Manx cat: characteristics and photos

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Manx cat: characteristics and photos
Manx cat: characteristics and photos
Manx cat
Manx cat

The manx cat is one of the most peculiar due to its tail and general physical appearance. With a tender look and fluffy coat, this feline breed has won the hearts of many people due to its balanced and affectionate character. However, to make the animal happy, it is necessary to know all the characteristics of the Manx cat, its basic care, its temperament and possible he alth problems. For this reason, in this article on our site, we share everything you need to know about the Manx cat if you are considering living with one or have already adopted one.

Origin of the manx cat

The Manx cat is native to the Isle of Man, which lies between Ireland and Great Britain. Its name is shared with the natives of the island, since "manx" means "Manese", that is, the name for the locals of the island, and it is one of the most popular breeds worldwide.

There are various legends about the cause of its absence of tail. One of them tells that when Noah closed the doors of his famous ark, he caught the tail of a cat that had been late hunting a mouse to entertain Noah, becoming the first Manx cat. Others allege that the queue was lost because a motorcycle ran over it, which is explained by the high number of motorcycles that circulate on the island. And even a different one says that this breed comes from a cross between a cat and a rabbit.

Apart from the myths and legends surrounding the origin of the Manx cat, the reason for the existence of these cats is believed to be in the old Spanish galleonsthat they always had cats on board to catch the mice. It is believed that these came to the Isle of Man and underwent the natural mutation there, which they transferred to the following generations.

Physical Characteristics of the Manx Cat

One of the most peculiar physical characteristics of the Manx cat is its tail. Although traditionally it has been a cat whose tail is absent, currently and since the length and presence or not of it varies from one specimen to another, five types of cats can be distinguished manx according to the tail they have:

  • Rumpy: in these felines the tail is completely absent, presenting a hole at the end of the vertebral column.
  • Rumpy riser: in this case what can be taken for a sign of a tail is actually an elongation of the sacrum that is tilt up.
  • Stumpy: this is the presence of a vestigial tail, no longer than 3 cm, whose shape is usually not uniform and being able to vary the length between different specimens.
  • Longy: it would be a normal tail, although shorter than in other breeds.
  • Tailed: in this case the tail would be of a standard length.

Although these types of tails exist, all of them within the standards of the breed, only the first three would be accepted to participate in competitions.

Continuing with the physical characteristics of the Manx cat, the height of its rear limbs is greater than that of the front ones, so that the hind legs appear slightly longer than the front ones. Its fur is double, which will make it look fluffy and at the same time serve as insulation against weather conditions. The color of the coat can cover the entire possible spectrum, with all colors and coat patterns being accepted. There is a long-haired variety called cymric.

It is a medium breed with a round, wide and large head, a muscular, strong, robust and round body, small ears and slightly pointed, long nose and round eyes. In this way, the face of the Manx cat is not sharp like that of a common European cat, it is more in the style of English cats such as the British Shorthair, since cats from England tend to have a wider face.

Finally, and as we have been able to verify in the Manx varieties, it is worth noting the genetic mutation that this cat has in spinal column. A completely natural mutation that occurs when the tail gene, instead of being totally dominant, is due to a recessive allele that does not develop the tail in its entirety and a cat with these characteristics is obtained.

manx cat character

These felines tend to have quite a marked character, despite this they are very sociable, both with people and with other animals, they are very intelligent and affectionate, especially when they have been raised at home from puppies, always looking for their guardians to play and receive cuddles. When they are raised in more rural areas, living outdoors, they have great skills such as rodent hunters, a fact that makes it a great choice as a cat both for those who live in the countryside as well as for families who live in urban areas, since it adapts perfectly to life in an apartment.

Manx cat care

Manx cat care is simple, it boils down to being attentive during the development of the puppies, since the first few days will be vital when it comes to detecting possible he alth problems specific to the breed. Removing that, they are strong specimens that enjoy good general he alth. Likewise, it is during these first months of life that we must work on the socialization of the kitten so that it learns to relate to all kinds of people, animals and environments.

Because his coat is short, it will be enough to brush him once a week to avoid uncomfortable hairballs. Stripping is not necessary in these cats and bathing should be done only when strictly necessary. On the other hand, as in any other breed, we have to check the eyes, ears and mouth of our Manx cat periodically. In addition, it is strongly recommended to follow the vaccination schedule established by the veterinarian.

Now then, since it is an intelligent animal with a great hunting instinct, it is very important to pay attention to environmental enrichment and spend time conducting game sessions that precisely simulate this hunt. For this, it is vital not to use your hands, since they could quickly adopt this behavior as usual and start biting them without warning; a suitable toy should always be used. Thus, given the lack of land to run, we have to make him exercise at home and have scratching posts with different levels.

Manx cat he alth

The peculiarities of the Manx cat breed are due to its particular genetic mutation, which alters the shape of the kitten's spine, as we have been able to verify. That is why special attention must be paid to Manx felines during their development, since they could present malformations in their spinal column This type of malformations can lead to disorders as notable as spina bifida or hydrocephalus, with symptoms such as seizures, in addition to affecting various organs. Those affected by these malformations are classified within a disease called "Isle Man syndrome". Because of this, the veterinary checkups should be quite frequent during our puppy's growth.

To prevent consanguinity from causing more problems to be born due to their genetics, it is advisable to cross these cats with those of breeds with long or normal tails.

Manx Cat Pictures
