The Bengal cat or Bengali is a hybrid that is born between the crossing of a domestic cat and a leopard cat (Asian feline that still is found in the wild), for this reason many people today wonder if the Bengal cat is a wild cat. The proper name of "Bengal cat" is born as a consequence of the name of the wild relative also sometimes called Bengal cat. The breeding of this cat has been carried out since 1963 in the United States of America with the help of human intervention.
If you are looking for a Bengal cat for adoption and you have doubts about its character, size or he alth, you have come to the right place, in this cat breeds file on our site we will explain everything you need know about the Bengal or Bengal cat:
Characteristics of the Bengal or Bengal cat
The Bengal cat shows a strong and robust structure thus making way for a cat of large size Do you wonder what a cat usually looks like? size bengali cat? In the case of males it is usually more pronounced, since sometimes they reach 8 or 9 kilograms, while females usually weigh about 3.5 kilograms. It is indeed a cat that can reach a large size.
It has a wide and rounded head that, together with a strong and powerful jaw, give it a pretty face. The large, almond-shaped eyes are greenish-yellow which, together with the short, pointed ears, have just given it the fierce aspect that breeders are looking for. The body of the Bengal cat is strong and shows raised hindquarters.
The coat is short, soft and thick. The only coat pattern followed by the Bengal cat is the breed's own tabby, although this can change shades and shows a small variety that includes: ivory colors, cream, yellow, gold and orange.
Bengal or Bengal cat character
The Bengal cat stands out for its well-known hyperactivity and curiosity It is an insatiable cat that likes to play and surround itself with people who pay attention to it. In general, we talk about a affectionate and close race with whom he lives and follows around the home. It is a cat that will interact correctly with other pets in the house such as other cats, dogs and even ferrets. Being so intelligent, they will spend long hours inspecting any detail they find intriguing. He is a fun and sociable cat.
Can you ensure that a Bengal cat has a definite character? Not at all, we must remember that each individual is unique and that his personality will be marked mainly by the genetics, by the experiences experiencedand by the process of their socialization stage. For this reason, if you have a puppy Bengal cat, do not hesitate to get properly informed about this stage and everything it needs to experience.
Bengal or Bengal cat care
The care a Bengal cat should receive is quite simple. We must pay special attention to brushing the cat, especially during the shedding period, to ensure that we remove all dirt and dead hair, which can cause an intestinal obstruction if ingested, as they tend to form hairballs in cats. The use of m alt for cats or depositing a small teaspoon of olive oil in their food are ways to prevent it. On the other hand, remember that cats should not bathe, as they clean themselves However, if your cat is a puppy and is in the period of socialization you still have time to get him used to the bathroom.
To ensure that the cat sharpens its nails properly without using our furniture, we will teach it how to use a scratching post and we will provide it with several models, to discover which one it likes the most. We will also dedicate at least half an hour a day to games and we will offer various toys, especially those that are stimulating or intelligence.
The diet of the Bengal cat will directly influence a he althy coat and a positive state of he alth, which is why it is so important to look for a high quality food that can meet its nutritional needs. You can supplement its diet with pâtés and wet food, as well as occasionally preparing homemade recipes for cats.
Bengal Cat He alth
To ensure the good he alth of our Bengal cat, we will strictly follow the cat's vaccination schedule, even if it does not have access to the outside. Remember that we ourselves, through shoes or clothing, can be carriers of viruses and bacteria. Likewise, we will also follow the deworming calendar using the best products to deworm cats. Don't forget to Go to your veterinarian every 6 or 12 months to carry out a general check-up to help ensure the good he alth of your feline and to alert you to any pathology that has gone unnoticed.
The most common diseases of the Bengal cat are:
- Pateral dislocation
- Cerebral histoplasia
- Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
- Allergy
- Progressive Retinal Atrophy
Finally, note that the life expectancy of the Bengal cat ranges between 13 and 16 years.