specifically, it is included in section 6 "primitive type". Some of the characteristics of the pharaoh hound are:

  • Same size in both sexes: males are usually about 56 cm tall, weighing 21-26 kg. For their part, females usually reach 53 cm on average, and a weight of 20-25 kg.
  • High and thin.
  • Triangular head: with hardly any stop, in which the amber-colored eyes and the flesh-colored nose or nose stand out (similar to to coat color).
  • High-set ears: always stand erect when the dog is alert; they are wide at the base, thin and long.
  • Long, slender, slightly arched neck: ends in a deep chest with well sprung ribs.
  • Strong and long limbs.
  • Midset tail: it is quite thick at its base and gets thinner towards the tip. At rest, the tail is held below the hock, but when the dog is active, it is carried high and curved.

Pharaoh Hound Colors

The pharaoh's dog's coat is reddish brown, more or less dark depending on the specimen. The white markings may appear on the chest (called a “star”), on the central line of the face, on the tip of the tail and on the fingers.

Pharaoh Hound Character

The Pharaoh's Hound is a friendly dog, Affectionate and playful It is a dog that is very loyal to the family, although time is quite independent. Like the rest of the podencos, he stands out for his alert, lively and enthusiastic characterThey are very intelligent dogs that learn very quickly and easily. As a negative point, we could say that they are quite barking dogs Therefore, proper education from an early age is important to avoid this type of undesirable behavior in later stages.

Pharaoh Hound Care

In this section, we compile the main aspects that must be taken into account in the care of the Pharaoh Hound.

  • Exercise: If you are considering adopting a Pharaoh Hound, you should know that they are an active, high-energy breed that requires a regular exercise routine to stay physically and mentally he althy. As a general rule, you need to do daily 1 or 2 hours ofphysical exercise. Although they are dogs that can adapt to life in an apartment, it is preferable that they have a large space where they can move freely.
  • Nutrition: Pharaoh Hounds should have a balanced diet, according to their age and activity level. Regardless of whether a commercial feed or a homemade ration is provided, it is important that the feed has a high nutritional quality. As with most dogs, it is advisable to divide the daily ration into two feedings In addition, they should always have clean, fresh water freely available.
  • Grooming: as it is a short-haired breed, it will suffice to do a daily brushing light or a more intense weekly brushing, complemented by routine baths. In addition, special attention should be paid to ear hygieneTeeth should be cleaned regularly using dog-specific toothbrushes.

Pharaoh Hound Education

Pharaoh's Hound is a smart dog. His alert and enthusiastic nature makes him learn quickly and enjoy obeying the ordersand guidelines set by his tutors

However, although they are well-trained and obedient dogs, it is common that when they are in an open area and without a leash, they are reluctant to come to the call of their handlers. In addition, we must not forget that, although they are not always used as hunting dogs, their hunting instinct is still present In fact, their prey instinct is high and, when spot potential prey, they resolutely take advantage of their opportunity to hunt For these reasons, it is highly recommended to always use the leash in unfenced spaces. In addition, it is important that from a young age they become familiar with other pets, especially the smaller ones, since, otherwise, they could come to consider them as prey.

Pharaoh Hound He alth

According to the American Pharaoh Hound Club, some of the pathologies that can most frequently affect this breed are:

  • Elbow dysplasia
  • Patella dislocation
  • Ocular disorders

In addition, it seems that this breed has a greater predisposition to breast tumors, hemangiosarcomas and mast cell tumors. However, the incidence may be more related to the age of the animal than to the breed itself.

Where to adopt a pharaoh hound

If you are thinking of including a Pharaoh Hound in the family, we recommend that you look for animal protection associations near your place of residence. home. In this way, you will be able to go to the place and personally meet the dogs that are waiting for reception. Another option that may be useful to you is to consult directly with associations specializing in the rescue of breeds of podencos or greyhounds.

Pharaoh Hound Photos
